vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- AutoBar
-- Item List Database
--  Author: Marc aka Saien on Hyjal

local ALTERACVALLEY = "Alterac Valley";
local WARSONGGULCH = "Warsong Gulch";
local ARATHIBASIN = "Arathi Basin";

if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
        ALTERACVALLEY = "Vall\195\169e d'Alterac";
        WARSONGGULCH = "Goulet des Warsong";
        ARATHIBASIN = "Bassin d'Arathi";
elseif (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
        ALTERACVALLEY = "Alteractal";
        WARSONGGULCH = "Warsongschlucht";
        ARATHIBASIN = "Arathibecken";
elseif ( GetLocale() == "zhCN" ) then
elseif ( GetLocale() == "zhTW" ) then

AutoBar_Category_Info = { -- global
        ["BANDAGES"] = {
                ["description"] = "Bandages";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Bandage_15";
                ["targetted"] = true;
                ["smarttarget"] = true;
        ["ALTERAC_BANDAGES"] = {
                ["description"] = "Alterac Bandages";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Bandage_12";
                ["targetted"] = true;
                ["location"] = ALTERACVALLEY;
                ["smarttarget"] = true;
                ["items"] = { 19307 },
        ["WARSONG_BANDAGES"] = {
                ["description"] = "Warsong Bandages";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Bandage_12";
                ["targetted"] = true;
                ["location"] = WARSONGGULCH;
                ["smarttarget"] = true;
        ["ARATHI_BANDAGES"] = {
                ["description"] = "Arathi Bandages";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Bandage_12";
                ["targetted"] = true;
                ["location"] = ARATHIBASIN;
                ["smarttarget"] = true;
        ["UNGORO_RESTORE"] = {
                ["description"] = "Un'Goro: Crystal Restore";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Gem_Diamond_02";
                ["combatonly"] = true;
                ["targetted"] = true;
                ["smarttarget"] = true;
                ["limit"] = { ["downhp"] = { 670 } },
                ["items"] = { 11562 },
        ["HEALPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Heal Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_49";
                ["limit"] = { ["downhp"] = { 70, 140, 140, 280, 455, 700, 1050} },
        ["PVP_HEALPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "PVP Rank 6 - Heal Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_39";
                ["items"]  = { 18839 },
                ["limit"] = { ["downhp"] = { 900 } },
        ["HEALTHSTONE"] = {
                ["description"] = "Healthstones";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Stone_04";
        ["WHIPPER_ROOT"] = {
                ["description"] = "Whipper Root";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_55";
                ["items"] = { 11951 },
                ["limit"] = { ["downhp"] = { 700 } },
        ["ALTERAC_HEAL"] = {
                ["description"] = "Alterac Heal Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_39";
                ["location"] = ALTERACVALLEY;
                ["items"] = {
                        17349,  -- Superior Healing Draught
                        17348,  -- Major Healing Draught
        ["PVP_MANAPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "PVP Rank 6 - Mana Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_81";
                ["items"]  = { 18841 },
                ["limit"] = { ["downmana"] = { 900 }, },
        ["MANAPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mana Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_70";
                ["limit"] = { ["downmana"] = { 140, 280, 455, 700, 900, 1350} },
        ["MANASTONE"] = {
                ["description"] = "Manastones";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_01";
        ["ALTERAC_MANA"] = {
                ["description"] = "Alterac Mana Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_81";
                ["location"] = ALTERACVALLEY;
                ["items"] = {
                        17352,  -- Superior Mana Draught
                        17351,  -- Major Mana Draught
        ["NIGHT_DRAGONS_BREATH"] = {
                ["description"] = "Night Dragon's Breath";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_45";
                ["limit"] = { ["downhp"] = { 456 }, ["downmana"] = { 456 }, },
                ["items"] = { 11952 },
                ["description"] = "Rejuvenation Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_47";
                ["items"] = {
                        2456,   -- Minor Rejuvenation Potion
                        18253,  -- Major Rejuvenation Potion
                ["limit"] = { ["downhp"] = { 150, 1760 }, ["downmana"] = { 150, 1760 }, },
        ["HEARTHSTONE"] = {
                ["description"] = "Hearthstone";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Rune_01";
                ["items"] = { 6948 },
        ["WATER"] = {
                ["description"] = "Water";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Drink_10";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["WATER_CONJURED"] = {
                ["description"] = "Water: Mage Conjured";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Drink_10";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["RAGEPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Rage Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_24";
