vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
AtlasLootConstructedTooltips = {
    ["Ring of the Earthshatterer"] = {
                [1] = "|cffa335eeRing of the Earthshatterer",
                [2] = "",
                [3] = "|cffFFFFFFBinds when picked up",
                [4] = "",
                [5] = "|cffFFFFFFUnique",
                [6] = "",
                [7] = "|cffFFFFFFFinger",
                [8] = "",
                [9] = "|cffFFFFFF+16 Stamina",
                [10] = "",
        [11] = "|cffFFFFFF+16 Intellect",
                [12] = "",
        [13] = "|cffFFFFFFClasses: Shaman",
                [14] = "",
        [15] = "|cffFFFFFFRequires Level 60",
                [16] = "",
                [17] = "|cff1eff00Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 37.",
                [18] = "",
        [19] = "|cff1eff00Equip: Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.",
                [20] = "",
    ["Fists of the Unrelenting"] = {
                [1] = "|cffa335eeFists of the Unrelenting",
                [2] = "",
                [3] = "|cffFFFFFFBinds when picked up",
                [4] = "",
        [5] = "|cffFFFFFFHands",
                [6] = "|cffFFFFFFPlate",
                [7] = "|cffFFFFFF642 Armor",
                [8] = "",
                [9] = "|cffFFFFFF+30 Strength",
                [10] = "",
        [11] = "|cffFFFFFF+20 Stamina",
                [12] = "",
        [13] = "|cffFFFFFFRequires Level 60",
                [14] = "",
                [15] = "|cff1eff00Equip: Immune to Disarm.",
                [16] = "",
        [17] = "|cff1eff00Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.",
                [18] = "",

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