vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
        ChatCast 1.41 triggers, originally derived from WhisperCast. 
        Last updated 4/3/06

CCClassl,CCClass = UnitClass("player");
_,CCRace = UnitRace("player");

CCLocale = {}


CCLocale.UI = {
        rank = "(Rank %d)", --Spell rank

        text = {
                --Options list
                loaded = "%s loaded, click link or type /chatcast, /cc for options.",
                options_on = "[ON|off]",
                options_off = "[on|OFF]",
                options_list = "%s options list:",
                options_color = "  \"/cc color [reset]\" to set link color.",
                options_brackets = "  \"/cc brackets %s\" to toggle brackets around links.",
                options_sound = "  \"/cc sound %s\" to toggle link click sounds.",
                options_feedback = "  \"/cc feedback %s\" to toggle link casting feedback text.",
                options_invites = "  \"/cc invites %s\" to toggle creation of 'invite' links.",
                options_autosend = "  \"/cc autosend %s\" to send LFM link whispers automatically or bring up an editbox.",
                options_LFM = "  \"/cc lfm <message>\" to set your whisper message when clicking an LFM link.  Use $c for your class and $l for your level.  Current message: \"%s\"",
                options_lastlink = "  \"/cc lastlink\" to change Last Link keybinding between buffs only and all links.",
                options_hitsmode = "  \"/cc hitsmode %s\" to toggle HitsMode parsing.",

                --Slash commands
                slash_color = "^color",
                slash_brackets = "^brackets",
                slash_sound = "^sound",
                slash_feedback = "^feedback",
                slash_invites = "^invites",
                slash_arg_on = "on",
                slash_arg_off = "off",
                slash_arg_reset = "reset",
                slash_arg_reset2 = "default",
                slash_lfm = "^autosend",
                slash_lfmtext = "^lfm",
                slash_lastlink = "^lastlink",
                slash_hitsmode = "^hitsmode",

                --Options changed messages
                invites_on = "%s will now link invites.",
                invites_off = "%s no longer linking invites.",
                feedback_on = "%s feedback on.",
                feedback_off = "%s feedback off.",
                brackets_on = "%s brackets on.",
                brackets_off = "%s brackets off.",
                sound_on = "%s sound on.",
                sound_off = "%s sound off.",
                color_current = "%s color currently %s",
                color_reset = "%s color reset to %s",
                color_changed = "%s color is now %s",
                LFM_set = "%s LFM send text set to \"%s\"",
                LFMalt_on = "%s LFM will bring up chat edit box for your whisper.",
                LFMalt_off = "%s LFM will send whisper automatically.",
                LFM_default = "$l $c lfg", -- Default whisper to send when clicking a 'LFM' link
                lastlink_on = "%s Last Link keybinding will only cast buffs.",
                lastlink_off = "%s Last Link keybinding will run the last link of any type.",
                hitsmode_on = "%s now parsing HitsMode combat messages.",
                hitsmode_off = "%s no longer parsing HitsMode combat messages.",

                --Tell prefix and Trade channel prefix to stop links from appearing in outgoing tells or the Trade channel
                tell_prefix = "To |Hplayer:", --Should match the format when you send a tell to someone, such as "To [Thrall]: you there?", note that only 'To' should be translated, the '|Hplayer:' is the beginning of a link for the player's name and shouldn't need to be changed.
                trade_channel = "%[%d%. Trade%]", --Should match the format for the trade channel prefix.  This matches [2. Trade]

                --Feedback messages.  I doubt anyone actually uses feedback =)
                fb_createfail = "Item creation failed, trade cancelled.",
                fb_creating = "Creating %s",
                fb_tradefail = "Could not trade with %s",
                fb_castfail = "Could not cast %s on %s: %s", --Spell name, target name, spell error message
                fb_casting = "Casting %s on %s", --Spell name, target name
                fb_targetfail = "Cannot target %s",
                fb_unknownspell = "You don't know that spell."


