vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
function BM_Translation_FR()
        -- ***GLOBAL VARIABLES ***--
        BRL_LOADED_INFO                                         = BM_GREEN .. "\nTapez '/brlconfig' dans la fenĂȘtre de chat, pour ouvrir la fenĂȘtre de configuration." .. BM_FONT_OFF;
        BRL_ACTIVE_INFO                                         = BM_GREEN .. "Recommended Level UI Menu is ACTIVE\nYou can type /brlconfig in the chat window to bring up the UI Menu." .. BM_FONT_OFF; -- New
        BRL_DISABLED_INFO                                               = BM_GREEN .. "Recommended Level UI Menu is DISABLED\nTyping /brlconfig in the chat window will not bring up the UI Menu." .. BM_FONT_OFF; -- New
        BRL_RESET_ALL_TEXT                                              = "Voulez vous vraiment r\195\169initialiser la configuration?"; 
        BRL_CITY                                                                = "Ville";
        BRL_CONTESTED                                                   = "Contest\195\169";
        BRL_ALLIANCE                                                    = "Alliance";
        BRL_HORDE                                                               = "Horde";
        BRL_NONE                                                                = "Aucune";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_CURRENT                                     = "Actuel:";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_CLEVEL                                              = "Niveau Actuel: ";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_CZONE                                               = "Zone Actuelle: ";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_CRANGE                                              = "Niveau de zone: ";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_CINSTANCES                          = "Instances: "; 
        BRL_TOOLTIP_RECOMMEND                           = "Zones recommand\195\169es:";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_RZONE                                               = "Zone: ";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_RRANGE                                              = "Niveau de zone: ";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_RFACTION                                    = "Faction: "; 
        BRL_TOOLTIP_RINSTANCES                          = "Instances: ";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_RCONTINENT                          = "Continent: "; --New
        BRL_TOOPTIP_TITLE                                               = "Zone Info"; 
        BRL_ERROR_MESSAGE_1                                     = "Le nombre doit \195\170tre compris entre 0 et 1.";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_BG                                                  = "Battlegrounds"; --New
        BRL_RECOMMEND_TO                                                = "\195\160 "; --New
        BRL_RECOMMEND_AND_UP                                    = " and up "; --New
        BRL_RECOMMEND_INSTANCES                         = "Recommended Instances:"; --New
        BRL_RECOMMEND_BATTLEGROUNDS                     = "Recommended Battlegrounds:"; --New

        -- *** MENU OPTIONS *** --
        BRL_ZONE_INFO_ENABLE                                    = "Montrer/Cacher la barre de Zone Info";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_ENABLE                                              = "Montrer/Cacher le tooltip"; 
        BRL_MAP_TEXT_ENABLE                                     = "Montrer/Cacher le texte de carte";
        BRL_TOOLTIP_OFFSET_LEFT                         = "Offset Gauche/Droite";        
        BRL_TOOLTIP_OFFSET_BOTTOM                       = "Offset Bas/haut"; 
        BRL_SHOW_TOOLTIP_FACTION                                = "Montrer la faction dans le tooltip";
        BRL_SHOW_TOOLTIP_INSTANCE                       = "Montrer les instances dans le tooltip"; 
        BRL_BORDER_ALPHASLIDER                                  = "Alpha du bord";
        BRL_SHOW_ZONE                                                   = "Montrer la zone dans la fenĂȘtre";
        BRL_SHOW_REC_INSTANCE                           = "Show Recommended Instances"; --New
        BRL_SHOW_REC_BATTLEGROUNDS                      = "Show Recommended Battlegrounds"; --New
        BRL_SHOW_TOOLTIP_CONTINENT                      = "Show Continent in Tooltip"; --New
        BRL_MOVABLE_FRAME_ENABLE                                = "Show Moveable Frame"; --New

        BMRECLEVEL_TITLE                                                = "Bhaldie Recommended Level";
        BMRECLEVEL_VERSION                                              = "2.11";
        BMRECLEVEL_DESCRIPTION                          = "Donne le niveau de la zone ou vous \195\170tes et vous en sugg\195\168re par rapport a votre niveau.";
        BMRECLEVEL_LOADED                                               = "|cffffff00" .. BMRECLEVEL_TITLE .. " v" .. BMRECLEVEL_VERSION .. " charg\195\169.";

