vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
6.0 Changes
        Added fading out when resting, then I removed it.
        Added contextual paging
7.0 Changes
        Added a GUI options menu, can be shown by /bg
8.0 Changes
        Switched the action buttons over to a global event handler, combined with the event handler for the action bars to form BActionMain.
        Improved the UpdateUsability and OnUpdate functions for Action Buttons.
        These things should hopefully make Bongos a bit more efficient.

5.12.9 Changes
        Reset versioning to be <MM>/<DD>/<YY> to matchup with the public release of Bongos
        Fixed a bug causing /bg showgrid, hidegrid and the corresponding options menu commands to not work
        Added global scaling
        Did some backend work, using BBar for common functions, simplified the right click menu
        Changed the look of BOptions

5.12.10 Changes
        Released to curse
        Post Release:
                Added a message on first startup and on a version update.
                Split GroupLoot from Bongos, named Bongos_Rollbar and BRollBar

5.12.14 Changes
        Added the ability to turn off coloring

5.12.16 Changes
        Fixed a bug where dragging and dropping pet buttons would cause an error.
        Keybindings are now in uppercase

5.12.17 Changes
        Rescaling is now properly done on startup

6.1.3 Changes
        Updated toc for the 1.9 patch

        Added better support for Asbestos
        Brightened the casting bar
        Should be properly paging when switching stances/forms/etc on the main bar.

        Fixed a bug causing bars with the first button empty to not be placed properly
        BongosStats now remembers if it was shown or not.

        Added the ability to show/hide macro text.  command:  /bg macrotext <enable | disable>
        Added the ability to show/hide hotkey text.  command:  /bg hotkeys <enable | disable>
        Added the ability to specify the size of cooldown count.  command:  /bg cooldownsize <size>
        Added the ability to toggle action/pet buttons being locked.  commands:  /bg lockbuttons and /bg unlockbuttons
        Added the ability to specify a bar's opacity.  command:  /bg setalpha <bar> <value>
        Added the ability to make bars "stick" to each other. command:  /bg stickybars <enable | disable>
                Bars linked to other bars now have their drag buttons darkened. 
        Added a close button to each right click menu to minimize confusion.
        Added keybindings to toggle the visibility of the Bag and Menu bars.
        Changed the color of cooldown count to green.
        Made the castbar longer so that spell names aren't truncated as often.
        The width and height of most bars has been readjusted to more closely match their actual width and height.
        Fixed a problem with contextual paging in duels (hopefully for real this time :)
        The OnUpdate function for contextual paging should no longer run when no bars are using that feature.
        Bongos_Rollbar and Bongos_Castbar - These have been moved back into the Bongos folder to reduce addon listing clutter.
                They are located in the opt folder within the Bongos directory, and can be deleted if not wanted.  
                If people complain, I'll make 'em seperate again :)
        Bongos_Options - the options menu is now a seperate, dynamically loaded addon called Bongos_Options.  Its still triggered via /bg.

        Adjusted the cooldown count with Grayhoof's changes:
                The color changes from grey (long), to yellow (medium), to red (short)
                Longer cooldowns are smaller
        Made the default size for cooldown text to be 18
        Changed the pet button's framestrata to MEDIUM from DIALOG
        Cleaned up how the default layout looks.
        Made paging on the first bar enabled by default.
        Fixed the /bg scale command.
        Fixed a bug causing buttons to sometimes appear at the start of the screen at first load.
        Moved the cast bar and roll bar back out to be seperate addons.
        Modified Infield so that it no longer needs to be a seperate addon.
        Added an experience bar behind the player's name, Bongos_Exp.
        Bongos is no longer dependent on Infield. You can now remove Infield if Bongos was the only mod using it.
        Fixed a bug when moving the options menu without the old version of Infield installed.
        Fixed a bug when interruped on the casting bar.
        Added the ability to hide text on the casting bar slash command: /bg casttext <enable | disable>
        Added the ability to scale the casting bar, command: /bg scale cast <value>
        Removed cooldown count and its options from Bongos.  Its functionality is now part of Omni Cooldown Count.
        Fixed some math on page skipping.
        ActionButtons are now dynamically generated.
        Selfcast and Altcast should now work with bandages.
        Fixed a bug with using hotkeys for action buttons that aren't shown.
        Fixed a bug causing macro text to be too long.
        Fixed a bug causing hotkey text to not show up.
        Fixed a bug causing the background of a bar to show up if the bar was previously hidden.
        Fixed a bug causing the itemcount of a button to not show up.