--[[ Notes about triggers for translating:
        '$w' is a capture value for 1 word that can be used as part of a trigger
        $w triggers have to come before any similar non-$w triggers or the link will have already been made and won't be rechecked
        [^%p] will match any non-punctuation character (this is to allow numbers, spaces and letters to match)
        a '-' means to match 0 or more times, so [^%p]- means 0 or more non-punctuation characters
        a '?' means the previous character is optional
        for example: "for [^%p]-invites?" would match "for an invite", "for invites"
        "invites?%??" would match 'invite', 'invites', 'invite?' and 'invites?' (this one is for matching "i need an invite" as well as "who has invites?")
        Hope this helps with making triggers, visit for information about capture patterns

--Hitsmode triggers.  Can't scan buffs/debuffs on enemies/non-party members to find out what type of spell happened, so using a list instead.
CCLocale.MAGIC_BUFFS =  { ".+ fortitude", ".+ of the wild", "power word: shield", "rejuvenation", "regeneration", "seal of .+", "blessing of .+", "arcane intellect", ".+ magic", "thorns", "innervate", "abolish .+", "ghost wolf", "water .+", "unending breath", "divine spirit", ".+ ward", "shadow protection", "mana shield", "frost barrier", "sacrifice", ".+ armor", "inner fire", "combustion", "arcane power", "elemental mastery", "lightning shield", "amplify .+", "barkskin", "free action" }
CCLocale.POISONS = { ".*poison.*", ".*sting.*", "blind", "brood affliction: green" }
CCLocale.DISEASES = { ".*plague.*", ".*rot.*", "brood affliction: red" }
CCLocale.MAGIC_DEBUFFS = { "blackout", "brood affliction: blue", "cause insanity", "chains of ice", "chilled", ".*concussive shot", "corruption", "drain life", "entangling roots", "entrapment", "faerie fire", "fear", "flame shock", "frost nova", "frostbite", "frostbolt", ".*polymorph", "hammer of justice", "hex&", "hibernate", "immolate", "mark of detonation", "moonfire", "screams of the past", "shadow word: pain", ".*silence.*", "sleep", "thunderclap" }
CCLocale.CURSES = { "ancient hysteria", "brood affliction: black", ".*curse.*", "discombobulate", "hex of weakness", "veil of shadow", "wracking pains" }

CCLocale.DoNotAllow = "please,this,that,again,when,anytime," --words not to allow for the $w capture, keep the trailing comma for functionality, automatically ignores words 3 characters or less
CCLocale.emote_mana = "%a+ announces that %a+ is low mana!"
CCLocale.emote_heal = "%a+ calls out for healing!"

--Priest Triggers
if CCClass == "PRIEST" then
CCLocale.PRIEST = {}
CCLocale.PRIEST.Power_Word_Fortitude = "Power Word: Fortitude"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Power_Word_Fortitude_trigger = { "fort", "single fort", "fortitude", "stam", "sta", "stamina", "buffs?" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Prayer_of_Fortitude = "Prayer of Fortitude"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Prayer_of_Fortitude_trigger = { "group fort", "group fortitude", "group stam", "group stamina" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Shadow_Protection = "Shadow Protection"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Shadow_Protection_trigger = { "shadow" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Divine_Spirit = "Divine Spirit"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Divine_Spirit_trigger = { "spirit", "wis", "ds" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Prayer_of_Spirit = "Prayer of Spirit"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Prayer_of_Spirit_trigger = { "group spirit", "group ds" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Power_Word_Shield = "Power Word: Shield"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Power_Word_Shield_trigger = { "shield" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Dispel_Magic = "Dispel Magic"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Dispel_Magic_trigger = { "dispel" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Dispel_Magic_gains = CCLocale.MAGIC_BUFFS
CCLocale.PRIEST.Dispel_Magic_afflicted = CCLocale.MAGIC_DEBUFFS
CCLocale.PRIEST.Abolish_Disease = "Abolish Disease"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Abolish_Disease_trigger = { "cure disease", "disease" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Abolish_Disease_afflicted = CCLocale.DISEASES
CCLocale.PRIEST.Cure_Disease = "Cure Disease"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Cure_Disease_trigger = { "cure disease", "disease" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Cure_Disease_afflicted = CCLocale.DISEASES
CCLocale.PRIEST.Resurrection = "Resurrection"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Resurrection_trigger = { "rez", "ress?" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Heal = "Flash Heal"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Heal_trigger = { "heal $w", "heals? on $w", "heal", "heals", CCLocale.emote_heal }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Fear_Ward = "Fear Ward"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Fear_Ward_trigger = { "fear", "ward" }
CCLocale.PRIEST.Silence = "Silence"
CCLocale.PRIEST.Silence_casting = { ".+" }

