vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
  This is a template for the plugin/module system for Clique.

  Plugins are typically used to tie Clique to a specific set of unit frames, but 
  can also be used to add functionality to the system through a manner of hooks.
  Plugins are registered with Clique with a shortname that is used for all slash
  commands.  In addition they are required to have a fullname parameter that is
  used in all display messages

-- Create a new plugin for Clique, with the shortname "test"
local Plugin = Clique:NewModule("blizzuf")
Plugin.fullname = "Blizzard Unit Frames"

local frames = {
        ["PlayerFrame"]              = "player",
        ["PetFrame"]                  = "pet",
        ["TargetFrame"]             = "target",
        ["TargetofTargetFrame"]     = "targettarget",
        ["PartyMemberFrame1"]         = "party1",
        ["PartyMemberFrame2"]         = "party2",
        ["PartyMemberFrame3"]         = "party3",
        ["PartyMemberFrame4"]         = "party4",
        ["PartyMemberFrame1PetFrame"] = "party1",
        ["PartyMemberFrame2PetFrame"] = "party2",
        ["PartyMemberFrame3PetFrame"] = "party3",
        ["PartyMemberFrame4PetFrame"] = "party4",

-- Plugin:OnEnable() is called if Plugin:Test() is true, and the mod hasn't been explicitly
-- disabled.  This is where you should handle all your hooks, etc.
function Plugin:OnEnable()
    for frame,unit in pairs(frames) do
        local button = getglobal(frame)
                button.unit = unit
        button:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up")
        self:HookScript(button, "OnClick")

function Plugin:OnClick()
    local button = arg1
    local unit = this.unit
    if not Clique:OnClick(button, unit) then

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