vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:

BGAssist_ItemTrack = {
        [17422] = "INV_Shoulder_19",            -- "Armor Scraps"
        -- Horde
        [17306] = "INV_Potion_50",              -- "Stormpike Soldier's Blood"
        [17642] = "INV_Misc_Pelt_Bear_02",      -- "Alterac Ram Hide"
        [18142] = "INV_Misc_Head_Elf_02",       -- "Severed Night Elf Head"
        [18143] = "INV_Misc_MonsterTail_02",    -- "Tuft of Gnome Hair"
        [18206] = "INV_Misc_Bone_03",           -- "Dwarf Spine"
        [18144] = "INV_Misc_Bone_07",           -- "Human Bone Chip"
        [17326] = "INV_Misc_Food_52",           -- "Stormpike Soldier's Flesh",
        [17327] = "INV_Misc_Food_72",           -- "Stormpike Lieutenant's Flesh"
        [17328] = "INV_Misc_Food_69",           -- "Stormpike Commander's Flesh",
        -- Alliance
        [17423] = "INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_06",      -- "Storm Crystal"
        [17643] = "INV_Misc_Pelt_Bear_02",      -- "Frostwolf Hide"
        [18145] = "INV_Misc_Foot_Centaur",      -- "Tauren Hoof"
        [18146] = "INV_Potion_82",              -- "Darkspear Troll Mojo"
        [18207] = "INV_Misc_Bone_08",           -- "Orc Tooth"
        [18147] = "INV_Misc_Organ_01",          -- "Forsaken Heart"
        [17502] = "INV_Jewelry_Talisman_06",    -- "Frostwolf Soldier's Medal"
        [17503] = "INV_Jewelry_Talisman_04",    -- "Frostwolf Lieutenant's Medal"
        [17504] = "INV_Jewelry_Talisman_12",    -- "Frostwolf Commander's Medal"
BGAssist_Alterac_Quests = {
        ["Irondeep Supplies"] = true,
        ["Coldtooth Supplies"] = true,
        ["Master Ryson's All Seeing Eye"] = true,
        ["Empty Stables"] = true,       -- Wolf/Ram turnin
        -- Horde
        ["More Booty!"]                         = { item = 17422, min=20 },
        ["Lokholar the Ice Lord"]               = { item = 17306, max=4 },
        ["A Gallon of Blood"]                   = { item = 17306, min=5 },
        ["Ram Hide Harnesses"]                  = { item = 17642 },
        ["Darkspear Defense"]                   = { item = 18142 },
        ["Tuft it Out"]                         = { item = 18143 },
        ["Wanted: MORE DWARVES!"]               = { item = 18206 },
        ["I've Got A Fever For More Bone Chips"]= { item = 18144 },
        ["Call of Air - Guse's Fleet"]          = { item = 17326 },
        ["Call of Air - Jeztor's Fleet"]        = { item = 17327 },
        ["Call of Air - Mulverick's Fleet"]     = { item = 17328 },
        -- Alliance
        ["More Armor Scraps"]                   = { item = 17422, min=20 },
        ["Ivus the Forest Lord"]                = { item = 17423, max=4 },
        ["Crystal Cluster"]                     = { item = 17423, min=5 },
        ["Ram Riding Harnesses"]                = { item = 17643 },
        ["What the Hoof?"]                      = { item = 18145 },
        ["Staghelm's Mojo Jamboree"]            = { item = 18146 },
        ["Wanted: MORE ORCS!"]                  = { item = 18207 },
        ["One Man's Love"]                      = { item = 18147 },
        ["Call of Air - Slidore's Fleet"]       = { item = 17502 },
        ["Call of Air - Vipore's Fleet"]        = { item = 17503 },
        ["Call of Air - Ichman's Fleet"]        = { item = 17504 },
BGAssist_FlagRegexp = {
        ["RESET"] = {   ["regexp"] = "The flags are now placed at their bases." },
        ["PICKED"] = {  ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
                        ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) [fF]lag was picked up by ([^!]*)!" },
        ["DROPPED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
                        ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) [fF]lag was dropped by ([^!]*)!" },
        ["RETURNED"] ={ ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
                        ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) [fF]lag was returned to its base by ([^!]*)!" },
        ["CAPTURED"] ={ ["one"] = "PLAYER", ["two"] = "FACTION",
                        ["regexp"] = "([^ ]*) captured the ([^ ]*) flag!" },
ALTERACVALLEY   = "Alterac Valley";
WARSONGGULCH    = "Warsong Gulch";
ARATHIBASIN     = "Arathi Basin";

DISPLAY_MENU_LOCKWINDOW                 = "Lock Window Position";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSHOW           = "Auto Show Window when Entering BG";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTORELEASE                = "Auto Release in BG";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOQUEST          = "Auto Confirm Quests";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOENTER          = "Auto Enter BG";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSIGNUP                 = "Auto Signup for BG";
DISPLAY_MENU_TIMERSHOW          = "Show Capture Timers";
DISPLAY_MENU_ITEMSHOW           = "Show BG Item Counts";
DISPLAY_MENU_GYCOUNTDOWN                = "Show Timer for GY Rezzing";
DISPLAY_MENU_TARGETTINGASSISTANCE = "Use Targetting Assistance Window";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOACCEPTGROUP    = "Auto accept group invites in BG";
DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOLEAVEGROUP     = "Auto leave group when leaving BG";
DISPLAY_MENU_NOPREEXISTING      = "No pre-existing instances";
DISPLAY_MENU_SHOWCAPTUREDFLAGS  = "Show flags already captured";
DISPLAY_TEXT_PREEXISTING                = "Offered BG instance is pre-existing";
DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMEUNTILREZ       = "Time Until Ressurection";
DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMELEFT           = "Time Left";
DISPLAY_TEXT_SECONDS            = "seconds";
DISPLAY_TEXT_MINUTES            = "minutes";
DISPLAY_TEXT_NOTENTERINGAFK     = "Not entering BG because you are AFK";
DISPLAY_TEXT_FLAGHOLDERNOTCLOSEENOUGH = "Flag Holder not close enough to target.";
BATTLEGROUND_GOSSIP_TEXT        = "I would like to go to the battleground.";
MATCHING_MARKED_AFK     = "You are now AFK";
MATCHING_CLEARED_AFK    = "You are no longer AFK.";
FACTION_ALLIANCE        = "Alliance";
FACTION_HORDE   = "Horde";
CLASS_WARRIOR   = "Warrior";
CLASS_MAGE      = "Mage";
CLASS_ROGUE     = "Rogue";
CLASS_DRUID     = "Druid";
CLASS_HUNTER    = "Hunter";
CLASS_SHAMAN    = "Shaman";
CLASS_PRIEST    = "Priest";
CLASS_WARLOCK   = "Warlock";
CLASS_PALADIN   = "Paladin";

Generated by GNU Enscript