vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- German translation by MeKyle

local BGInvite_version = "";
BGINVITE_TITLE = "BGInvite v"..BGInvite_version;

                BGINVITE_CHANNELS = {
                { name = "[0] - Say", id = nil, type="SAY"; },
                { name = "[1] - General", id = 1, type="CHANNEL" }

                BGINVITE_TAB_OPTIONS = "Options"
                BGINVITE_AUTOINVITE = "Auto Invite"
                BGINVITE_AUTOPURGE = "Purge"
                BGINVITE_WHISPER = "Whisper"
                BGINVITE_MAGIC_WORD = "Magic word"
                CHANGE_BGINVITE_MAGIC_WORD = "Change Magic word"
                BGINVITE_CHANNEL_NOTE = "Chat location to send BGInvite messages";
                BGINVITE_SET = "Set"
                BGINVITE_CHANGE = "Change"
                BGINVITE_DEFAULT = "Default"
                BGINVITE_SEND_INVITES = "Send invites"
                BGINVITE_PROMOTE_ALL = "Promote All"
                BGINVITE_DEMOTE_ALL = "Demote All"
                BGINVITE_HELP = "Help"
                BGINVITE_LEAVE_YOUR_GROUP = "Please leave your group for Raid invite";
                BGINVITE_ADD_PLAYER_TO_BLACKLIST = "Add Player to Blacklist"
                BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION          =       "%s declines your group invitation"
                BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION_FIND     =       "^(%w+) declines your group invitation."
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU                   =       "%s is ignoring you"
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU_FIND              =       "^(%w+) is ignoring you."
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_RAID               =       "%w+ has joined the raid group"
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_RAID_FIND          =       "^(%w+) has joined the raid group"
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_PARTY              =       "%w+ joins the party."
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_PARTY_FIND         =       "^(%w+) joins the party."
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP               =       "%s is already in a group"
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_FIND          =       "^(%w+) is already in a group."
                BGlocal_YOU_JOINED_RAID_GROUP                   =       "You have joined a raid group"
                BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED                        =       "You have invited %w+ to join your group."
                BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED_FIND                   =       "You have invited (%w+) to join your group."
                BGlocal_BG_WARSONG                              =       "Warsong Gulch"
                BGlocal_BG_ALTERAC                              =       "Alterac Valley"
                BGlocal_BG_ARATHI                               =       "Arathi Basin"

                BGINVITE_COOLDOWN_NOTE = "This is the amount of time\nthat must pass before BGInvite\nwill attempt to re-invite\na player to the raid\nwho previously failed to join\n(20 seconds recommended)"
                BGINVITE_COOLDOWN = "Invite Retry Cooldown";
                BGINVITE_PURGE_COOLDOWN_NOTE = "This is the amount of time\nthat must pass before BGInvite\nwill attempt to purge from the raid\na players who have left the battleground"
                BGINVITE_PURGE_COOLDOWN = "Purge Retry Cooldown";
                BGINVITE_MAX_INVITES_NOTE = "The maximum number of times BGInvite\nwill attempt to contact a user who is\nis on the blacklist";
                BGINVITE_MAX_INVITES = "Max retries";
                BGINVITE_SENDINVITES_NOTE = "Send invites to everybody on the Battleground who is not already in your raid";
                BGINVITE_INVITE_COOLDOWN_NOTE = "The number of seconds BGInvite will pause\nbetween sending out invites to players";
                BGINVITE_INVITE_COOLDOWN = "Invites Cooldown";
                BGINVITE_PROMOTE_NOTE = "Promote everybody in the raid to Officer";
                BGINVITE_DEMOTE_NOTE = "Demote everybody in the raid to member";
                BGINVITE_WHISPER_NOTE = "Send whispers to players who are\nalready in a group.";
                BGINVITE_DISABLE = "Disable BGInvite";
                BGINVITE_DISABLE_NOTE = "Disable BGInvite";
                BGINVITE_AUTOINVITE_NOTE = "Send out auto invites for players to join your raid/party";
                BGINVITE_AUTOPURGE_NOTE = "Purge players from your raid that have left the Battleground";
                BGINVITE_CLEAR_BLACKLIST = "Clear Blacklist";
                BGINVITE_CLEAR_BL_NOTE = "Clear the list of players on the blacklist (due to Already in Group or Declined)";
                BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP = "Already in a group";
                BGINVITE_DECLINED = "Declined";
                BGINVITE_MANUAL_ADD = "Manually Added";
                BGlocal_NOW_PURGING                             =       "Now purging the group whenever you check the scores! Note: Due to issues with lag, it may be necesary to refresh the scores twice for a purge to take effect."
                BGlocal_NOT_PURGING                             =       "No longer purging the group"
                BGlocal_AUTO_INVITING                           =       "Automatically inviting newcomers"
                BGlocal_NOT_AUTO_INVITING                       =       "Not auto-inviting newcomers"
                BGlocal_BLACKLISTED_PLAYERS                     =       "Blacklisted players"
                BGlocal_SAY_INVITING                            =       "[BGinvite] Leave your groups if you would like invites (assuming the raid hasn't already been created)."
                BGlocal_CONVERTING_TO_RAID                      =       "Converting to raid"
                BGlocal_PURGING_PLAYERS                         =       "Purging old players"
                BGlocal_ERROR_SCANNING                          =       "Error scanning players, please refresh scoreboard"
                BGlocal_YOU_APPEAR_GONE                         =       "[BGinvite] You no longer appear to be in the BG instance and have been removed to make room for others. You will automatically be reinvited if you return."
                BGlocal_HELP_ERR                                =       "Type '/bginvite help' for a listing of [BGinvite] commands"
                BINDING_NAME_BG_PROMOTE_ALL                     =       "Promote all"
                BINDING_NAME_BG_DEMOTE_ALL                      =       "Demote all"
                BINDING_HEADER_BGINVITE                         =       "BGInvite"
                BINDING_NAME_BG_SEND_INVITE                     =       "Send Invites"
                BGINVITE_SECONDS = " seconds";
                BGINVITE_RETRIES = " retries";