        ["ENERGYPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Energy Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Drink_Milk_05";
                ["items"] = { 7676 },
        ["SWIFTNESSPOTIONS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Swiftness Potions";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_95";
                ["items"] = { 2459 },
        ["SOULSHARDS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Soul Shards";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Gem_Amethyst_02";
                ["notusable"] = true;
                ["items"] = { 6265 },
        ["ARROWS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Arrows";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Ammo_Arrow_02";
                ["notusable"] = true;
        ["BULLETS"] = {
                ["description"] = "Bullets";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Ammo_Bullet_02";
                ["notusable"] = true;
        ["THROWN"] = {
                ["description"] = "Thrown Weapons";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Axe_19";
                ["notusable"] = true;
        ["FOOD"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: No Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_14";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_WATER"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food & Water Combo";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_33";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
                ["items"] = { 13724, 19301 }
        ["FOOD_CONJURED"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Mage Conjured";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_10";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_STAMINA"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Stamina Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Egg_03";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_AGILITY"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Agility Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Fish_13";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_MANAREGEN"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Mana Regen Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_14";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_HPREGEN"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: HP Regen Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Fish_19";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_STRENGTH"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Strength Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_64";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_INTELLIGENCE"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Intelligence Bonus";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_63";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["FOOD_ARATHI"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Arathi Basin";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_33";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
                ["location"] = ARATHIBASIN;
                ["items"] = { 20062 },
        ["FOOD_WARSONG"] = {
                ["description"] = "Food: Warsong Gulch";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_33";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
                ["location"] = WARSONGGULCH;
                ["items"] = { 19062, 19061, 19060 },
        ["SHARPENINGSTONES"] = {
                ["description"] = "Blacksmith created Sharpening stones";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Stone_SharpeningStone_01";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["WEIGHTSTONE"] = {
                ["description"] = "Blacksmith created Weight stones";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Stone_WeightStone_02";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["POISON-CRIPPLING"] = {
                ["description"] = "Crippling Poison";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_19";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["POISON-DEADLY"] = {
                ["description"] = "Deadly Poison";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Rogue_DualWeild";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["POISON-INSTANT"] = {
                ["description"] = "Instant Poison";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Poisons";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["POISON-MINDNUMBING"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mind-Numbing Poison";
                ["texture"] = "Spell_Nature_NullifyDisease";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["POISON-WOUND"] = {
                ["description"] = "Wounding Poison";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_PoisonSting";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
        ["EXPLOSIVES"] = {
                ["description"] = "Engineering Explosives";
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Bomb_08";
                ["nosmartcast"] = true;
                ["targetted"] = true;
        ["MOUNTS_TROLL"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Troll - Raptor";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_Raptor";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_ORC"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Orc - Wolf";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_BlackDireWolf",