        -- *** TABLE VARIABLES *** --
        BRL_EASTERNKINGDOM                                      = "Royaumes de l'est";
        BRL_KALIMDOR                                                    = "Kalimdor";

        -- ***LIST OF ZONES*** --
        ZONE_TABLE = {
                                ["ironforge"]                   ="Ironforge",
                                ["stormwind"]                   ="Cit\195\169 de Stormwind",
                                ["undercity"]                   ="Undercity",
                                ["dun_morogh"]          ="Dun Morogh",
                                ["elwynn_forest"]               ="For\195\170t d'Elwynn",
                                ["tirisfal_glades"]             ="Clairi\195\168res de Tirisfal",
                                ["loch_modan"]          ="Loch Modan",
                                ["westfall"]                    ="Marche de l'Ouest",
                                ["silverpine"]                  ="For\195\170t des Pins argent\195\169s",
                                ["redridge"]                    ="Les Carmines",
                                ["wetlands"]                    ="Les Paluns",
                                ["duskwood"]                    ="Bois de la p\195\169nombre",
                                ["hillsbrad"]                   ="Contreforts d'Hillsbrad",
                                ["alterac"]                     ="Montagnes d'Alterac",
                                ["arathi"]                      ="Hautes-terres d'Arathi",
                                ["badlands"]                    ="Terres ingrates",
                                ["stranglethorn"]               ="Vall\195\169e de Strangleronce",
                                ["swamp_sorrows"]       ="Marais des Chagrins",
                                ["blasted_lands"]               ="Terres foudroy\195\169es",
                                ["searing_gorge"]               ="Gorge des Vents br\195\187lants",
                                ["hinterlands"]         ="Les Hinterlands",
                                ["blackrock"]                   ="Mont Blackrock",
                                ["burning_steppes"]     ="Steppes ardentes",
                                ["deadwind"]                    ="D\195\169fil\195\169 de Deuillevent",
                                ["eastern_plague"]      ="Maleterres de l'est",
                                ["western_plague"]      ="Maleterres de l'ouest",
                                ["darnassus"]                   ="Darnassus",
                                ["orgrimmar"]                   ="Orgrimmar",
                                ["thunder_bluff"]               ="Thunder Bluff",
                                ["durotar"]                     ="Durotar",
                                ["mulgore"]                     ="Mulgore",
                                ["teldrassil"]                  ="Teldrassil",
                                ["darkshore"]                   ="Sombrivage",
                                ["barrens"]                     ="Les Tarides",
                                ["ashenvale"]                   ="Ashenvale",
                                ["stonetalon"]          ="Les Serres-Rocheuses",
                                ["thousand_needles"]    ="Mille pointes",
                                ["desolace"]                    ="D\195\169solace",
                                ["dustwallow"]          ="Mar\195\169cage d'\195\130prefange",
                                ["feralas"]                     ="Feralas",
                                ["silithus"]                    ="Silithus",
                                ["tanaris"]                     ="Tanaris",
                                ["ungoro"]                      ="Crat\195\168re d'Un'Goro",
                                ["azshara"]                     ="Azshara",
                                ["felwood"]                     ="Gangrebois",
                                ["moonglade"]           ="Reflet-de-Lune",
                                ["wintersprings"]               ="Berceau-de-l'Hiver",

