vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
--      Are you local?      --

local boss = AceLibrary("Babble-Boss-2.2")["Heigan the Unclean"]
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs"..boss)

--      Localization      --

L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
        cmd = "Heigan",

        teleport_cmd = "teleport",
        teleport_name = "Teleport Alert",
        teleport_desc = "Warn for Teleports.",

        engage_cmd = "engage",
        engage_name = "Engage Alert",
        engage_desc = "Warn when Heigan is engaged.",

        -- [[ Triggers ]]--
        starttrigger = "You are mine now.",
        starttrigger2 = "You... are next.",
        starttrigger3 = "I see you...",
        teleport_trigger = "The end is upon you.",
        die_trigger = "%s takes his last breath.",

        -- [[ Warnings ]]--
        engage_message = "Heigan the Unclean engaged! 90 sec to teleport!",

        teleport_1min_message = "Teleport in 1 min",
        teleport_30sec_message = "Teleport in 30 sec",
        teleport_10sec_message = "Teleport in 10 sec!",
        on_platform_message = "Teleport! On platform for %d sec!",

        to_floor_30sec_message = "Back in 30 sec",
        to_floor_10sec_message = "Back in 10 sec!",
        on_floor_message = "Back on the floor! 90 sec to next teleport!",

        -- [[ Bars ]]--
        teleport_bar = "Teleport!",
        back_bar = "Back on the floor!",

        -- [[ Dream Room Mobs ]] --
        ["Eye Stalk"] = true,
        ["Rotting Maggot"] = true,
} end )

-- Korean Translation by gezta --
L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return {

        teleport_name = "순간이동 경고",
        teleport_desc = "순간이동에 대한 경고",

        engage_name = "전투개시 알림",
        engage_desc = "헤이건 전투 개시 알림.",

        -- [[ Triggers ]]--
        starttrigger = "이제 넌 내 것이다.",
        starttrigger2 = "다음은... 너다.",
        starttrigger3 = "네가 보인다...",
        teleport_trigger = "여기가 너희 무덤이 되리라.",
        die_trigger = "%s|1이;가; 마지막 숨을 거둡니다.", -- check

        -- [[ Warnings ]]--
        engage_message = "부정의 헤이건, 단상으로 순간 이동까지 90초",

        teleport_1min_message = "순간이동 1 분전 !!!",
        teleport_30sec_message = "순간이동 30초전 !!!",
        teleport_10sec_message = "순간이동 10초전 !!!",
        on_platform_message = "순간이동! %d초 후 내려옵니다. !!!",

        to_floor_30sec_message = "내려오기까지 30초 전 !!!",
        to_floor_10sec_message = "내려오기까지 10초 전 !!!",
        on_floor_message = "헤이건 단상 아래!! 90초 후에 순간이동 !!!",

        -- [[ Bars ]]--
        teleport_bar = "순간이동!",
        back_bar = "단상으로 이동!",

        -- [[ Dream Room Mobs ]] --
        ["Eye Stalk"] = "추적자의 눈",
        ["Rotting Maggot"] = "썩어가는 구더기",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
        teleport_name = "Teleport",
        teleport_desc = "Warnung vor Teleport.",

        starttrigger = "Ihr geh\195\182rt mir...",
        starttrigger2 = "Ihr seid.... als n\195\164chstes dran.",
        starttrigger3 = "Ihr entgeht mir nicht...",
        teleport_trigger = "Euer Ende naht.",

        engage_message = "Heigan der Unsaubere angegriffen! 90 Sekunden bis Teleport!",
        teleport_1min_message = "Teleport in 1 Minute",
        teleport_30sec_message = "Teleport in 30 Sekunden",
        teleport_10sec_message = "Teleport in 10 Sekunden",
        on_floor_message = "Zur\195\188ck im Raum! N\195\164chster Teleport in 90 Sekunden!",
        to_floor_30sec_message = "Zur\195\188ck im Raum in 30 Sekunden",
        to_floor_10sec_message = "Zur\195\188ck im Raum in 10 Sekunden",
        on_platform_message = "Teleport! Zur\195\188ck im Raum in %d Sekunden!",

        teleport_bar = "Teleport!",
        back_bar = "R\195\188ckteleport!",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
        teleport_name = "传送警报",
        teleport_desc = "传送警报",

        engage_name = "激活警报",
        engage_desc = "希尔盖激活时警告",

        -- [[ Triggers ]]--
        starttrigger = "你是我的了。",
        starttrigger2 = "你……就是下一个。",
        starttrigger3 = "我看到你了……",
        teleport_trigger = "你的生命正走向终结。",
        die_trigger = "%s咽下了最后一口气。",
        -- [[ Warnings ]]--
        engage_message = "希尔盖已激活 - 90秒后传送",
        teleport_1min_message = "1分钟后传送",
        teleport_30sec_message = "30秒后传送",
        teleport_10sec_message = "10秒后传送",
        on_floor_message = "希尔盖出现 - 90秒后再次传送",
        to_floor_30sec_message = "30秒后希尔盖出现",
        to_floor_10sec_message = "10秒后希尔盖出现",
        on_platform_message = "传送发动! - %d秒后希尔盖出现!",
        -- [[ Bars ]]--
        teleport_bar = "传送!",
        back_bar = "出现!",
        -- [[ Dream Room Mobs ]] --
        ["Eye Stalk"] = "眼柄",
        ["Rotting Maggot"] = "腐烂之蛆",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
        --Heigan the Unclean 骯髒者海根
        teleport_name = "傳送警報",
        teleport_desc = "傳送警報",

