vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
assert(BigWigs, "BigWigs not found!")

--      Are you local?      --

local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigsColors")
local PaintChips = AceLibrary("PaintChips-2.0")

--      Localization      --

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
        ["Colors"] = true,

        ["Messages"] = true,
        ["Bars"] = true,
        ["Shortbar"] = true,
        ["Longbar"] = true,
        ["Color %s"] = true,
        ["Color%s"] = true,
        ["Number of colors"] = true,
        ["xColors"] = true,
        ["Background"] = true,
        ["Text"] = true,
        ["Reset"] = true,

        ["Colors of messages and bars."] = true,
        ["Colors of messages."] = true,
        ["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."] = true,
        ["Colors of bars."] = true,
        ["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."] = true,
        ["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."] = true,
        ["Change the %s color."] = true,
        ["Number of colors the bar has."] = true,
        ["Change the background color."] = true,
        ["Change the text color."] = true,
        ["Resets all ranges to defaults."] = true,

        ["Important"] = true,
        ["Personal"] = true,
        ["Urgent"] = true,
        ["Attention"] = true,
        ["Positive"] = true,
        ["Bosskill"] = true,
        ["Core"] = true,

        ["1st"] = true,
        ["2nd"] = true,
        ["3rd"] = true,
        ["4th"] = true,
} end)

L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return {
        ["Colors"] = "색상",

        ["Messages"] = "메세지",
        ["Bars"] = "바",
        ["Shortbar"] = "짧은바",
        ["Longbar"] = "긴바",
        ["Color %s"] = "색상 %s",
        ["Color%s"] = "색상%s",
        ["Number of colors"] = "색상의 수",
        ["xColors"] = "x색상",
        ["Background"] = "배경",
        ["Text"] = "글자",
        ["Reset"] = "초기화",

        ["Colors of messages and bars."] = "메세지와 바의 색상.",
        ["Colors of messages."] = "메세지의 색생",
        ["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."] = "\"%s\" 메세지에 대한 색생 변경.",
        ["Colors of bars."] = "바의 색상.",
        ["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."] = "짧은 바에 대한 색상 (< 1 분).",
        ["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."] = "긴 바에 대한 색상 (> 1 분).",
        ["Change the %s color."] = "%s 색상 변경.",
        ["Number of colors the bar has."] = "Number of colors the bar has.",
        ["Change the background color."] = "배경 색상 변경.",
        ["Change the text color."] = "글자 색상 변경.",
        ["Resets all ranges to defaults."] = "기본 설정으로 초기화.",

        ["Important"] = "중요",
        ["Personal"] = "개인",
        ["Urgent"] = "긴급",
        ["Attention"] = "주의",
        ["Positive"] = "제안",
        ["Bosskill"] = "보스사망",
        ["Core"] = "코어",

        ["1st"] = "첫째",
        ["2nd"] = "둘째",
        ["3rd"] = "셋째",
        ["4th"] = "넷째",
} end)

L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
        ["Colors"] = "颜色",

        ["Messages"] = "信息",
        ["Bars"] = "计时条",
        ["Shortbar"] = "短计时条",
        ["Longbar"] = "长计时条",
        ["Color %s"] = "颜色 %s",
        ["Color%s"] = "颜色%s",
        ["Number of colors"] = "颜色数量",
        ["xColors"] = "x颜色",
        ["Background"] = "背景",
        ["Text"] = "文本",
        ["Reset"] = "重置",

        ["Colors of messages and bars."] = "信息文字与计时条颜色。",
        ["Colors of messages."] = "信息文字颜色。",
        ["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."] = "变更\"%s\"信息的颜色。",
        ["Colors of bars."] = "计时条颜色。",
        ["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."] = "短时计时条(小于一分钟)的颜色。",
        ["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."] = "长时计时条(大于一分钟)的颜色。",
        ["Change the %s color."] = "变更颜色%s。",
        ["Number of colors the bar has."] = "计时条颜色数量。",
        ["Change the background color."] = "变更背景颜色。",
        ["Change the text color."] = "变更文本颜色。",
        ["Resets all ranges to defaults."] = "全部重置为默认状态。",

        ["Important"] = "重要",
        ["Personal"] = "个人",
        ["Urgent"] = "紧急",
        ["Attention"] = "注意",
        ["Positive"] = "积极",
        ["Bosskill"] = "首领击杀",
        ["Core"] = "核心",

        ["1st"] = "第一",
        ["2nd"] = "第二",
        ["3rd"] = "第三",
        ["4th"] = "第四",
} end)

