vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
        Auctioneer Addon for World of Warcraft(tm).
        Version: (Kangaroo)
        Revision: $Id: AucAPI.lua 972 2006-08-22 19:05:01Z mentalpower $

        Auctioneer data access and management.
        Functions central to setting/getting any data from Auctioneer.

        Note to authors of any addons wanting to utilize Auctioneer data:
        If you do not see the function you want here, please ask for it to be added.
        This is the only place that we guarantee the function prototypes will not change.
        If you use any of the internal functions, one day your addon will stop working :)

                This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
                as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
                of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

                This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                GNU General Public License for more details.

                You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
                Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

--Local function prototypes
local getVendorBuyPrice, getVendorSellPrice
local setScanLength, setScanAge, getScanLength, getScanAge = Auctioneer.Statistic.SetScanLength, Auctioneer.Statistic.SetScanAge, Auctioneer.Statistic.GetScanLength, Auctioneer.Statistic.GetScanAge
local requestAuctionScan = Auctioneer.Scanning.RequestAuctionScan

        This function gets the buy price (how much it costs for the player to buy) from
        Auctioneer's database of item prices.

        @param itemId The ID portion of the item link (the first of the four numbers).
        @returns A price if known (may be 0 if known to have no price) or nil if unknown.
function getVendorBuyPrice(itemId)
        if (Informant) then
                local ret = Informant.GetItem(itemId)
                if (ret) then return end

        This function gets the sell price (how much it the player will get if they sell it)
        from Auctioneer's database of item prices.

        @param itemId The ID portion of the item link (the first of the four numbers).
        @returns A price if known (may be 0 if known to have no price) or nil if unknown.
function getVendorSellPrice(itemId)
        if (Informant) then
                local ret = Informant.GetItem(itemId)
                if (ret) then return ret.sell end

Auctioneer.API = {
        GetVendorBuyPrice = getVendorBuyPrice,
        GetVendorSellPrice = getVendorSellPrice,
        --Linked from other files. PLEASE copy over the old versions when the function's prototype changes to maintain backwards compatibility.
        SetScanLength = setScanLength,
        SetScanAge = setScanAge,
        GetScanLength = getScanLength,
        GetScanAge = getScanAge,
        RequestAuctionScan = requestAuctionScan

--Backwards compatiblity, please use the new prototypes whenever possible.
Auctioneer_GetVendorBuyPrice = getVendorBuyPrice;
Auctioneer_GetVendorSellPrice = getVendorSellPrice;

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