vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("BuddySync")
L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function()
    return {
        ["BS_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_A"] = " ... seems to be no more on ",
        ["BS_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_B"] = " and has been erased from the Database. ",
        ["BS_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND_I"] = " ... is not online or not more on ",
-- -- 
--    à : \195\160    è : \195\168    ì : \195\172    ò : \195\178    ù : \195\185   Ä : \195\132
--    á : \195\161    é : \195\169    í : \195\173    ó : \195\179    ú : \195\186   Ö : \195\150
--    â : \195\162    ê : \195\170    î : \195\174    ô : \195\180    û : \195\187   Ü : \195\156
--    ã : \195\163    ë : \195\171    ï : \195\175    õ : \195\181    ü : \195\188   ß : \195\159
--    ä : \195\164                    ñ : \195\177    ö : \195\182
--    æ : \195\166                                    ø : \195\184
--    ç : \195\167
-- -- 

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