vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- Version : English (by Alex Brazie)
-- Last Update : 02/17/2005

-- UltimateUI Configuration
COMBATC_SEP                     = "Combat Caller";
COMBATC_SEP_INFO                = "These settings define when an automatic\n help voice command is executed.";
COMBATC_HEALTH                  = "Enable Auto Low Health Shout";
COMBATC_HEALTH_INFO             = "Automatically notifies your party\n when your health drops below a certain level.";
COMBATC_HEALTH_LIMIT            = "Health Limit";
COMBATC_MANA                    = "Enable Auto Out Of Mana Shout";
COMBATC_MANA_INFO               = "Automatically notifies your party\n when your mana drops to the specified level.";
COMBATC_MANA_LIMIT              = "Mana Limit";
COMBATC_COOL                    = "Auto Shout Cooldown";
COMBATC_COOL_INFO               = "Minimum number of seconds between shouts\nKept track of seperately for HP and mana.";
COMBATC_COOL_LIMIT              = "Cooldown";
COMBATC_COOL_SEC                = " sec";

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