vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
 Decursive (v 1.9.7) add-on for World of Warcraft UI
 Copyright (C) 2005 Archarodim ( )
 This is the continued work of the original Decursive (v1.9.4) by Quu
 Decursive 1.9.4 is in public domain ( )
        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
        modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
        as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
        of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        GNU General Public License for more details.
        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
        Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

-- French localization {{{
if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
    --start added in Rc4
    DCR_ALLIANCE_NAME = 'Alliance';

    DCR_LOC_CLASS_DRUID   = 'Druide';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_HUNTER  = 'Chasseur';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_MAGE    = 'Mage';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_PALADIN = 'Paladin';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_PRIEST  = 'Prêtre';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_ROGUE   = 'Voleur';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_SHAMAN  = 'Shaman';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_WARLOCK = 'Démoniste';
    DCR_LOC_CLASS_WARRIOR = 'Guerrier';

    DCR_STR_OTHER           = 'Autre';
    DCR_STR_ANCHOR          = 'Ancre';
    DCR_STR_OPTIONS         = 'Options de Decursive';
    DCR_STR_CLOSE           = 'Fermer';
    DCR_STR_ASSISTANT       = 'Assistant';
    DCR_STR_DCR_PRIO        = 'Priorités de Decursive';
    DCR_STR_DCR_SKIP        = 'Exlusions de Decursive';
    DCR_STR_QUICK_POP       = 'Remplir rapidememt';
    DCR_STR_POP             = 'Remplir la liste';
    DCR_STR_GROUP           = 'Groupe ';

    DCR_STR_NOMANA          = 'Pas assez de mana!';
    DCR_STR_UNUSABLE        = 'Impossible de guérir maintenant !';
    DCR_STR_NEED_CURE_ACTION_IN_BARS = "Decursive n'a put trouver aucun sort de guérison dans vos barres d'actions. Il en a besoin pour tester le mana...";

    DCR_UP                  = 'H.';
    DCR_DOWN                = 'BAS';

    DCR_PRIORITY_SHOW       = 'P';
    DCR_POPULATE            = 'R';
    DCR_SKIP_SHOW           = 'S';
    DCR_ANCHOR_SHOW         = 'A';
    DCR_OPTION_SHOW         = 'O';
    DCR_CLEAR_PRIO          = 'E';
    DCR_CLEAR_SKIP          = 'E';

    --end added in Rc4
    DCR_DISEASE = 'Maladie';
    DCR_MAGIC   = 'Magie';
    DCR_POISON  = 'Poison';
    DCR_CURSE   = 'Malédiction';
    DCR_CHARMED = 'Contrôle mentale';

    DCR_PET_FELHUNTER = "Chasseur corrompu";
    DCR_PET_DOOMGUARD = "Garde funeste";
    DCR_PET_FEL_CAST  = "Dévorer la magie";
    DCR_PET_DOOM_CAST = "Dissipation de la magie";

    DCR_SPELL_CURE_DISEASE        = 'Guérison des maladies';
    DCR_SPELL_ABOLISH_DISEASE     = 'Abolir maladie';
    DCR_SPELL_PURIFY              = 'Purification';
    DCR_SPELL_CLEANSE             = 'Epuration';
    DCR_SPELL_DISPELL_MAGIC       = 'Dissipation de la magie';
    DCR_SPELL_CURE_POISON         = 'Guérison du poison';
    DCR_SPELL_ABOLISH_POISON      = 'Abolir le poison';
    DCR_SPELL_REMOVE_LESSER_CURSE = 'Délivrance de la malédiction mineure';
    DCR_SPELL_REMOVE_CURSE        = 'Délivrance de la malédiction';
    DCR_SPELL_PURGE               = 'Expiation';
    DCR_SPELL_RANK_1              = 'Rang 1';
    DCR_SPELL_RANK_2              = 'Rang 2';

    BINDING_NAME_DCRCLEAN               = "Guérison (DoT, Poisons et Malédictions)";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRSHOW                = "Afficher\\Cacher la Liste";

    BINDING_NAME_DCRPRADD               = "Ajouter la Cible à la Liste des Priorités";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRPRCLEAR             = "Effacer la Liste des Priorités";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRPRLIST              = "Afficher la Liste des Priorités";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRPRSHOW              = "Fermer la Liste des Priorités";