--Mage Triggers
elseif CCClass == "MAGE" then
CCLocale.MAGE = {}
CCLocale.MAGE.Arcane_Intellect = "Arcane Intellect"
CCLocale.MAGE.Arcane_Intellect_trigger = { "ai", "int", "buffs?" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Arcane_Brilliance = "Arcane Brilliance"
CCLocale.MAGE.Arcane_Brilliance_trigger = { "ab", "group ai", "group int", "brilliance" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Dampen_Magic = "Dampen Magic"
CCLocale.MAGE.Dampen_Magic_trigger = { "dampen" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Amplify_Magic = "Amplify Magic"
CCLocale.MAGE.Amplify_Magic_trigger = { "amplify" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Remove_Lesser_Curse = "Remove Lesser Curse"
CCLocale.MAGE.Remove_Lesser_Curse_trigger = { "curse" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Remove_Lesser_Curse_afflicted = CCLocale.CURSES
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Water = "ChatCast_InitiateTrade(\"$p\", \"_Water\", 10)" --do not localize
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Water_trigger = { "water" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Water_rankitem = { "Conjured Water", "Conjured Fresh Water", "Conjured Purified Water", "Conjured Spring Water", "Conjured Mineral Water", "Conjured Sparkling Water", "Conjured Crystal Water" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Water_spellname = "Conjure Water"
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Food = "ChatCast_InitiateTrade(\"$p\", \"_Food\", 10)" --do not localize
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Food_trigger = { "bread", "food" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Food_rankitem = { "Conjured Muffin", "Conjured Bread", "Conjured Rye", "Conjured Pumpernickel", "Conjured Sourdough", "Conjured Sweet Roll" }
CCLocale.MAGE.Conjure_Food_spellname = "Conjure Food"
CCLocale.MAGE.Counterspell = "Counterspell"
CCLocale.MAGE.Counterspell_casting = { ".+" }

--Druid Triggers
elseif CCClass == "DRUID" then
CCLocale.DRUID = {}
CCLocale.DRUID.Mark_of_the_Wild = "Mark of the Wild"
CCLocale.DRUID.Mark_of_the_Wild_trigger = { "motw", "mark", "buffs?" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Gift_of_the_Wild = "Gift of the Wild"
CCLocale.DRUID.Gift_of_the_Wild_trigger = { "gotw", "gift", "group mark" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Thorns = "Thorns"
CCLocale.DRUID.Thorns_trigger = { "thorns" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Remove_Curse = "Remove Curse"
CCLocale.DRUID.Remove_Curse_trigger = { "curse" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Remove_Curse_afflicted = CCLocale.CURSES
CCLocale.DRUID.Abolish_Poison = "Abolish Poison"
CCLocale.DRUID.Abolish_Poison_trigger = { "cure poison", "poison" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Abolish_Poison_afflicted = CCLocale.POISONS
CCLocale.DRUID.Cure_Poison = "Cure Poison"
CCLocale.DRUID.Cure_Poison_trigger = { "cure poison", "poison" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Cure_Poison_afflicted = CCLocale.POISONS
CCLocale.DRUID.Rebirth = "Rebirth"
CCLocale.DRUID.Rebirth_trigger = { "rez", "ress?" }
CCLocale.DRUID.Heal = "Regrowth"
CCLocale.DRUID.Heal_trigger = { "heal $w", "heals? on $w", "heal", "heals", CCLocale.emote_heal }
CCLocale.DRUID.Innervate = "Innervate"
CCLocale.DRUID.Innervate_trigger = { "innervate", "oom", CCLocale.emote_mana }
CCLocale.DRUID.Hibernate = "Hibernate"
CCLocale.DRUID.Hibernate_gains = { "Ghost Wolf", "Cat Form", "Bear Form", "Dire Bear Form", "Travel Form", "Aquatic Form" }