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_UNDEAD"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Undead - Skeletal Horse";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_Undeadhorse";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_TAUREN"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Tauren - Kodo";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_Kodo_01";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_HUMAN"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Human - Horse";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_NightmareHorse";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_NIGHTELF"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Night Elf - Tiger";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_BlackPanther";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_DWARF"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Dwarf - Ram";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_MountainRam";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_GNOME"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Gnome - Strider";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_MechaStrider";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MOUNTS_SPECIAL"] = {
                ["description"] = "Mount: Special";
                ["texture"] = "Ability_Mount_JungleTiger";
                ["noncombat"] = true,
        ["MANA_OIL"] = {
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_01";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
                ["description"] = "Enchantment Oil: Mana Regen";
        ["WIZARD_OIL"] = {
                ["texture"] = "INV_Potion_100";
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON";
                ["description"] = "Enchantment Oil: Damage/Healing Bonus";
        ["FISHINGITEMS"] = {
                ["texture"] = "INV_Misc_Food_26",
                ["targetted"] = "WEAPON",
                ["description"] = "Fishing Items",
                ["items"] = {
                        6529, -- Shiny Bauble
                        6530, -- Nightcrawlers
                        6811, -- Aquadynamic Fish Lens
                        6532, -- Bright Baubles
                        6533, -- Aquadynamic Fish Attractors

AutoBar_Category_Info["BANDAGES"].items = {
                1251,   -- Linen Bandage
                2581,   -- Heavy Linen Bandage
                3530,   -- Wool Bandage
                3531,   -- Heavy Wool Bandage
                6450,   -- Silk Bandage
                6451,   -- Heavy Silk Bandage
                8544,   -- Mageweave Bandage
                8545,   -- Heavy Mageweave Bandage
                14529,  -- Runecloth Bandage
                14530,  -- Heavy Runecloth Bandage
AutoBar_Category_Info["HEALPOTIONS"].items = {
                118,    -- Minor Healing Potion
                858,    -- Lesser Healing Potion
                4596,   -- Discolored Healing Potion
                929,    -- Healing Potion
                1710,   -- Greater Healing Potion
                3928,   -- Superior Healing Potion
                13446,  -- Major Healing Potion
AutoBar_Category_Info["MANAPOTIONS"].items = {
                2455,   -- Minor Mana Potion
                3385,   -- Lesser Mana Potion
                3827,   -- Mana Potion
                6149,   -- Greater Mana Potion
                13443,  -- Superior Mana Potion
                13444,  -- Major Mana Potion
AutoBar_Category_Info["HEALTHSTONE"].items = {
                5512,   -- Minor Healthstone
                19004,  -- 1pt Talent improved Minor Healthstone
                19005,  -- 2pt Talent improved Minor Healthstone
                5511,   -- Lesser Healthstone
                19006,  -- Talent improved Lesser Healthstone
                19007,  -- 1pt 2pt Talent improved Lesser Healthstone
                5509,   -- Healthstone
                19008,  -- 1pt Talent improved Healthstone
                19009,  -- 2pt Talent improved Healthstone
                5510,   -- Greater Healthstone
                19010,  -- 1pt Talent improved Greater Healthstone
                19011,  -- 2pt Talent improved Greater Healthstone
                9421,   -- Major Healthstone
                19012,  -- 1pt Talent improved Major Healthstone
                19013,  -- 2pt Talent improved Major Healthstone
AutoBar_Category_Info["MANASTONE"].items = {
                5514,   -- Mana Agate
                5513,   -- Mana Jade
                8007,   -- Mana Citrine
                8008,   -- Mana Ruby
AutoBar_Category_Info["WATER"].items = {
                19997,  -- Harvest Nectar
                159,    -- Refreshing Spring Water
                1179,   -- Ice Cold Milk
                1205,   -- Melon Juice
                9451,   -- Bubbling Water
                1708,   -- Sweet Nectar
                4791,   -- Enchanted Water
                10841,  -- Goldthorn Tea
                1645,   -- Moonberry Juice
                8766,   -- Morning Glory Dew
                19318,  -- Bottled Alterac Spring Water
AutoBar_Category_Info["WATER_CONJURED"].items = {
                5350,   -- Conjured Water
                2288,   -- Conjured Fresh Water
                2136,   -- Conjured Purified Water
                3772,   -- Conjured Spring Water
                8077,   -- Conjured Mineral Water
                8078,   -- Conjured Sparkling Water
                8079,   -- Conjured Crystal Water
AutoBar_Category_Info["RAGEPOTIONS"].items = {
                5631,   -- Rage Potion
                5633,   -- Great Rage Potion
