vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("Buffalo")

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function()
    return {
        ["Lock"] = true,
        ["When activated, the buff frames are locked and the reference frames are hidden"] = true,
        ["Buffs"] = true,
        ["Scale"] = true,
        ["Scale Buff Icons"] = true,
        ["Rows"] = true,
        ["Number of Rows. Only applies when Growth Precedence is Vertical"] = true,
        ["Columns"] = "Columns",
        ["Number of Columns. Only applies when Growth Precedence is Horizontal"] = true,
        ["X-Padding"] = true,
        ["Distance between columns"] = true,
        ["Y-Padding"] = true,
        ["Distance between rows"] = true,
        ["Horizontal Direction"] = true,
        ["In which horizontal direction should the display grow?"] = true,
        ["To the left"] = true,
        ["To the right"]=true,
        ["Vertical Direction"] = true,
        ["In which vertical direction should the display grow?"] = true,
        ["Upwards"] = true,
                ["Downwards"] = true,
                ["Growth Precedence"] = true,
                ["In which direction should the display grow first (horizontally or vertically)?"] = true,
                ["Horizontally"] = true,
                ["Vertically"] = true,
------------------------------------------------------ 15:44
                ["Manipulate Buffs Display"] = true,
                ["Control the distance between rows/columns"] = true,
                ["Padding"] = true,
                ["Debuffs"] = true,
                ["Manipulate Debuffs Display"] = true,
                ["Scale Debuff Icons"] = true,
                ["Weapon Buffs"] = true,
                ["Manipulate Weapon Buffs Display"] = true,
                ["Reset"] = true,
                ["Hide"] = true,
                ["Hides these buff frames"] = true,
                ["Verbose Timers"] = true,
                ["Replaces the default time format for timers with HH:MM or MM:SS"] = true,
                ["Flashing"] = true,
                ["Toggle flashing on fading buffs"] = true,
                ["Timers"] = true,
                ["Customize buff timers"] = true,
                ["White Timers"] = true,
                ["Use white timers instead of yellow ones"] = true,
                ["config"] = true,
                ["Config"] = true,