        Switched versioning to because I can :)
        Fixed a bug with toggling hotkeys using the slash command.
        Fixed bugs causing sticky frames to not work as intended, seperated the code from Bongos.
        Optimized the handling of ACTIONBAR_SLOT_CHANGED
        Made the size of all bars closer to to the total size of their contents.
        Drag buttons now stay at normal size, regardless of the scale of their parent bars.
        Selfcast should now mimic the functionality of other selfcast mods.
        The pet bar and class bar are now dynamically generated.
        Hotkeys can now be shown for the pet and class bars.
        The casting bar can now have its scale and opacity changed via the slash commands /bg scale cast and /bg setalpha cast
        The casting bar will now automatically grow in size to fit the name of the spell being cast.
        Any slash command that used <enable | disable> as a toggle now uses <on | off>
        Any slash command that takes a bar as an argument can now specify a set of bars:
                /bg show 1 2 3 4 bags class - will show the actionbars 1, 2, 3, 4, and the class and bag bars.
                /bg setalpha pet 1 cast 0.5 - will set the opacity of the first actionbar, the pet and cast bars.
        Added the ability to specify a delay after pressing a button before its active again.  Can be set via /bg preventmash or the options menu.
        Added the ability to set the number of rows the class bar has using its right click menu.
        Added the ability to set the number of rows the pet bar has using its right click menu.
        Added the ability to specify which button is used for selfcast via /bg altcast <key> or the options menu.
        Added the ability to decrease the number of buttons an actionbar has via its right click menu.
        Added the ability to specify the number of actionbars to use via the command /bg numactionbars <value>
        Added the ability to set the key for quickly moving action buttons via /bg quickmove <key> or the options menu.
                The default key to hold down for moving a button is now control instead of shift.
        Added the ability to show only the main bag on the bag bar via its right click menu.
        Added a slash command for Bongos Stats to toggle its visibility - /bstats
        Removed the slash command to toggle contextual paging.
        Fixed a bug with the global scale slider on the options menu.
        Fixed a bug causing the bag and menu bars to not remember their opacities.
        Fixed a bug with trying to place a frame to the left of another frame with sticky frames enabled.
        Fixed a bug with the global scale slider on the options menu.  Seriously.
        Replaced calls to IsAddOnEnabled with IsAddOnLoaded
        Fixed a bug causing Action Buttons to not show as being pushed when pressed.
        Added a new addon to Bongos, Bongos_Profiles, which can save and load different bar layouts.
                When enabled, the following slash commands are available:
                        /bg save <profile> - Saves the current bongos settings.
                        /bg load <profile> - Loads the given profile, if available.
                        /bg delete <profile> - Deletes the given profile.
                        /bg setdefault <profile> - Uses <profile> for the default layout of new characters.
                        /bg cleardefault - Returns to using the normal layout for new characters.