                13442,  -- Mighty Rage Potion
AutoBar_Category_Info["BULLETS"].items = {
                2516,   -- Light Shot
                4960,   -- Flash Pellet 
                8067,   -- Crafted Light Shot
                2519,   -- Heavy Shot
                5568,   -- Smooth Pebble
                8068,   -- Crafted Heavy Shot
                3033,   -- Solid Shot
                8069,   -- Crafted Solid Shot
                3465,   -- Exploding Shot
                10512,  -- Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs
                11284,  -- Accurate Slugs
                10513,  -- Mithril Gyro-Shot
                11630,  -- Rockshard Pellets
                15997,  -- Thorium Shells
                13377,  -- Minature Cannon Balls
AutoBar_Category_Info["ARROWS"].items = {
                2512,   -- Rough Arrow
                2515,   -- Sharp Arrow
                3030,   -- Razor Arrow
                3464,   -- Feathered Arrow
                9399,   -- Precision Arrow
                11285,  -- Jagged Arrow
                18042,  -- Thorium Headed Arrow
                12654 , -- Doomshot
AutoBar_Category_Info["THROWN"].items = {
                3111,   -- Crude Throwing Axe
                3463,   -- Silver Star
                2947,   -- Small Throwing Knife
                2946,   -- Balanced Throwing Dagger
                5379,   -- Boot Knife
                3131,   -- Weighted Throwing Axe
                4959,   -- Throwing Tomahawk
                3107,   -- Keen Throwing Knife
                3135,   -- Sharp Throwing Axe
                3137,   -- Deadly Throwing Axe
                3108,   -- Heavy Throwing Dagger
                15326,  -- Gleaming Throwing Axe
                15327,  -- Wicked Throwing Dagger
                13173,  -- Flightblade Throwing Axe
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_CONJURED"].items = {
                5349,   -- Conjured Muffin              -- Mage    - Level 1, heals 61
                1113,   -- Conjured Bread               -- Mage    - Level 5, heals 243
                1114,   -- Conjured Rye                 -- Mage    - Level 15, heals 552
                1487,   -- Conjured Pumpernickel        -- Mage    - Level 25, heals 874
                8075,   -- Conjured Sourdough           -- Mage    - Level 35, heals 1392
                8076,   -- Conjured Sweet Roll          -- Mage    - Level 45, heals 2148
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD"].items = {
                2070,   -- Darnassian Bleu              -- Vendor  - Level 1, heals 61
                4540,   -- Tough Hunk of Bread          -- Vendor  - Level 1, heals 61
                4536,   -- Shiny Red Apple              -- Vendor  - Level 1, heals 61
                117,    -- Tough Jerky                  -- Vendor  - Level 1, heals 61
                4604,   -- Forest Mushroom Cap          -- Vendor  - Level 1, heals 61
                16166,  -- Bean Soup                    -- Vendor  - Level 1, heals 61
                9681,   -- Charred Wolf Meat            -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61
                2681,   -- Roasted Boar Meat            -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61
                787,    -- Slitherskin Mackerel         -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61
                6290,   -- Brilliant Smallfish          -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61
                2680,   -- Spiced Wolf Meat             -- Cooking
                16167,  -- Versicolor Treat             -- Vendor - Level 5, heals 243 
                4605,   -- Red-speckled Mushroom        -- Vendor  - Level 5, heals 243
                2287,   -- Haunch of Meat               -- Vendor  - Level 5, heals 243
                4537,   -- Tel'Abim Banana              -- Vendor  - Level 5, heals 243
                414,    -- Dalaran Sharp                -- Vendor  - Level 5, heals 243
                4541,   -- Freshly Baked Bread          -- Vendor  - Level 5, heals 243
                6890,   -- Smoked Bear Meat             -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243
                6316,   -- Loch Frenzy Delight          -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243 
                5095,   -- Rainbow Fin Albacore         -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243
                4592,   -- Longjaw Mud Snapper          -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243
                2683,   -- Crab Cake                    -- Cooking
                2684,   -- Coyote Steak                 -- Cooking
                5525,   -- Boiled Clams                 -- Cooking
                5473,   -- Scorpid Surprise             -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 294
                2682,   -- Cooked Crab Claw             -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 294
                733,    -- Westfall Stew                -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 552
                422,    -- Dwarven Mild                 -- Vendor  - Level 15, heals 552
                4542,   -- Moist Cornbread              -- Vendor  - Level 15, heals 552
                4538,   -- Snapvine Watermelon          -- Vendor  - Level 15, heals 552
                3770,   -- Mutton Chop                  -- Vendor  - Level 15, heals 552
                4606,   -- Spongy Morel                 -- Vendor  - Level 15, heals 552