--Paladin Triggers
elseif CCClass == "PALADIN" then
CCLocale.PALADIN = {}
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Might = "Blessing of Might"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Might_trigger = { "might", "bom" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Wisdom = "Blessing of Wisdom"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Wisdom_trigger = { "wisdom", "wis", "bow" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Freedom = "Blessing of Freedom"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Freedom_trigger = { "freedom" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Light = "Blessing of Light"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Light_trigger = { "light", "bol" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Sacrifice = "Blessing of Sacrifice"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Sacrifice_trigger = { "sacrifice" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Kings = "Blessing of Kings"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Kings_trigger = { "kings", "king", "bok" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Salvation = "Blessing of Salvation"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Salvation_trigger = { "salvation", "bos" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Sanctuary = "Blessing of Sanctuary"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Sanctuary_trigger = { "sanctuary", "bosa", "bon" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Protection = "Blessing of Protection"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Blessing_of_Protection_trigger = { "protection" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Cleanse = "Cleanse"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Cleanse_trigger = { "cleanse", "dispel", "cure" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Cleanse_afflicted = CCLocale.MAGIC_DEBUFFS
CCLocale.PALADIN.Purify = "Purify"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Purify_trigger = { "purify", "poison", "disease" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Purify_afflicted = CCLocale.POISONS
CCLocale.PALADIN.Redemption = { "Redemption" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Redemption_trigger = { "rez", "ress?" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Heal = "Flash of Light"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Heal_trigger = { "heal $w", "heals? on $w","heal", "heals", CCLocale.emote_heal }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Might = "Greater Blessing of Might"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Might_trigger = { "gbom", "gmight" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Kings = "Greater Blessing of Kings"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Kings_trigger = { "gbok", "gkings", "gking" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Wisdom = "Greater Blessing of Wisdom"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Wisdom_trigger = { "gbow", "gwis", "gwisdom" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Light = "Greater Blessing of Light"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Light_trigger = { "gbol", "glight" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Salvation = "Greater Blessing of Salvation"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Salvation_trigger = { "gbos", "gsal", "gsalvation" }
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Sanctuary = "Greater Blessing of Sanctuary"
CCLocale.PALADIN.Greater_Blessing_of_Sanctuary_trigger = { "gbosa", "gsan", "gsanctuary", "gbon" }

--Shaman Triggers
elseif CCClass == "SHAMAN" then
CCLocale.SHAMAN = {}
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Cure_Poison = "Cure Poison"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Cure_Poison_trigger = { "cure poison", "poison" }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Cure_Poison_afflicted = CCLocale.POISONS
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Cure_Disease = "Cure Disease"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Cure_Disease_trigger = { "cure disease", "disease" }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Cure_Disease_afflicted = CCLocale.DISEASES
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Water_Breathing = "Water Breathing"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Water_Breathing_trigger = { "water%s?breath%a-" }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Ancestral_Spirit = "Ancestral Spirit"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Ancestral_Spirit_trigger = { "rez", "ress?" }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Heal = "Lesser Healing Wave"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Heal_trigger = { "heal $w", "heals? on $w", "heal", "heals", CCLocale.emote_heal }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Water_Walking = "Water Walking"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Water_Walking_trigger = { "water%s?walk%a-" }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Mana_Tide = "Mana Tide"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Mana_Tide_trigger = { "mana%s?tide", "oom", "tide", CCLocale.emote_mana }
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Purge = "Purge"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Purge_gains = CCLocale.MAGIC_BUFFS
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Earth_Shock = "Earth Shock"
CCLocale.SHAMAN.Earth_Shock_casting = { ".+" }