        Fixed a red screen on startup issue with using a completely new user with Bongos.
        Fixed a bug causing sticky bars to crash.  Sticky bars is now enabled by default again.
        The behaviour of moving buttions with quick unlock should now be consistent.
        Updated toc entries to match the 1.11 version
        Added a bar for the new keyring.  Its ID for slash commands is key
        Removed prevent button mash code due to issues
        Replaced the old bongos experience bar with Bongos_XP.  Its ID for slash commands is xp
        Modified all right click menus to be dynamically generated.
        Modified the color for range coloring to be less red.
        Fixed a bug causing a red screen error after setting the opacity of the key ring.
        Updated the group loot frames to 1.11 code.
        Added the ability to set the out of range coloring via the options menu and the command:
                /bg rangecolor <red> <green> <blue>
        Fixed a bug causing gained experience to not show up on the experience bar.
        Fixed a bug causing the pet buttons to not use the quickmove key.
        Added options to show the experience bar to the options menu.
        The roll bar is now a full Bongos bar.  It is now possible to set its scale and opacity.
        Made all right click menus stay on screen using blizzard functionality.
        Fixed redscreen errors when attempting to use profile slash commands.
        Fixed a bug when attempting to save/delete/load a profile with a multiword name via slash commands.
        Fixed a bug when loading a profile with a different amount of actionbars.
        Fixed a bug causing the key bar to not have its settings loaded when loading a profile.

        Rightclick menus are no longer directly attached to their actionbars.
        Added a new slash command: /bg toggle <bar>
        Fixed a bug causing a red screen error when loading a profile.
        Fixed a bug causing tooltips to not update properly, sometimes
        Updated Bongos for 1.12
        Rewrote and reorganized Bongos.  Delete before installing.
        Bongos now saves settings per bar addon.  Saved settings were lost in the process.
        The slash command /bg is now /bob.  This is because /bg is now used for battlegrounds chat.
        Split the actionbar component out of Bongos from the core.  Its name is Bongos_ActionBar.
        Altered selfcast to obey the blizzard setting.
        Altered the UI for moving bars around a bit.  It now looks similar to Bartender.
        Reduced the size of most bars slightly.
        Bongos now reuses all blizzard created action and pet buttons.
        Bongos_Stats is now a full Bongos Bar.  It can be scaled, locked, and have its opacity set.
        Bongos_Profiles has been merged into the core addon of Bongos.
        Profiles should now always update in version when loaded instead of just at login.
        Added scripting support to Bongos, but I have not documented it yet.
        Added the ability to turn off action button tooltips.
        Fixed a bug causing the class bar to always reset to being a single row upon login.
        Fixed a bug causing the pet bar not to remember its settings.
        Fixed a bug causing the experience bar's menu to stay attached to the bar.
        Fixed a bug with the positioning of right click menus.
        Fixed a bug causing pet buttons to be inadvertently picked up.

        Fixed a bug causing checking the selfcast option to generate an error
        Fixed a bug making it not possible to enable sticky bars after disabling them.
        Fixed a bug causing disabling out of range coloring to not work properly
        Fixed a bug causing an error when setting hotkeys
        Fixed a bug with Infield
        Fixed a bug causing the locked and show empty buttons boxes to always be unchecked.
        Fixed a bug causing loading a profile twice in a single session to erase the profile's settings.
        Fixed a bug causing the experience bar to rest its width upon reload
        Fixed a bug causing the background of the casting bar to sometimes appear above its border
        Fixed some bugs when attempting to selfcast using action buttons
        Right clicking an actionbutton will now attempt to selfcast.
        Added a fix for compatibility issues between Titan and Bongos.
        Added a warning message for people using CT_BottomBar
        Replaced the map bar fix with a less invasive one.  It is now part of Bongos_Minimap, and not Bongos
        Bongos, by default, will not reuse blizzard buttons.  This is to prevent conflicts with other addons.
        The command, /bob reuse, will toggle reusing blizzard buttons to save memory.
        Added tooltips to bars when unlocked.
        Added the missing keybinding names to Bongos_ActionBar.
        Added the ability to specify a range of bars, ex 1-10, and a group of bars, ex menu key bags, 
        to the bar field for custom scripts
        Fixed a bug with the keybindings to toggle the bag and menu bars.
        Fixed a bug with the arrangement of pet buttons when not reusing blizzard buttons.
        Fixed a bug with actionbars not updating when shown
        Test Titan Fix
        CT Mod issues, can be resolved by not running CT_BottomBar

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