                16170,  -- Steamed Mandu                -- Vendor  - Level 15, heals 552
                5526,   -- Clam Chowder                 -- Cooking - Level 10, heals 552
                5478,   -- Dig Rat Stew                 -- Cooking - Level 10, heals 552
                2685,   -- Succulent Pork Ribs          -- Cooking - Level 10, heals 552 
                4593,   -- Bristle Whisker Catfish      -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552
                4594,   -- Rockscale Cod                -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874
                8364,   -- Mithril Head Trout           -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874
                16169,  -- Wild Ricecake                -- Vendor  - Level 25, heals 874
                4607,   -- Delicious Cave Mold          -- Vendor  - Level 25, heals 874
                3771,   -- Wild Hog Shank               -- Vendor  - Level 25, heals 874
                4539,   -- Goldenbark Apple             -- Vendor  - Level 25, heals 874
                4544,   -- Mulgore Spice Bread          -- Vendor  - Level 25, heals 874
                1707,   -- Stormwind Brie               -- Vendor  - Level 25, heals 874
                13546,  -- Bloodbelly Fish              -- Quest   - Level 25, heals 1392
                3927,   -- Fine Aged Cheddar            -- Vendor  - Level 35, heals 1392
                4601,   -- Soft Banana Bread            -- Vendor  - Level 35, heals 1392
                4602,   -- Moon Harvest Pumpkin         -- Vendor  - Level 35, heals 1392
                4599,   -- Cured Ham Steak              -- Vendor  - Level 35, heals 1392
                4608,   -- Raw Black Truffle            -- Vendor  - Level 35, heals 1392
                18255,  -- Runn Tum Tuber               -- Uncooked
                16168,  -- Heaven Peach                 -- Vendor  - Level 35, heals 1392
                16766,  -- Undermine Clam Chowder       -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392
                6887,   -- Spotted Yellowtail           -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392
                13930,  -- Filet of Redgill             -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392
                9681,   -- Grilled King Crawler Legs    -- Quest   - Level 35, heals 1392
                16171,  -- Shinsollo                    -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148
                8952,   -- Roasted Quail                -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148
                8953,   -- Deep Fried Plantains         -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148
                8950,   -- Homemade Cherry Pie          -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148
                8932,   -- Alterac Swiss                -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148 
                8948,   -- Dried King Bolete            -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148
                8957,   -- Spinefin Halibut             -- Vendor  - Level 45, heals 2148
                13935,  -- Baked Salmon                 -- Cooking - Level 45, heals 2148
                13933,  -- Lobster Stew                 -- Cooking - Level 45, heals 2148
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_STAMINA"].items = {
                6888,   -- Herb Baked Egg       -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, stamina/spirit
                12224,  -- Crispy Bat Wing      -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, stamina/spirit
                17197,  -- Gingerbread Cookie   -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, stamina/spirit
                17198,  -- Egg Nog              -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, stamina/spirit
                5472,   -- Kaldorei Spider Kabo -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, with bonus
                2888,   -- Beer Basted Boar Rib -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, with bonus
                5474,   -- Roasted Kodo Meat    -- Cooking - Level 1, heals 61, stamina/spirit
                11584,  -- Cactus Apple Surpris -- Quest   - Level 1, heals 61, with bonus
                5476,   -- Fillet of Frenzy     -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243, with bonus
                5477,   -- Strider Stew         -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243, stamina/spirit
                724,    -- Goretusk Liver Pieo  -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243, with bonus
                3220,   -- Blood Sausageo       -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243, with bonus
                3662,   -- Crocolisk Steako     -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243, with bonus
                2687,   -- Dry Pork Ribso       -- Cooking - Level 5, heals 243, stamina/spirit
                1082,   -- Redridge Goulash     -- Cooking - Level 10, heals 552, with bonus
                5479,   -- Crispy Lizard Tail   -- Cooking - Level 12, heals 552, stamina/spirit
                1017,   -- Seasoned Wolf Kabob  -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, with bonus
                3663,   -- Murloc Fin Soup      -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, with bonus 
                3726,   -- Big Bear Steak       -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, stamina/spirit