L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
        ["Colors"] = "顏色",

        ["Messages"] = "訊息",
        ["Bars"] = "計時條",
        ["Shortbar"] = "短計時條",
        ["Longbar"] = "長計時條",
        ["Color %s"] = "顏色 %s",
        ["Color%s"] = "顏色%s",
        ["Number of colors"] = "顏色數量",
        ["xColors"] = "x顏色",
        ["Background"] = "背景",
        ["Text"] = "文字",
        ["Reset"] = "重置",

        ["Colors of messages and bars."] = "訊息文字與計時條顏色。",
        ["Colors of messages."] = "訊息文字顏色。",
        ["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."] = "變更\"%s\"訊息的顏色。",
        ["Colors of bars."] = "計時條顏色。",
        ["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."] = "短時計時條(小於一分鐘)的顏色。",
        ["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."] = "長時計時條(大於一分鐘)的顏色。",
        ["Change the %s color."] = "變更顏色%s。",
        ["Number of colors the bar has."] = "計時條顏色數量。",
        ["Change the background color."] = "變更背景顏色。",
        ["Change the text color."] = "變更文字顏色。",
        ["Resets all ranges to defaults."] = "全部重置為預設狀態。",

        ["Important"] = "重要",
        ["Personal"] = "個人",
        ["Urgent"] = "緊急",
        ["Attention"] = "注意",
        ["Positive"] = "積極",
        ["Bosskill"] = "首領擊殺",
        ["Core"] = "核心",

        ["1st"] = "第一",
        ["2nd"] = "第二",
        ["3rd"] = "第三",
        ["4th"] = "第四",
} end)

L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
        ["Colors"] = "Farben",

        ["Messages"] = "Nachrichten",
        ["Bars"] = "Anzeigebalken",
        ["Shortbar"] = "KurzerAnzeigebalken",
        ["Longbar"] = "LangerAnzeigebalken",
        ["Color %s"] =  "Farbe %s",
        ["Color%s"] = "Farbe%s",
        ["Number of colors"] = "Anzahl der Farben",
        ["xColors"] = "xFarben",
        ["Background"] = "Hintergrund",
        ["Text"] = "Text",
        ["Reset"] = "Zur\195\188cksetzen",

        ["Colors of messages and bars."] = "Farben der Nachrichten und Anzeigebalken.",
        ["Colors of messages."] = "Farben der Nachrichten.",
        ["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."] = "Farbe \195\164ndern f\195\188r \"%s\" Nachrichten.",
        ["Colors of bars."] = "Farben der Anzeigebalken.",
        ["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."] = "Farben f\195\188r kurze Anzeigebalken (< 1 Minute).",
        ["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."] = "Farben f\195\188r lange Anzeigebalken (> 1 Minute).",
        ["Change the %s color."] = "Die %s Farbe \195\164ndern.",
        ["Number of colors the bar has."] = "Anzahl der Farben eines Anzeigebalkens.",
        ["Change the background color."] = "Hintergrund Farbe \195\164ndern.",
        ["Change the text color."] = "Textfarbe \195\164ndern.",
        ["Resets all ranges to defaults."] = "Auf Standard zur\195\188cksetzen.",

        ["Important"] = "Wichtig",
        ["Personal"] = "Pers\195\182hnlich",
        ["Urgent"] = "Dringend",
        ["Attention"] = "Achtung",
        ["Positive"] = "Positiv",
        ["Bosskill"] = "Bosskill",
        ["Core"] = "Core",

        ["1st"] = "1te",
        ["2nd"] = "2te",
        ["3rd"] = "3te",
        ["4th"] = "4te",
} end)

L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
        ["Colors"] = "Couleurs",

        ["Messages"] = "Messages",
        ["Bars"] = "Barres",
        ["Shortbar"] = "BarresCourtes",
        ["Longbar"] = "BarresLongues",
        ["Color %s"] = "Couleur %s",
        ["Color%s"] = "Couleur%s",
        ["Number of colors"] = "Nombre de couleurs",
        ["xColors"] = "nCouleurs",
        ["Background"] = "Fond",
        ["Text"] = "Texte",
        ["Reset"] = "RÀZ",