        -- ***LIST OF INSTANCES*** --
        INSTANCE_TABLE = {
                                ["ironforge_instances"]         = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["stormwind_instances"]         = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "La prison", ["low_level"] = 24, ["high_level"] = 32, ["faction"] = BRL_ALLIANCE}},
                                ["undercity_instances"]         = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["dun_morogh_instances"]                = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Gnomeregan", ["low_level"] = 29, ["high_level"] = 38, ["faction"] = BRL_ALLIANCE}}, 
                                ["elwynn_forest_instances"]     = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["tirisfal_glades_instances"]   = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Monast\195\168re Ecarlate", ["low_level"] = 34, ["high_level"] = 45, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["loch_modan_instances"]                = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["westfall_instances"]                  = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Les mortemines", ["low_level"] = 17, ["high_level"] = 26, ["faction"] = BRL_ALLIANCE}},
                                ["silverpine_instances"]                = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Le donjon d'Ombrecroc", ["low_level"] = 22, ["high_level"] = 30, ["faction"] = BRL_HORDE}},
                                ["redridge_instances"]                  = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["wetlands_instances"]          = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["duskwood_instances"]          = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["hillsbrad_instances"]                 = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["alterac_instances"]                   = {{["itype"] = "battlegrounds", ["instance"] = "Vall\195\169e d'Alterac", ["low_level"] = 51, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["arathi_instances"]                    = {{["itype"] = "battlegrounds", ["instance"] = "Bassin d'Arathi", ["low_level"] = 20, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["badlands_instances"]          = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Uldaman", ["low_level"] = 41, ["high_level"] = 51, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["stranglethorn_instances"]     = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Zul'Grub", ["low_level"] = 55, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["swamp_sorrows_instances"]     = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Le temple d\'Atal\'Hakkar", ["low_level"] = 50, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["blasted_lands_instances"]     = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["searing_gorge_instances"]     = {
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Coeur du magma", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Rep\195\168re de l'Aile noire", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Le pic de Blackrock", ["low_level"] = 55, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Les profondeurs de Blackrock", ["low_level"] = 52, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                ["hinterlands_instances"]               = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["blackrock_instances"]         = {
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Coeur du magma", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Rep\195\168re de l'Aile noire", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Le pic de Blackrock", ["low_level"] = 55, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Les profondeurs de Blackrock", ["low_level"] = 52, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                ["burning_steppes_instances"]   = {
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Coeur du magma", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Rep\195\168re de l'Aile noire", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Le pic de Blackrock", ["low_level"] = 55, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Les profondeurs de Blackrock", ["low_level"] = 52, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                ["deadwind_instances"]          = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["eastern_plague_instances"]    = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Stratholme", ["low_level"] = 58, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["western_plague_instances"]    = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Scholomance", ["low_level"] = 56, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["darnassus_instances"]         = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["orgrimmar_instances"]         = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Gouffre de Ragefeu", ["low_level"] = 13, ["high_level"] = 18, ["faction"] = BRL_HORDE}},
                                ["thunder_bluff_instances"]     = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["durotar_instances"]                   = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["mulgore_instances"]                   = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["teldrassil_instances"]                = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["darkshore_instances"]         = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["barrens_instances"]                   = {
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Caverne des lamentations", ["low_level"] = 17, ["high_level"] = 24, ["faction"] = BRL_HORDE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Kraal de Tranchebauge", ["low_level"] = 29, ["high_level"] = 38, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Souilles de Tranchebauge", ["low_level"] = 37, ["high_level"] = 46, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "battlegrounds", ["instance"] = "Goulet des Warsong", ["low_level"] = 10, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_HORDE},
                                ["ashenvale_instances"]         = {
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire", ["low_level"] = 24, ["high_level"] = 32, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE},
                                                                                                {["itype"] = "battlegrounds", ["instance"] = "Goulet des Warsong", ["low_level"] = 10, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_ALLIANCE},
                                ["stonetalon_instances"]                = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["thousand_needles_instances"] = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["desolace_instances"]          = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Maraudon", ["low_level"] = 46, ["high_level"] = 55, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["dustwallow_instances"]                = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "l'Antre d'Onyxia", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["feralas_instances"]                   = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Hache-Tripes", ["low_level"] = 56, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["silithus_instances"]                  = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Les portes d'Ahn'Qiraj", ["low_level"] = 60, ["high_level"] = 60, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["tanaris_instances"]                   = {{["itype"] = "instance", ["instance"] = "Zul'Farrak", ["low_level"] = 44, ["high_level"] = 54, ["faction"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["ungoro_instances"]                    = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["azshara_instances"]                   = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["felwood_instances"]                   = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["moonglade_instances"]         = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},
                                ["wintersprings_instances"]     = {{["instance"] = BRL_NONE}},

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