        if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
-- Many thanks to Ninjamask for supplying the German translation
-- German Character replace table for Localisation:
-- \195\132 Ä -- \195\164 ä
-- \195\150 Ö -- \195\182 ö
-- \195\156 Ü -- \195\188 ü
-- \195\159 ß
                BGINVITE_CHANNELS = {
                { name = "[0] - Say", id = nil, type="SAY"; },
                { name = "[1] - Allgemein", id = 1, type="CHANNEL" }

                BGINVITE_TAB_OPTIONS            = "Optionen"
                BGINVITE_AUTOINVITE             = "Autom. einladen"
                BGINVITE_AUTOPURGE              = "Autom. entfernen"
                BGINVITE_WHISPER                = "Fl\195\188stern"
                BGINVITE_CHANNEL_NOTE           = "Chatchannel f\195\188r [BGInvite] Nachrichten";
                BGINVITE_MAGIC_WORD             = "Magisches Wort"
                CHANGE_BGINVITE_MAGIC_WORD      = "Magisches Word \195\164ndern"
                BGINVITE_SET                    = "Setzen"
                BGINVITE_CHANGE                 = "\195\132ndern"
                BGINVITE_DEFAULT                = "Standard"
                BGINVITE_SEND_INVITES           = "Sende Einladungen"
                BGINVITE_PROMOTE_ALL            = "Alle bef\195\182rdern"
                BGINVITE_DEMOTE_ALL             = "Alle herabstufen"
                BGINVITE_HELP                   = "Hilfe"
                BGINVITE_LEAVE_YOUR_GROUP       = "Bitte verlasse deine Gruppe, damit du in die Schlachtgruppe eingeladen werden kannst.";
                BGINVITE_ADD_PLAYER_TO_BLACKLIST = "Spieler zur schwarzen Liste hinzuf\195\188gen."
                BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION          =   "%s lehnt Eure Einladung in die Gruppe ab."
                BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION_FIND     =   "^(%w+) lehnt Eure Einladung in die Gruppe ab."
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU                   =   "%s ignoriert Euch."
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU_FIND              =   "^(%w+) ignoriert Euch."
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_RAID               =   "%w+ hat sich der Schlachtgruppe angeschlossen."
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_RAID_FIND          =   "^(%w+) hat sich der Schlachtgruppe angeschlossen."
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_PARTY              =   "%w+ schlie\195\159t sich der Gruppe an."
                BGlocal_BLANK_HAS_JOINED_THE_PARTY_FIND         =   "^(%w+) schlie\195\159t sich der Gruppe an."
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP               =   "%s geh\195\182rt bereits zu einer Gruppe."
                BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_FIND          =   "^(%w+) geh\195\182rt bereits zu einer Gruppe."
                BGlocal_YOU_JOINED_RAID_GROUP                   =   "Ihr habt Euch einer Schlachtgruppe angeschlossen."
                BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED                        =   "Ihr habt %w+ eingeladen, sich Eurer Gruppe anzuschlie\195\159en."
                BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED_FIND                   =   "Ihr habt (%w+) eingeladen, sich Eurer Gruppe anzuschlie\195\159en."
                BGlocal_BG_WARSONG                              =   "Warsongschlucht"
                BGlocal_BG_ALTERAC                              =   "Alteractal"
                BGlocal_BG_ARATHI                               =   "Arathibecken"