        engage_name = "進入戰鬥警報",
        engage_desc = "希爾蓋進入戰鬥警告",

        -- [[ Triggers ]]--
        starttrigger = "你是我的了。",
        starttrigger2 = "你……就是下一個。",
        starttrigger3 = "我看到你了……",
        teleport_trigger = "你的生命正走向終結。",
        die_trigger = "%s咽下了最後一口氣。",
        -- [[ Warnings ]]--
        engage_message = "海根已進入戰鬥 - 90 秒後傳送",
        teleport_1min_message = "1 分鐘後傳送",
        teleport_30sec_message = "30 秒後傳送",
        teleport_10sec_message = "10 秒後傳送",
        on_floor_message = "海根出現 - 90 秒後再次傳送",
        to_floor_30sec_message = "30 秒後海根出現",
        to_floor_10sec_message = "10 秒後海根出現",
        on_platform_message = "傳送發動! - %d 秒後海根出現!",
        -- [[ Bars ]]--
        teleport_bar = "傳送!",
        back_bar = "出現!",
        -- [[ Dream Room Mobs ]] --
        ["Eye Stalk"] = "眼柄",
        ["Rotting Maggot"] = "腐爛的蛆蟲",
} end )

L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
        -- [[ Triggers ]]--
        starttrigger = "Vous \195\170tes \195\160 moi, maintenant.",
        starttrigger2 = "Tu es... le suivant.",
        starttrigger3 = "Je vous vois...",
        teleport_trigger = "Votre fin est venue.",
        die_trigger = "%s rend son dernier soupir.",
} end )

--      Module Declaration      --

BigWigsHeigan = BigWigs:NewModule(boss)
BigWigsHeigan.zonename = AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2")["Naxxramas"]
BigWigsHeigan.enabletrigger = boss
BigWigsHeigan.wipemobs = { L["Eye Stalk"], L["Rotting Maggot"] }
BigWigsHeigan.toggleoptions = {"engage", "teleport", "bosskill"}
BigWigsHeigan.revision = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 17550 $", 12, -3))

--      Initialization      --

function BigWigsHeigan:OnEnable()
        self.toRoomTime = 45
        self.toPlatformTime = 90
        self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED", "CheckForWipe")
        self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_HOSTILE_DEATH", "GenericBossDeath")

        self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "HeiganTeleport", 10)

function BigWigsHeigan:CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE( msg )
        if msg == L["die_trigger"] then
                if self.db.profile.bosskill then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs")["%s has been defeated"], boss), "Bosskill", nil, "Victory") end
                self.core:ToggleModuleActive(self, false)

function BigWigsHeigan:CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL( msg )
        if string.find(msg, L["starttrigger"]) or string.find(msg, L["starttrigger2"]) or string.find(msg, L["starttrigger3"]) then
                if self.db.profile.engage then
                        self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["engage_message"], "Important")
                if self.db.profile.teleport then
                        self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["teleport_bar"], self.toPlatformTime, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blink")
                        self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn1", "BigWigs_Message", self.toPlatformTime-60, L["teleport_1min_message"], "Attention")
                        self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn2", "BigWigs_Message", self.toPlatformTime-30, L["teleport_30sec_message"], "Urgent")
                        self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn3", "BigWigs_Message", self.toPlatformTime-10, L["teleport_10sec_message"], "Important")
        elseif string.find(msg, L["teleport_trigger"]) then
                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "HeiganTeleport")

function BigWigsHeigan:BigWigs_RecvSync( sync )
        if sync ~= "HeiganTeleport" then return end

        self:ScheduleEvent( self.BackToRoom, self.toRoomTime, self )

        if self.db.profile.teleport then
                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["on_platform_message"], self.toRoomTime), "Attention")
                self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn2","BigWigs_Message", self.toRoomTime-30, L["to_floor_30sec_message"], "Urgent")
                self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn3","BigWigs_Message", self.toRoomTime-10, L["to_floor_10sec_message"], "Important")
                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["back_bar"], self.toRoomTime, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Magic_LesserInvisibilty")

function BigWigsHeigan:BackToRoom()
        if self.db.profile.teleport then
                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["on_floor_message"], "Attention")
                self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn2","BigWigs_Message", self.toPlatformTime-30, L["teleport_30sec_message"], "Urgent")
                self:ScheduleEvent("bwheiganwarn3","BigWigs_Message", self.toPlatformTime-10, L["teleport_10sec_message"], "Important")
                self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["teleport_bar"], self.toPlatformTime, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Arcane_Blink")