                5480,   -- Lean Venison         -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, stamina/spirit
                3666,   -- Gooey Spider Cake    -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, with bonus
                3664,   -- Crocolisk Gumbo      -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, with bonus 
                5527,   -- Goblin Deviled Clams -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, stamina/spirit
                3727,   -- Hot Lion Chops       -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, stamina/spirit
                12209,  -- Lean Wolf Steak      -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, with bonus
                3665,   -- Curiously Tasty Omel -- Cooking - Level 15, heals 552, stamina/spirit
                3728,   -- Tasty Lion Steak     -- Cooking - Level 20, heals 874, with bonus
                4457,   -- Barbecued Buzzard Win-- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, stamina/spirit
                12213,  -- Carrion Surprise     -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, stamina/spirit
                6038,   -- Giant Clam Corcho    -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, stamina/spirit
                3729,   -- Soothing Turtle Bisqu-- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, stamina/spirit
                13851,  -- Hot Wolf Ribs        -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, with bonus
                12214,  -- Mystery Stew         -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, with bonus
                12210,  -- Roast Raptor         -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, stamina/spirit
                12212,  -- Jungle Stew          -- Cooking - Level 25, heals 874, stamina/spirit
                13929,  -- Hot Smoked Bass      -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 874, with bonus
                17222,  -- Spider Sausage       -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392, stamina/spirit
                12215,  -- Heavy Kodo Stew      -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392, stamina/spirit
                13927,  -- Cooked Glossy Mightfi-- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392, stamina
                12216,  -- Spider Chilli Crab   -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 1392, stamina/spirit
                12218,  -- Monster Omlette      -- Cooking - Level 40, heals 1392, stamina/spirit
                16971,  -- Clamlette Surprise   -- Cooking - Level 40, heals 1392, with bonus
                18045,  -- Tender Wolf Steak    -- Cooking - Level 40, heals 1392, stamina/spirit
                13934,  -- Mightfish Steak      -- Cooking - Level 45, heals 1933, stamina
                11950,  -- Windblossom Berries  -- Felwood - Level 45, heals 1933, stamina/spirit
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_AGILITY"].items = {
                13928,  -- Grilled Squid        -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 874, agility
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_MANAREGEN"].items = {
                3448,   -- Senggin Root         -- Horde Q - Level 1, heals 294, mana 294
                13931,  -- Nightfin Soup        -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 874, mana regen
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_HPREGEN"].items = {
                13932,  -- Poached Sunscale Sal -- Cooking - Level 35, heals 874, hp regen
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_STRENGTH"].items = {
                20452,  -- Smoked Desert Dumpling-- Level 45, heals 2148, str bonus
AutoBar_Category_Info["FOOD_INTELLIGENCE"].items = {
                18254,  -- Runn Tum Tuber Surpris-- int bonus
AutoBar_Category_Info["SHARPENINGSTONES"].items = {
                2862,   -- Rough Sharpening Stone
                2863,   -- Coarse Sharpening Stone
                2871,   -- Heavy Sharpening Stone
                7964,   -- Solid Sharpening Stone
                12404,  -- Dense Sharpening Stone
                18262,  -- Elemental Sharpening Stone
AutoBar_Category_Info["WEIGHTSTONE"].items = {
                3239,   -- Rough Weightstone
                3240,   -- Coarse Weightstone
                3241,   -- Heavy Weightstone
                7965,   -- Solid Weightstone
                12643,  -- Dense Weightstone 
AutoBar_Category_Info["POISON-CRIPPLING"].items = {
                3775,   -- Crippling Poison
                3776,   -- Crippling Poison II
AutoBar_Category_Info["POISON-DEADLY"].items = {
                2892,   -- Deadly Poison
                2893,   -- Deadly Poison II
                8984,   -- Deadly Poison III
                8985,   -- Deadly Poison IV
AutoBar_Category_Info["POISON-INSTANT"].items = {
                6947,   -- Instant Poison
                6949,   -- Instant Poison II
                6950,   -- Instant Poison III
                8926,   -- Instant Poison IV
                8927,   -- Instant Poison V
                8928,   -- Instant Poison VI 
AutoBar_Category_Info["POISON-MINDNUMBING"].items = {
                5237,   -- Mind-numbing Poison
                6951,   -- Mind-numbing Poison II
                9186,   -- Mind-numbing Poison III 
AutoBar_Category_Info["POISON-WOUND"].items = {
                10918,  -- Wound Poison
                10920,  -- Wound Poison II
                10921,  -- Wound Poison III
                10922,  -- Wound Poison IV
