vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
assert(BigWigs, "BigWigs not found!")

--      Are you local?      --

local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigsRaidIcon")
local lastplayer = nil

--      Localization      --

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
        ["Raid Icons"] = true,

        ["raidicon"] = true,
        ["place"] = true,
        ["icon"] = true,

        ["Place"] = true,
        ["Place Raid Icons"] = true,
        ["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."] = true,
        ["Icon"] = true,
        ["Set Icon"] = true,
        ["Set which icon to place on players."] = true,
        ["Options for Raid Icons."] = true,

        ["star"] = true,
        ["circle"] = true,
        ["diamond"] = true,
        ["triangle"] = true,
        ["moon"] = true,
        ["square"] = true,
        ["cross"] = true,
        ["skull"] = true,
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return {
        ["Raid Icons"] = "공격대 아이콘",

        ["Place"] = "지정",
        ["Place Raid Icons"] = "공격대 아이콘 지정",
        ["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."] = "플레이어에 공격대 아이콘 지정 토글",
        ["Icon"] = "아이콘",
        ["Set Icon"] = "아이콘 설정",
        ["Set which icon to place on players."] = "플레이어에 아이콘 지정을 위한 설정",
        ["Options for Raid Icons."] = "공격대 아이콘에 대한 설정",

        ["star"] = "별",
        ["circle"] = "원",
        ["diamond"] = "다이아몬드",
        ["triangle"] = "세모",
        ["moon"] = "달",
        ["square"] = "네모",
        ["cross"] = "가위표",
        ["skull"] = "해골",

} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
        ["Raid Icons"] = "团队图标",

        ["Place"] = "标记",
        ["Place Raid Icons"] = "标记团队图标",
        ["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."] = "切换是否在玩家身上标记团队图标",
        ["Icon"] = "图标",
        ["Set Icon"] = "设置图标",
        ["Set which icon to place on players."] = "设置玩家身上标记的图标。",
        ["Options for Raid Icons."] = "团队图标设置",
        ["star"] = "星星",
        ["circle"] = "圆圈",
        ["diamond"] = "钻石",
        ["triangle"] = "三角",
        ["moon"] = "月亮",
        ["square"] = "方形",
        ["cross"] = "十字",
        ["skull"] = "骷髅",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
        ["Raid Icons"] = "團隊圖示",

        ["Place"] = "標記",
        ["Place Raid Icons"] = "標記團隊圖示",
        ["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."] = "切換是否在玩家身上標記團隊圖示",
        ["Icon"] = "圖標",
        ["Set Icon"] = "設置圖示",
        ["Set which icon to place on players."] = "設置玩家身上標記的圖示。",
        ["Options for Raid Icons."] = "團隊圖示設置",
        ["star"] = "星星",
        ["circle"] = "圓圈",
        ["diamond"] = "方塊",
        ["triangle"] = "三角",
        ["moon"] = "月亮",
        ["square"] = "方形",
        ["cross"] = "十字",
        ["skull"] = "骷髏",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
        ["Raid Icons"] = "Schlachtzug-Symbole",

        --["raidicon"] = "schlachtzugsymbol",
        --["place"] = "position",
        --["icon"] = "symbol",

        ["Place"] = "Platzierung",
        ["Place Raid Icons"] = "Schlachtzug-Symbole platzieren",
        ["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."] = "Schlachtzug-Symbole auf Spieler setzen.",
        ["Icon"] = "Symbol",
        ["Set Icon"] = "Symbol platzieren",
        ["Set which icon to place on players."] = "W\195\164hle, welches Symbol auf Spieler gesetzt wird.",
        ["Options for Raid Icons."] = "Optionen f\195\188r Schlachtzug-Symbole.",

        ["star"] = "Stern",
        ["circle"] = "Kreis",
        ["diamond"] = "Diamant",
        ["triangle"] = "Dreieck",
        ["moon"] = "Mond",
        ["square"] = "Quadrat",
        ["cross"] = "Kreuz",
        ["skull"] = "Totenkopf",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
        ["Raid Icons"] = "Icônes de raid",

        ["Place"] = "Placement",
        ["Place Raid Icons"] = "Placer les icônes de raid",
        ["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."] = "Place ou non les icônes de raid sur les joueurs.",
        ["Icon"] = "Icône",
        ["Set Icon"] = "Déterminer l'icône",
        ["Set which icon to place on players."] = "Détermine quelle icône sera placée sur les joueurs.",
        ["Options for Raid Icons."] = "Options concernant les icônes de raid.",

        ["star"] = "étoile",
        ["circle"] = "cercle",
        ["diamond"] = "diamant",
        ["triangle"] = "triangle",
        ["moon"] = "lune",
        ["square"] = "carré",
        ["cross"] = "croix",
        ["skull"] = "crâne",
} end )

--      Module Declaration      --

BigWigsRaidIcon = BigWigs:NewModule(L["Raid Icons"])
BigWigsRaidIcon.defaultDB = {
        place = true,
        icon = L["skull"],
BigWigsRaidIcon.icontonumber = {
        [L["star"]] = 1,
        [L["circle"]] = 2,
        [L["diamond"]] = 3,
        [L["triangle"]] = 4,
        [L["moon"]] = 5,
        [L["square"]] = 6,
        [L["cross"]] = 7,
        [L["skull"]] = 8,
BigWigsRaidIcon.consoleCmd = L["raidicon"]
BigWigsRaidIcon.consoleOptions = {
        type = "group",
        name = L["Raid Icons"],
        desc = L["Options for Raid Icons."],
        args   = {
                [L["place"]] = {
                        type = "toggle",
                        name = L["Place Raid Icons"],
                        desc = L["Toggle placing of Raid Icons on players."],
                        get = function() return end,
                        set = function(v) = v end,             
                [L["icon"]] = {
                        type = "text",
                        name = L["Set Icon"],
                        desc = L["Set which icon to place on players."],
                        get = function() return BigWigsRaidIcon.db.profile.icon end,
                        set = function(v) BigWigsRaidIcon.db.profile.icon = v end,
                        validate = {L["star"], L["circle"], L["diamond"], L["triangle"], L["moon"], L["square"], L["cross"], L["skull"] },

--      Initialization      --

function BigWigsRaidIcon:OnEnable()

function BigWigsRaidIcon:BigWigs_SetRaidIcon(player)
        if not or not player then return end
        local icon = self.db.profile.icon
        if not self.icontonumber[icon] then
                icon = L["skull"]
        icon = self.icontonumber[icon]
        for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
                if UnitName("raid"..i) == player then
                        if not GetRaidTargetIndex("raid"..i) then
                                SetRaidTargetIcon("raid"..i, icon)
                                lastplayer = player

function BigWigsRaidIcon:BigWigs_RemoveRaidIcon()
        if not or not lastplayer then return end
        for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
                if UnitName("raid"..i) == lastplayer then
                        SetRaidTargetIcon("raid"..i, 0)
        lastplayer = nil