vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

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AutoInvite Readme File
Original Version by Ayradyss, modified by Nathanmx
Version 0.5

Introducing AutoInvite, for those who want a quick way to invite friends to their group or raid!

Essentially, whenever someone whispers you and that whisper contains a customizable keyword (it can be mixed in among other things), you'll automatically issue a group or raid invite to them [if you're allowed to].
AutoInvite loads defaulted to on, party invites, using the keyword "invite me".

Usage: /autoinvite or /ai <options>
        /ai alist : invites people from the A priority list
        /ai blist : invite people from the B priority list
        /ai status : Displays the current options setting.
        /ai on|off : Turns AutoInvite's automatic invite issuing on or off.
        /ai party|raid: changes the group checking: "Party" mode is made for five-man groups only, "Raid" mode handles 40-man raid groups.  There's not a lot of difference, else.
        /ai anything else at all: sets the invite keyword to whatever you input.  These are -not- case-sensitive.

Version log: 
        0.1 : Initial public release
        0.2 : Fixed a bug involving AutoInvite not recognizing party mode properly.
                Added auto-convert to raid functionality when you're in raid mode, partied, and invite a 6th person.
        0.3 : Updated to 1500 patch. 
                Now supporting raid officer invites too :)
        0.4 : Updated to 1700 patch. 
                Now using the New And Shiny way of loading properly!
        0.5 : Updated 1.8.1 patch
                Can mass invite people via a preset list (alist and blist)

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