                BGINVITE_COOLDOWN_NOTE          = "This is the amount of time\nthat must pass before BGInvite\nwill attempt to re-invite\na player to the raid\nwho previously failed to join\n(20 seconds recommended)"
                BGINVITE_COOLDOWN               = "Invite Retry Cooldown";
                BGINVITE_PURGE_COOLDOWN_NOTE    = "This is the amount of time\nthat must pass before BGInvite\nwill attempt to purge from the raid\na players who have left the battleground"
                BGINVITE_PURGE_COOLDOWN         = "Purge Retry Cooldown";
                BGINVITE_MAX_INVITES_NOTE       = "Die maximale Anzahl an Versuchen die BGInvite versucht einen Spieler zu kontaktieren, welcher nicht auf der schwarzen Liste ist.";
                BGINVITE_MAX_INVITES            = "Max Wiederholungen";
                BGINVITE_SENDINVITES_NOTE       = "Sende Einladungen an jeden im Schlachtfeld der noch nicht in deiner Raidgruppe ist.";
                BGINVITE_INVITE_COOLDOWN_NOTE   = "Die Anzahl der Sekunden, die BGInvite pausiert zwischen\ndem versenden von Einladungen an Spieler.";
                BGINVITE_INVITE_COOLDOWN        = "Einladungen alle:";
                BGINVITE_PROMOTE_NOTE           = "Bef\195\182rdert alle in der Schlachtgruppe zum Offizier.";
                BGINVITE_DEMOTE_NOTE            = "Stuft alle in der Schlachtgruppe zum Mitglied zur\195\188ck.";
                BGINVITE_WHISPER_NOTE           = "Fl\195\188stere Spieler an die bereits in einer Gruppe sind.";
                BGINVITE_DISABLE                = "BGInvite aus";
                BGINVITE_DISABLE_NOTE           = "Schaltet BGInvite aus.";

                BGINVITE_AUTOINVITE_NOTE        = "Versende Einladungen an Spieler die deiner Raidgruppe beitreten k\195\182nnen.";
                BGINVITE_AUTOPURGE_NOTE         = "Entferne Spieler von deiner Raidgruppe die das Schlachtfeld verlassen haben.";
                BGINVITE_CLEAR_BLACKLIST        = "Schwarze Liste leeren";
                BGINVITE_CLEAR_BL_NOTE          = "Leert die schwarze Liste.";

                BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP       = "Schon in einer Gruppe";
                BGINVITE_DECLINED               = "Abgelehnt";
                BGINVITE_MANUAL_ADD             = "Manuell hinzugef\195\188gt";
                BGlocal_NOW_PURGING                             =   "Gruppe wird nun bereinigt sobald du die Punktetafel \195\182ffnest! Hinfeis: Bei lag's, k\195\182nnte es notwendig sein die Punktetafel zwei mal zu aktualisieren, damit die bereinigung wirkt."
                BGlocal_NOT_PURGING                             =   "Gruppe wird nicht mehr bereinigt"
                BGlocal_AUTO_INVITING                           =   "Automatisches Einladen von Neuank\195\182mmlingen"
                BGlocal_NOT_AUTO_INVITING                       =   "Kein automatisches Einladen von Neuank\195\182mmlingen"
                BGlocal_BLACKLISTED_PLAYERS                     =   "Blacklisted Spieler"
                BGlocal_SAY_INVITING                            =   "[BGinvite] Verlasst eure Gruppen wenn ihr eingeladen werden wollt (Sofern der Raid nicht bereits erstellt wurde)."
                BGlocal_CONVERTING_TO_RAID                      =   "Konvertiere zu Raid"
                BGlocal_PURGING_PLAYERS                         =   "Bereinige alte Spieler"
                BGlocal_ERROR_SCANNING                          =   "Fehler beim Spieler scan, Bitte Anzeigetafel aktualisieren"
                BGlocal_YOU_APPEAR_GONE                         =   "[BGinvite] Du scheinst dich nicht l\195\164nger in der Schlachtfeld-Instanz zu befinden und wurdest entfernt um platz f\195\188r andere Spieler zu schaffen. Du wirst automatisch erneut eingeladen sobald du zur\195\188ckkehrst."
                BGlocal_HELP_ERR                                =   "Tippe '/bginvite help' f\195\188r eine Auflistung von [BGinvite] commands"

                BINDING_NAME_BG_PROMOTE_ALL     = "Alle bef\195\182rdern"
                BINDING_NAME_BG_DEMOTE_ALL      = "Alle zur\195\188ckstufen"
                BINDING_HEADER_BGINVITE         = "BGInvite"
                BINDING_NAME_BG_SEND_INVITE     = "Sende Einladungen"

                BGINVITE_SECONDS = " Sek.";
                BGINVITE_RETRIES = " mal";              