vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- localization strings for DeShift

humanoid_form = "Humanoid Form" --Seems to be the same for all localisations

Wantspeak = "speak"
Wantstandup = "You must be standing to do that" --stands up for you if you want to make an action you must not sit for
Wanttarget = "You have no target" -- tries to target nearest enemy
WantBearSkillOne = "Must be in Bear Form"
WantBearSkillTwo = "Not enough rage"
WantCatSkillOne = "Must be in Cat Form"
WantCatSkillTwo = "Not enough energy"
WantHumanoidSkill = "while shapeshifted"
WantHumanoidSkillTwo = "shapeshift form"

cat_form = "Cat Form"
bear_form = "Bear Form"
water_form = "Water Form"
travel_form = "Travel Form"

if(GetLocale() == "deDE") then 
        Wantspeak = "solange Eure Gestalt" --sprechen, items
        Wantstandup = "im Stehen" 
        Wanttarget = "Ihr habt kein Ziel"
        WantBearSkillOne = "Muss in Bärengestalt"
        WantBearSkillTwo = "Nicht genug Wut"
        WantCatSkillOne = "Muss in Katzengestalt"
        WantCatSkillTwo = "Nicht genug Energie"
        WantHumanoidSkill = "Eure Gestalt ist verwandelt" --zauber
        WantHumanoidSkillTwo = "Eure Gestalt ist verwandelt" -- post
        WantToLeaveShadowForm = "Das kann nicht benutzt werden in Formgestalt"
        cat_form = 'Katzengestalt' 
        bear_form = 'Bärengestalt' 
        water_form = 'Wassergestalt' 
        travel_form = 'Reisegestalt' 

if(GetLocale() == "frFR") then
        speak = "parle"
        cat_form = "Forme de f\195\169lin" 
        bear_form = "Forme d'ours"
        water_form = "Forme aquatique"
        travel_form = "Forme de voyage"