AutoBar_Category_Info["EXPLOSIVES"].items = {
                4358,   -- Rough Dynamite
                4360,   -- Rough Copper Bomb
                4365,   -- Coarse Dynamite
                4370,   -- Large Copper Bomb
                6714,   -- EZ-Thro Dynamite
                4374,   -- Small Bronze Bomb
                4378,   -- Heavy Dynamite
                4380,   -- Big Bronze Bomb
                10507,  -- Solid Dynamite
                4390,   -- Iron Grenade
                4403,   -- Portable Bronze Mortar
                4394,   -- Big Iron Bomb
                18588,  -- EZ-Thro Dynamite II
                10514,  -- Mithril Frag Bomb
                10586,  -- The Big One
                10562,  -- Hi-Explosive Bomb
                15993,  -- Thorium Grenade
                16005,  -- Dark Iron Bomb
                16040,  -- Arcane Bomb
AutoBar_Category_Info["WARSONG_BANDAGES"].items = {
                19068,  -- Warsong Gulch Silk Bandage
                19067,  -- Warsong Gulch Mageweave Bandage
                19066,  -- Warsong Gulch Runecloth Bandage
AutoBar_Category_Info["ARATHI_BANDAGES"].items = {
                20067,  -- Arathi Basin Silk Bandage
                20244,  -- Highlander's Silk Bandage
                20235,  -- Defiler's Silk Bandage
                20065,  -- Arathi Basin Mageweave Bandage
                20237,  -- Highlander's Mageweave Bandage
                20232,  -- Defiler's Mageweave Bandage
                20066,  -- Arathi Basin Runecloth Bandage
                20243,  -- Highlander's Runecloth Bandage
                20234,  -- Defiler's Runecloth Bandage
AutoBar_Category_Info["MANA_OIL"].items = {
                20745,  -- Minor Mana Oil 4mana/5sec
                20747,  -- Lesser Mana Oil 8mana/5sec
                20748,  -- Brilliant Mana Oil 12mana/5sec
AutoBar_Category_Info["WIZARD_OIL"].items = {
                20744,  -- Minor Wizard Oil +8 spell damage
                20746,  -- Lesser Wizard Oil +16 spell damage
                20750,  -- Wizard Oil +24 spell damage
                20749,  -- Brilliant Wizard Oil +36 spell damage
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_TROLL"].items = {
                8588,   -- Emerald Raptor
                8591,   -- Turquoise Raptor
                8592,   -- Violet Raptor
                18788,  -- Elite: Swift Blue Raptor
                18789,  -- Elite: Swift Olive Raptor
                18790,  -- Elite: Swift Orange Raptor
                18246,  -- Elite: PVP: Black War Raptor
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_ORC"].items = {
                1132,   -- Timber Wolf
                5665,   -- Dire Wolf
                5668,   -- Brown Wolf
                18796,  -- Elite: Swift Brown Wolf
                18797,  -- Elite: Swift Timber Wolf
                18798,  -- Elite: Swift Gray Wolf
                18245,  -- Elite: PVP: Black War Wolf

AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_UNDEAD"].items = {
                13331,  -- Red Skeletal Horse
                13332,  -- Blue Skeleton Horse
                13333,  -- Brown Skeletal Horse
                13334,  -- Elite: Green Skeletal Warhorse
                18791,  -- Elite: Purple Skeletal Warhorse
                18248,  -- Elite: PVP: Red Skeletal Warhorse
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_TAUREN"].items = {
                15277,  -- Gray Kodo
                15290,  -- Brown Kodo
                18793,  -- Elite: Great White Kodo
                18794,  -- Elite: Great Brown Kodo
                18795,  -- Elite: Great Grey Kodo
                18247,  -- Elite: PVP: Black War Kodo
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_HUMAN"].items = {
                2414,   -- Pinto
                5414,   -- Black Stallion
                5655,   -- Chestnut Mare
                5656,   -- Brown Horse
                18776,  -- Elite: Swift Palamino
                18777,  -- Elite: Swift Brown Steed
                18778,  -- Elite: Swift White Steed
                18241,  -- Elite: PVP: Black War Steed
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_NIGHTELF"].items = {
                8629,   -- Striped Nightsaber
                8631,   -- Striped Frostsaber
                8632,   -- Spotted Frostsaber
                18766,  -- Elite: Swift Frostsaber
                18767,  -- Elite: Swift Mistsaber
                18902,  -- Elite: Swift Stormsaber
                13086,  -- Elite: Winterspring Frostsaber
                18242,  -- Elite: PVP: Black War Tiger
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_DWARF"].items = {
                5864,   -- Gray
                5872,   -- Brown
                5873,   -- White
                18785,  -- Elite: Swift White
                18786,  -- Elite: Swift Brown
                18786,  -- Elite: Swift Gray
                18244,  -- Elite: PVP: Black War Ram
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_GNOME"].items = {
                8595,   -- Blue
                13321,  -- Green
                13322,  -- Unpainted
                18772,  -- Swift Green
                18773,  -- Swift White
                18774,  -- Swift Yellow
                18243,  -- Elite: PVP: Black Battlestrider
AutoBar_Category_Info["MOUNTS_SPECIAL"].items = {
                19029,  -- Elite: Alterac Valley Wolf
                19030,  -- Elite: Alterac Valley Ram
                19872,  -- Elite: ZG Raptor
                19902,  -- Elite: ZG Tiger