    BINDING_NAME_DCRSKADD               = "Ajouter la Cible à la Liste des Exceptions";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRSKCLEAR             = "Effacer la Liste des Exceptions";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRSKLIST              = "Afficher la Liste des Exceptions";
    BINDING_NAME_DCRSKSHOW              = "Fermer la Liste des Exceptions";

    DCR_PRIORITY_LIST           = "Liste des Priorités";
    DCR_SKIP_LIST_STR           = "Liste des Exceptions";
    DCR_SKIP_OPT_STR            = "Options de Decursive";
    DCR_POPULATE_LIST           = "Liste des Groupes";
    DCR_RREMOVE_ID                      = "Effacer ce Personnage";
    DCR_HIDE_MAIN                       = "Fermer Decursive";
    DCR_RESHOW_MSG                      = "Pour afficher la Liste de Decursive, tapez /dcrshow.";
    DCR_SHOW_MSG                        = "Pour afficher la fenêtre de Decursive, tapez /dcrshow.";
    DCR_IS_HERE_MSG                     = "Decursive est initialisé, rappelez-vous de vérifier les options disponibles";

    DCR_PRINT_CHATFRAME         = "Afficher dans le Canal par Défaut";
    DCR_PRINT_CUSTOM            = "Afficher dans la Fenêtre";
    DCR_PRINT_ERRORS            = "Afficher les Messages d'Erreurs";
    DCR_AMOUNT_AFFLIC           = "Nombre de Personnages à Afficher : ";
    DCR_BLACK_LENGTH            = "Délais (Secs) sur la Blacklist : ";
    DCR_SCAN_LENGTH             = "Délais (Secs) entre les Scans : ";
    DCR_ABOLISH_CHECK           = "Voir si \"Abolir\" sur la cible avant de Guérir"; -- XXX
    DCR_BEST_SPELL              = "Utiliser le Sort de Plus Haut Rang";
    DCR_RANDOM_ORDER            = "Guérir Aléatoirement";
    DCR_CURE_PETS               = "Vérifier et Guérir les Pets";
    DCR_IGNORE_STEALTH          = "Ignorer les Unités camouflées";
    DCR_PLAY_SOUND              = "Jouer un son si vous devez guérir quelqu'un";
    DCR_ANCHOR                  = "Ancre du Texte";
    DCR_CHECK_RANGE             = "Tester si la cible est à portée";
    DCR_DONOT_BL_PRIO           = "Ne pas blaclister les gens prioritaires";

    -- $s is spell name
    -- $a is affliction name/type
    -- $t is target name
    DCR_DISPELL_ENEMY           = "Lance '$s' sur $t";
    DCR_NOT_CLEANED                     = "Rien à nettoyer !";
    -- DCR_CLEAN_STRING         = "Lance $s sur $t (dissipation de $a)";
    DCR_CLEAN_STRING            = "Dissipation de \"$a\" sur $t";
    DCR_SPELL_FOUND                     = "$t trouvé.";
    DCR_NO_SPELLS                       = "Aucun sort trouvé...";
    DCR_NO_SPELLS_RDY           = "Aucun sort prêt à utiliser !";
    DCR_OUT_OF_RANGE            = "$t est hors de portée et Devrait être soigné contre $a !";
    DCR_IGNORE_STRING           = "$a trouvé sur $t - $t ignoré.";

        ["Rôder"]              = true,
        ["Camouflage"]                  = true,
        ["Camouflage dans lÂ’ombre"] = true,

        ["Bannir"]      = true,
        ["Changement de phase"] = true,

        ["Sommeil sans rêve"] = true,
        ["Sommeil sans rêve supérieur"] = true,
        ["Vision Télépathique"] = true,

        [DCR_CLASS_WARRIOR] = {
            ["Hystérie ancienne"] = true,
            ["Enflammer le mana"] = true,
            ["Esprit corrompu"] = true,
        [DCR_CLASS_ROGUE] = {
            ["Silence"] = true;
            ["Hystérie ancienne"] = true,
            ["Enflammer le mana"] = true,
            ["Esprit corrompu"] = true,
        [DCR_CLASS_HUNTER] = {
            ["Entraves de magma"] = true,
        [DCR_CLASS_MAGE] = {
            ["Entraves de magma"] = true,

    -- for cut and paste ease
    -- }}}