--Warlock Triggers
elseif CCClass == "WARLOCK" then
CCLocale.WARLOCK = {}
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Unending_Breath = "Unending Breath"
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Unending_Breath_trigger = { "water breath%a-" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Detect_Greater_Invisibility = "Detect Greater Invisibility"
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Detect_Greater_Invisibility_trigger = { "invis", "invisible" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Ritual_of_Summoning = "Ritual of Summoning"
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Ritual_of_Summoning_trigger = { "summon $w", "summon" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Healthstone = "ChatCast_InitiateTrade(\"$p\", \"_Healthstone\", 1)" --do not localize this line
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Healthstone_trigger = { "healthstone", "hs" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Healthstone_rankitem = { "Minor Healthstone", "Lesser Healthstone", "Healthstone", "Greater Healthstone", "Major Healthstone" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Healthstone_spellname = { "Create Healthstone (Minor)", "Create Healthstone (Lesser)", "Create Healthstone", "Create Healthstone (Greater)", "Create Healthstone (Major)" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Soulstone = "ChatCast_Soulstone(\"$p\")"
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Soulstone_trigger = { "soulstone", "ss" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Soulstone_rankitem = { "Minor Soulstone", "Lesser Soulstone", "Soulstone", "Greater Soulstone", "Major Soulstone" }
CCLocale.WARLOCK.Soulstone_spellname = { "Create Soulstone (Minor)", "Create Soulstone (Lesser)", "Create Soulstone", "Create Soulstone (Greater)", "Create Soulstone (Major)" }

--General Triggers
CCLocale.GENERAL = {}
CCLocale.GENERAL.AskInvite = "SendChatMessage(\"invite\", \"WHISPER\", nil, \"$p\")" --"invite" should be translated in this line
CCLocale.GENERAL.AskInvite_trigger = { "autos", "for [^%p]-invites?", "auto.-invites?", "tell [^%p]-invites?", "pst [^%p]-invites?", "msg [^%p]-invites?", "message [^%p]-invites?", "whisp[^%p]- invites?", "/w[^%p]- invites?", "[\"']invite[\"']" }
CCLocale.GENERAL.Invite_Target = "InviteByName(\"$w\")"
CCLocale.GENERAL.Invite_Target_trigger = { "invite $w" }
CCLocale.GENERAL.Invite = "InviteByName(\"$p\")"
CCLocale.GENERAL.Invite_trigger = { "invites?%??", "lfg", "has joined the battle", "inv" }
CCLocale.GENERAL.ChatCast = "ChatCast_Options()"
CCLocale.GENERAL.ChatCast_trigger = { "chatcast" }
CCLocale.GENERAL.PST = "ChatFrame_SendTell(\"$p\")"
CCLocale.GENERAL.PST_trigger = { "pst" }
CCLocale.GENERAL.LFM_alt = "ChatFrame_OpenChat(\"/w $p \" .. gsub(gsub(ChatCast.LFM,\"$l\", UnitLevel(\"player\")), \"$c\", CCClassl))"
CCLocale.GENERAL.LFM = "SendChatMessage(gsub(gsub(ChatCast.LFM,\"$l\", UnitLevel(\"player\")), \"$c\", CCClassl), \"WHISPER\", nil, \"$p\")"
CCLocale.GENERAL.LFM_trigger = { "lf%d?m" }
--CCLocale.GENERAL.Target = "ChatCast_Target(\"$p\", 1)" --exists for HitsMode functionality

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