        ["Colors of messages and bars."] = "Couleurs des messages et des barres.",
        ["Colors of messages."] = "Couleurs des messages.",
        ["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."] = "Change la couleur des messages \"%s\".",
        ["Colors of bars."] = "Couleurs des barres.",
        ["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."] = "Couleurs des barres de courte durée (< 1 minute).",
        ["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."] = "Couleurs des barres de longue durée (> 1 minute).",
        ["Change the %s color."] = "Change la couleur de %s.",
        ["Number of colors the bar has."] = "Nombre de couleurs que possède la barre.",
        ["Change the background color."] = "Change la couleur du fond.",
        ["Change the text color."] = "Change la couleur du texte.",
        ["Resets all ranges to defaults."] = "Réinitialise tous les paramètres à leurs valeurs par défaut.",

        ["Important"] = "Important",
        ["Personal"] = "Personnel",
        ["Urgent"] = "Urgent",
        ["Attention"] = "Attention",
        ["Positive"] = "Positif",
        ["Bosskill"] = "Défaite",
        ["Core"] = "Noyau",

        ["1st"] = "1er",
        ["2nd"] = "2ème",
        ["3rd"] = "3ème",
        ["4th"] = "4ème",
} end)

--      Module Declaration      --

BigWigsColors = BigWigs:NewModule(L["Colors"])
BigWigsColors.defaultDB = {
        important = "ff0000", -- Red
        personal = "ff0000", -- Red
        urgent = "ff7f00", -- Orange
        attention = "ffff00", -- Yellow
        positive = "00ff00", -- Green
        bosskill = "00ff00", -- Green
        core = "00ffff", -- Cyan
        shortbar = {"ffff00", "ff7f00", "ff0000"},
        shortnr = 3,
        longbar = {"00ff00", "ffff00", "ff7f00", "ff0000"},
        longnr = 4,
BigWigsColors.consoleCmd = L["Colors"]
BigWigsColors.consoleOptions = {
        type = "group",
        name = L["Colors"],
        desc = L["Colors of messages and bars."],
        args = {
                [L["Messages"]] = {
                        type = "group",
                        name = L["Messages"],
                        desc = L["Colors of messages."],
                        order = 1,
                        args = {
                                [L["Important"]] = {
                                        name = L["Important"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Important"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.important); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.important = hex end,
                                        order = 1,
                                [L["Personal"]] = {
                                        name = L["Personal"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Personal"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.personal); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.personal = hex end,
                                        order = 2,
                                [L["Urgent"]] = {
                                        name = L["Urgent"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Urgent"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.urgent); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.urgent = hex end,
                                        order = 3,
                                [L["Attention"]] = {
                                        name = L["Attention"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Attention"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.attention); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.attention = hex end,
                                        order = 4,
                                [L["Positive"]] = {
                                        name = L["Positive"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Positive"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.positive); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.positive = hex end,
                                        order = 5,
                                [L["Bosskill"]] = {
                                        name = L["Bosskill"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Bosskill"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.bosskill); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.bosskill = hex end,
                                        order = 6,
                                [L["Core"]] = {
                                        name = L["Core"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the color for \"%s\" messages."], L["Core"]),
                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.core); return r, g, b end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.core = hex end,
                                        order = 7,
                [L["Bars"]] = {
                        type = "group",
                        name = L["Bars"],
                        desc = L["Colors of bars."],
                        order = 2,
                        args = {
                                [L["Shortbar"]] = {
                                        type = "group",
                                        name = L["Shortbar"],
                                        desc = L["Colors for short bars (< 1 minute)."],
                                        order = 1,
                                        args = {
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 1)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 1),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["1st"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[1]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[1] = hex end,
                                                        order = 1,
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 2)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 2),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["2nd"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[2]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[2] = hex end,
                                                        hidden = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortnr < 2 then return true end end,
                                                        order = 2,
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 3)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 3),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["3rd"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[3]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[3] = hex end,
                                                        hidden = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortnr < 3 then return true end end,
                                                        order = 3,
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 4)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 4),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["4th"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[4]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[4] = hex end,
                                                        hidden = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortnr < 4 then return true end end,
                                                        order = 4,
                                                [L["xColors"]] = {
                                                        name = L["Number of colors"],
                                                        type = "range",
                                                        desc = L["Number of colors the bar has."],
                                                        min = 1,
                                                        max = 4,
                                                        step = 1,
                                                        get = function() return BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortnr end,
                                                        set = function(v) BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortnr = v end,
                                                        order = 5,
                                [L["Longbar"]] = {
                                        type = "group",
                                        name = L["Longbar"],
                                        desc = L["Colors for long bars (> 1 minute)."],
                                        order = 2,
                                        args = {
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 1)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 1),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["1st"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[1]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[1] = hex end,
                                                        order = 1,
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 2)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 2),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["2nd"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[2]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[2] = hex end,
                                                        hidden = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.longnr < 2 then return true end end,
                                                        order = 2,
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 3)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 3),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["3rd"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[3]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[3] = hex end,
                                                        hidden = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.longnr < 3 then return true end end,
                                                        order = 3,
                                                [string.format(L["Color%s"], 4)] = {
                                                        name = string.format(L["Color %s"], 4),
                                                        type = "color",
                                                        desc = string.format(L["Change the %s color."], L["4th"]),
                                                        get = function() local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[4]); return r, g, b end,
                                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[4] = hex end,
                                                        hidden = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.longnr < 4 then return true end end,
                                                        order = 4,
                                                [L["xColors"]] = {
                                                        name = L["Number of colors"],
                                                        type = "range",
                                                        desc = L["Number of colors the bar has."],
                                                        min = 1,
                                                        max = 4,
                                                        step = 1,
                                                        get = function() return BigWigsColors.db.profile.longnr end,
                                                        set = function(v) BigWigsColors.db.profile.longnr = v end,
                                                        order = 5,
                                [L["Background"]] = {
                                        name = L["Background"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = L["Change the background color."],
                                        hasAlpha = true,
                                        get = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.bgc then local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.bgc); return r, g, b, BigWigsColors.db.profile.bga else return  0, .5, .5, .5 end end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b, a) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.bgc = hex; BigWigsColors.db.profile.bga = a end,
                                        order = 3,
                                [L["Text"]] = {
                                        name = L["Text"],
                                        type = "color",
                                        desc = L["Change the text color."],
                                        get = function() if BigWigsColors.db.profile.txtc then local _, r, g, b = PaintChips:GetRGBPercent(BigWigsColors.db.profile.txtc); return r, g, b else return 1, 1, 1 end end,
                                        set = function(r, g, b) local hex = BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b); PaintChips:RegisterHex(hex); BigWigsColors.db.profile.txtc = hex end,
                                        order = 4,
                [L["Reset"]] = {
                        name = L["Reset"],
                        type = "execute",
                        desc = L["Resets all ranges to defaults."],
                        func = function() BigWigsColors:ResetDB() end,

