vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

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ArcHUD Rings support

Since 1.2 ArcHUD's rings have been completely reworked. Every ring are now created from
a base class. This class has a few predefined functions and behind-the-scenes functionality.
This makes it very easy to add your own rings to ArcHUD. If you want to add your own ring to
ArcHUD there are a few guidelines you need to follow. What will follow below is a basic setup
to get a ring up and running.

Rings created can be added as a new addon with ArcHUD as a dependency. This is the preferred way
to add your own custom rings to ArcHUD.

First you will need to create your ring object, if you've worked with Ace2 addons previously this
will be very similar to how you create an addon with Ace2. Alot of things will be set up for you
however. Things such as locale and database support are created for every new ring added. To access
the database you use the object self.db. To access the locale table you use self.L. You can read more
about these objects at the WoWAce Wiki at

local module = ArcHUD:NewModule("MyRing")
module.unit = "player"
defaults = {
        Enabled = true,
        Outline = true,
options = {
        attach = false,

This will create a module with the name MyRing and a few default options.
All options needed for the ring are specified in the defaults table. They are automatically added to
the ArcHUD DB when you load the ring.

There are few base methods you will need to get the ring set up. These are Initialize and Enable.
If you don't have the Initialize method the ring wont load. Initialize is a good place to create
any frames the ring will use, for example the ring frame itself.

function module:Initialize()
        self.f = self:CreateRing(true, ArcHUDFrame)
        self.f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.parent:GetModule("Anchors").Left, "TOPLEFT", -30, 0);

We've now created a ring with a background outline and stored it in self.f. The ring is now a
child frame of ArcHUDFrame, the main frame for ArcHUD. It has also been positioned onto the left
anchor as the second ring from the center. Attaching to the anchors will make sure the ring follows
the width option.

Next we will need an Enable method. This will contain things that will be run every time the ring
is enabled. Initialize will only run once while Enable will run if the user enables or disables the

function module:Enable()
        -- Take care of options
        if(self.db.profile.Outline) then

        -- Register some events

        -- Override Update timer
        self:UnregisterMetro( .. "Update")
        self:RegisterMetro( .. "Update", self.UpdateAlpha, 0.05, self)

        -- Activate timer
        self:StartMetro( .. "Alpha")
        self:StartMetro( .. "Fade")
        self:StartMetro( .. Update")

function module:UpdateAlpha()
        if(self.f.startValue < self.f.maxValue) then

Now that that's done you will need to take care of that event somehow. This works just like in an Ace 

function module:UNIT_HEALTH()

This is a very basic ring and will probably not do very much good. At least you got a little something
start from. I suggest you look at the other rings to get a better understanding of how it all works.

ArcHUDRing reference


The base class will look for certain special tables in the created ring object. These are listed below
along with the format in which they should be in.

unit = "unit"                           This is an optional variable. Specify the unit name the ring will be
                                        working with here and use it through the code.

defaults = {                            defaults contains all the default options the ring uses. These
        option1 = value1,               will be added to the user options if they load the ring for the
        option2 = value2,               first time. These will also get loaded into the main defaults
}                                       table to be used in case the user requests a reset of the options.

                                        NOTE: Enabled and Outline must be present on all rings! If you want
                                              the ring to be movable in the options you must also specify
                                              a default placement by use of Side and Level.

options = {                             options contains the options and locals to be used in the options
        {name = "option1",              frame. Do not include Enabled, Outline, Side and Level in this
         text = "Sets option1",         table. The first two are handled automatically by the options frame
         tooltip = "This will set       and the last two are controlled by the attach entry. If attach is 
                    option1"},          TRUE then the ring will be allowed to repositioned.
        {name = "option2",
         text = "Sets option2",         NOTE: name must match the option name in the defaults table! You
         tooltip = "This will set             must have this table if you want your ring to appear in the
                    option2"},                options frame. Leave it empty if you don't have any other
        attach = false,                       options other than Enabled and Outline.

disableEvents = {                       disableEvents contains certain events that you want the ring to
        {frame = "framename",           disable on load. This could be to prevent another frame from
         events = {"event1",            recieving events that your ring should be taking care of. An
                   "event2"}},          example of this can be seen in the Casting and MirrorTimer rings.
        {frame = "framename2",
         events = {"event1",            NOTE: Events specified will be disabled when the ring is enabled
                   "event2"}},                and re-enabled once the ring is disabled.


The base class got a few functions for you to start off with.

self:CreateRing(hasBG, parent)
        This will create a ring for you and return the object.

        hasBG           - Set to true to also create a background outline
        parent          - The parent object for the ring (must pass an object, not a string)

        frame           - Frame containing the ring

self:CreateFontString(parent, layer, size, fontsize, justify, color, point)
        This creates a FontString object, sets the font, size, color, justification and positions it.

        parent          - The parent object for the fontstring (must pass an object, not a string)
        layer           - The layer of which it will be created on (see WoWWiki for more information)
        size            - An array of two values. Sets the size of the fontstring. 
                          {width, height}
        fontsize        - The size of the font
        justify         - Horizontal justification (LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT)
        color           - The color of the fontstring in RGB values.
                          {red, green, blue}
        point           - Same as the arguments passed to frame:SetPoint
                          {"point","relativeFrame" or relativeObject,"relativePoint"[,xOfs,yOfs]}

        fontstring      - Fontstring created according to input parameters

self:CreateTexture(parent, layer, size, texture, point)
        This creates a texture object, optionally sets the texture and position.

        parent          - The parent object for the texture (must pass an object, not a string)
        layer           - The layer of which it will be created on (see WoWWiki for more information)
        size            - An array of two values. Sets the size of the texture.
                          {width, height}
        point           - Same as the arguments passed to frame:SetPoint
                          {"point","relativeFrame" or relativeObject,"relativePoint"[,xOfs,yOfs]}

        texture         - Texture created according to input parameters