vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--      Are you local?      --

local boss = AceLibrary("Babble-Boss-2.2")["Emeriss"]
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs"..boss)

--      Localization      --

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
        cmd = "Emeriss",

        noxious_cmd = "noxious",
        noxious_name = "Noxious breath alert",
        noxious_desc = "Warn for noxious breath",

        volatileyou_cmd = "volatileyou",
        volatileyou_name = "Voltile infection on you alert",
        volatileyou_desc = "Warn for volatile infection on you",

        volatileother_cmd = "volatileother",
        volatileother_name = "Volatile infection on others alert",
        volatileother_desc = "Warn for volatile infection on others",

        trigger1 = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) afflicted by Volatile Infection",
        trigger2 = "afflicted by Noxious Breath",

        warn1 = "You are afflicted by Volatile Infection!",
        warn2 = " is afflicted by Volatile Infection!",
        warn3 = "5 seconds until Noxious Breath!",
        warn4 = "Noxious Breath - 30 seconds till next!",

        isyou = "You",
        isare = "are",

        bar1text = "Noxious Breath",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
        noxious_name = "Alerte Souffle naus\195\169abond",
        noxious_desc = "Pr\195\169viens quand Emeriss fait son Souffle naus\195\169abond.",

        volatileyou_name = "Alerte Infection volatile sur vous",
        volatileyou_desc = "Pr\195\169viens quand vous \195\170tes touch\195\169 par l'Infection volatile.",

        volatileother_name = "Alerte Infection volatile sur les autres",
        volatileother_desc = "Pr\195\169viens quand les autres sont touch\195\169s par l'Infection volatile.",

        trigger1 = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) les effets de Infection volatile.",
        trigger2 = "les effets de Souffle naus\195\169abond.",

        warn1 = "Tu es infect\195\169 !",
        warn2 = " est infect\195\169 !",
        warn3 = "5 secondes avant le Souffle naus\195\169abond !",
        warn4 = "Souffle naus\195\169abond - 30 secondes avant le suivant !",

        isyou = "Vous",
        isare = "subissez",

        bar1text = "Souffle naus\195\169abond",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
        noxious_name = "Giftiger Atem",
        noxious_desc = "Warnung vor Giftiger Atem.",
        volatileyou_name = "Fl\195\188chtige Infektion",
        volatileyou_desc = "Warnung, wenn Fl\195\188chtige Infektion auf Dir.",
        volatileother_name = "Fl\195\188chtige Infektion auf Anderen",
        volatileother_desc = "Warnung, wenn Fl\195\188chtige Infektion auf anderen Spielern.",

        trigger1 = "^([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) von Fl\195\188chtige Infektion betroffen",
        trigger2 = "von Giftiger Atem betroffen",

        warn1 = "Du bist von Fl\195\188chtige Infektion betroffen!",
        warn2 = " ist von Fl\195\188chtiger Infektion betroffen!",
        warn3 = "5 Sekunden bis Giftiger Atem!",
        warn4 = "Giftiger Atem! - N\195\164chster in 30 Sekunden!",

        isyou = "Ihr",
        isare = "seid",

        bar1text = "Giftiger Atem",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
        noxious_name = "毒性吐息警报",
        noxious_desc = "毒性吐息警报",
        volatileyou_name = "玩家快速传染警报",
        volatileyou_desc = "你中了快速传染时发出警报",
        volatileother_name = "队友快速传染警报",
        volatileother_desc = "队友中了快速传染时发出警报",
        trigger1 = "^(.+)受(.+)了快速传染效果",
        trigger2 = "受到了毒性吐息效果的影响。",

        warn1 = "你中了快速传染!",
        warn2 = "中了快速传染!",
        warn3 = "5秒后发动毒性吐息!",
        warn4 = "毒性吐息 - 30秒后再次发动",

        isyou = "你",
        isare = "到",

        bar1text = "毒性吐息",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
        noxious_name = "毒性吐息警報",
        noxious_desc = "毒性吐息警報",
        volatileyou_name = "玩家快速傳染警報",
        volatileyou_desc = "你中了快速傳染時發出警報",
        volatileother_name = "隊友快速傳染警報",
        volatileother_desc = "隊友中了快速傳染時發出警報",
        trigger1 = "^(.+)受到(.*)快速傳染效果的影響。",
        trigger2 = "受到了毒性吐息效果的影響。",

        warn1 = "你中了快速傳染!",
        warn2 = "中了快速傳染!",
        warn3 = "5秒後發動毒性吐息!",
        warn4 = "毒性吐息 - 30秒後再次發動",

        isyou = "你",
        isare = "了",

        bar1text = "毒性吐息",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return {
        noxious_name = "산성 숨결 경고",
        noxious_desc = "산성 숨결에 대한 경고",
        volatileyou_name = "자신의 대지의 오염 경고",
        volatileyou_desc = "자신의 대지의 오염에 대한 경고",
        volatileother_name = "타인의 대지의 오염 경고",
        volatileother_desc = "타인의 대지의 오염에 대한 경고",

        trigger1 = "^([^|;%s]*)(.*)대지의 오염에 걸렸습니다%.$",
        trigger2 = "에메리스의 산성 숨결에 의해",

        warn1 = "당신은 대지의 오염에 걸렸습니다!",
        warn2 = "님이 대지의 오염에 걸렸습니다!",
        warn3 = "5초후 산성 숨결!",
        warn4 = "산성 숨결 - 30초후 재시전!",

        isyou = "",
        isare = "",

        bar1text = "산성 숨결",
} end )

--      Module Declaration      --

BigWigsEmeriss = BigWigs:NewModule(boss)
BigWigsEmeriss.zonename = {
        AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs")["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"],
        AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2")["Blasted Lands"],
        AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2")["The Hinterlands"],
BigWigsEmeriss.enabletrigger = boss
BigWigsEmeriss.toggleoptions = {"noxious", "volatileyou", "volatileother", "bosskill"}
BigWigsEmeriss.revision = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 16941 $", 12, -3))

--      Initialization      --

function BigWigsEmeriss:OnEnable()
        self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_PARTY_DAMAGE", "Event")
        self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE", "Event")
        self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH", "GenericBossDeath")

        function BigWigsEmeriss:Event( msg )
                if (not self.prior and string.find(msg, L["trigger2"])) then
                        self.prior = true
                        if self.db.profile.noxious then 
                                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["warn4"], "Important")
                                self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 25, L["warn3"], "Important")
                                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["bar1text"], 30, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_LifeDrain02")
                        local _,_, EPlayer, EType = string.find(msg, L["trigger1"])
                        if (EPlayer and EType) then
                                if (EPlayer == L["isyou"] and EType == L["isare"]) then
                                        if self.db.profile.volatileyou then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["warn1"], "Important", true) end
                                        if self.db.profile.volatileother then
                                                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", EPlayer .. L["warn2"], "Attention")
                                                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendTell", EPlayer, L["warn1"])

function BigWigsEmeriss:BigWigs_Message(text)
        if text == L["warn3"] then self.prior = nil end