--      Initialization      --

function BigWigsColors:OnRegister()

function BigWigsColors:ResetDB()
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.important = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.important
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.personal = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.personal
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.urgent = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.urgent
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.attention = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.attention
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.positive = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.positive
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.bosskill = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.bosskill
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.core = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.core
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[1] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.shortbar[1]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[2] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.shortbar[2]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[3] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.shortbar[3]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortbar[4] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.shortbar[4]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.shortnr = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.shortnr
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[1] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.longbar[1]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[2] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.longbar[2]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[3] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.longbar[3]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.longbar[4] = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.longbar[4]
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.longnr = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.longnr
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.bgc = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.bgc
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.bga = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.bga
        BigWigsColors.db.profile.txtc = BigWigsColors.defaultDB.txtc

function BigWigsColors:RegHex(hex)
        if type(hex) == "string" then
        elseif type(hex) == "table" then
                for _,hexx in pairs(hex) do

--         Handlers         --

function BigWigsColors:RGBToHex(r, g, b)
        return format("%02x%02x%02x", r*255, g*255, b*255)

function BigWigsColors:MsgColor(type)
        -- Make it compatible with old code
        if type == "Red" then type = self.db.profile.important
        elseif type == "Orange" then type = self.db.profile.urgent
        elseif type == "Yellow" then type = self.db.profile.attention
        elseif type == "Green" then type = self.db.profile.positive
        elseif type == "Cyan" then type = self.db.profile.core end

        if type == "Important" then type = self.db.profile.important
        elseif type == "Personal" then type = self.db.profile.personal
        elseif type == "Urgent" then type = self.db.profile.urgent
        elseif type == "Attention" then type = self.db.profile.attention
        elseif type == "Positive" then type = self.db.profile.positive
        elseif type == "Bosskill" then type = self.db.profile.bosskill
        elseif type == "Core" then type = self.db.profile.core end

        return type

function BigWigsColors:BarColor(time)
        local d, n
        if time <= 60 then
                d = self.db.profile.shortbar
                n = self.db.profile.shortnr
                d = self.db.profile.longbar
                n = self.db.profile.longnr
        if n == 4 then return d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]
        elseif n == 3 then return d[1], d[2], d[3]
        elseif n == 2 then return d[1], d[2]
        elseif n == 1 then return d[1] end