vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

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local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("Detox")

L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {

        -- menu/options
        ["Clean group"] = "淨化團隊",
        ["Will attempt to clean a player in your raid/party."] = "嘗試淨化隊伍/團隊中的玩家",
        ["Play sound if unit needs decursing"] = "當範圍內出現需要淨化的單位時發出聲音提示",
        ["Show detoxing in scrolling combat frame"] = "用SCT方式顯示淨化訊息",
        ["This will use SCT5 when available, otherwise Blizzards Floating Combat Text."] = "需要SCT5(ACE2)或開啟遊戲內建的浮動戰鬥文字功能",
        ["Seconds to blacklist"] = "加入黑名單的時間",
        ["Units that are out of Line of Sight will be blacklisted for the set duration."] = "自一個單位不能被淨化起,在設定的時間內該單位將會被忽略",
        ["Max debuffs shown"] = "減益狀態顯示數量",
        ["Defines the max number of debuffs to display in the live list."] = "設定在即時面板上顯示減益狀態的最多單位數量",
        ["Update speed"] = "減益狀態的更新速度",
        ["Defines the speed the live list is updated, in seconds."] = "設定即時列表更新速度(單位:秒)",
        ["Detaches the live list from the Detox icon."] = "在螢幕上面顯示減益狀態即時列表.",
        ["Show live list"] = "顯示即時列表",
        ["Options for the live list."] =  "設定即時列表",
        ["Live list"] = "即時列表", 

        -- Filtering
        ["Filter"] = "過濾器",
        ["Options for filtering various debuffs and conditions."] = "設定各種不同的減益狀態與條件",
        ["Debuff"] = "減益狀態",
        ["Filter by debuff and class."] = "設定按照職業與減益狀態進行過濾",
        ["Classes to filter for: %s."] = "過濾受到 %s 影響的職業",
        ["Toggle filtering %s on %s."] = "過濾受到 %s 影響的%s",
        ["Adds a new debuff to the class submenus."] = "加入一個新的減益狀態到類別子選單中",
        ["Add"] = "加入",
        ["Removes a debuff from the class submenus."] = "從類別子選單中移除一個減益狀態",
        ["Remove %s from the class submenus."] = "從類別子選單中移除 %s",
        ["Remove"] = "移除",
        ["<debuff name>"] = "<減益狀態名字>",
        ["Filter stealthed units"] = "過濾潛行單位",
        ["It is recommended not to cure stealthed units."] = "推薦開啟這個選項以忽略潛行單位",
        ["Filter Abolished units"] = "過濾忽略單位",
        ["Skip units that have an active Abolish buff."] = "忽略一個含有指定狀態的單位(如強效昏睡)",
        ["Filter pets"] = "過濾寵物",
        ["Pets are also your friends."] = "寵物也是友方單位",
        ["Filter by type"] = "按類型過濾",
        ["Only show debuffs you can cure."] = "只顯示你能夠淨化的減益狀態",
        ["Filter by range"] = "範圍過濾",
        ["Only show units in range."] = "只顯示你施法範圍內的單位",

        -- Priority list
        ["Priority"] = "優先設定",
        ["These units will be priorized when curing."] = "優先淨化勾選的單位",
        ["Show priorities"] = "顯示優先列表",
        ["Displays who is prioritized in the live list."] = "在即時列表顯示優先單位",
        ["Priorities"] = "優先",
        ["Can't add/remove current target to priority list, it doesn't exist."] = "不能從優先列表中添加/移除目前的目標,目標不存在。",
        ["Can't add/remove current target to priority list, it's not in your raid."] =  "不能從優先列表中添加/移除目前的目標,因為他不在你的團隊中。",
        ["%s was added to the priority list."] = "%s 已被加入優先列表.",
        ["%s has been removed from the priority list."] = "%s 已從優先列表中移除.",
        ["Nothing"] = "沒有效果",
        ["Prioritize %s."] = "優先 %s",
        ["Every %s"] = "所有 %s",
        ["Prioritize every %s."] = "優先所有 %s",
        ["Groups"] = "小隊",
        ["Prioritize by group."] = "按照小隊優先",
        ["Group %s"] = "小隊 %s",
        ["Prioritize group %s."] = "優先小隊 %s",
        ["Class %s"] = "%s 職業",

        -- bindings
        ["Clean group"] = "淨化隊伍",
        ["Toggle target priority"] = "設定目標優先",
        ["Toggle target class priority"] = "設定目標職業優先",
        ["Toggle target group priority"] = "設定目標小隊優先",

        -- spells and potions
        ["Dreamless Sleep"]     = "無夢睡眠",
        ["Greater Dreamless Sleep"]     = "強效昏睡",
        ["Ancient Hysteria"]    = "上古狂亂",
        ["Ignite Mana"] = "點燃法力",
        ["Tainted Mind"]        = "污濁之魂",
        ["Magma Shackles"]      = "熔岩鐐銬",
        ["Cripple"] = "殘廢術",
        ["Frost Trap Aura"] = "冰霜陷阱光環",
        ["Dust Cloud"] = "灰塵之雲",
        ["Widow's Embrace"] = "黑女巫的擁抱",
        ["Curse of Tongues"] = "語言詛咒",
        ["Sonic Burst"] = "音爆",
        ["Thunderclap"] = "雷霆一擊",
        ["Delusions of Jin'do"] = "金度的欺騙",

        ["Magic"]       = "魔法",
        ["Charm"]       = "誘惑",
        ["Curse"]       = "詛咒",
        ["Poison"]      = "中毒",
        ["Disease"]     = "疾病",
        ["Cleaned %s"] = "已淨化 %s",
        ["Rank (%d+)"] = "等級 (%d+)"
} end)