vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
ANS_SEPARATOR = "-----------------------------------";

if (GetLocale() == "enUS" )then
        ANS_NOTELLS = "You do not have any missed tells.";
        ANS_MSG_HELP = "/answer msg changes your default away message\nSyntax: /answer msg <new away message>";
        ANS_DEFAULT = "Default away message is now: ";
        ANS_MISSED1 = "You have ";
        ANS_MISSED2 = " missed tells.";
        ANS_ON = "on";
        ANS_OFF = "off";
        ANS_AWAY_MSG = "Your away message is: ";
        ANS_FRAME_STATUS = "AnswerFrame is: ";
        ANS_REC_AFK_STATUS = "Record while AFK: ";
        ANS_REC_DND_STATUS = "Record while DND: ";
        ANS_FRAME_HELP = "/answer frame toggles the frame on and off while AFK/DND\nSyntax: /answer frame ( on | off )";
        ANS_REC_AFK_HELP = "/answer afk toggles recording while AFK\nSyntax: /answer afk ( on | off )";
        ANS_REC_DND_HELP = "/answer dnd toggles recording while DND\nSyntax: /answer dnd ( on | off )";

if (GetLocale() == "frFR" )then
        ANS_NOTELLS = "Vous n\'avez rat\195\169 aucun message priv\195\169.";
        ANS_MSG_HELP = "/answer msg permet de changer votre message d\'absence\nSyntaxe : /answer msg <Message>";
        ANS_DEFAULT = "Votre message d\'absence est maintenant : ";
        ANS_MISSED1 = "Vous avez manqu\195\169 ";
        ANS_MISSED2 = " messages.";
        ANS_ON = "ON";
        ANS_OFF = "OFF";
        ANS_AWAY_MSG = "Votre message d\'absence est: ";
        ANS_FRAME_STATUS = "La fen\195\170tre d\'Answer est: ";
        ANS_REC_AFK_STATUS = "Enregistrement en ABS: ";
        ANS_REC_DND_STATUS = "Enregistrement en NPD: ";
        ANS_FRAME_HELP = "/answer frame [ON/OFF] la fen\195\170tre d\'\195\169tat ABS/NPD\nSyntaxe: /answer frame ( on | off )";
        ANS_REC_AFK_HELP = "/answer afk [ON/OFF] Enregistrement en ABS\nSyntaxe: /answer afk ( on | off )";
        ANS_REC_DND_HELP = "/answer dnd [ON/OFF] Enregistrement en NPD\nSyntaxe: /answer dnd ( on | off )";

if (GetLocale() == "deDE" )then
        ANS_NOTELLS = "Sie haben keine vers\195\164umten Nachrichten.";
        ANS_MSG_HELP = "/answer msg <Nachricht> - \195\132ndert die Standard Abwesenheits-Nachricht.";
        ANS_DEFAULT = "Standard Abwesenheits-Nachricht ist nun: ";
        ANS_MISSED1 = "Sie haben ";
        ANS_MISSED2 = " Nachrichten verpasst.";
        ANS_ON = "on";
        ANS_OFF = "off";
        ANS_AWAY_MSG = "Your away message is: ";
        ANS_FRAME_STATUS = "AnswerFrame is: ";
        ANS_REC_AFK_STATUS = "Record while AFK: ";
        ANS_REC_DND_STATUS = "Record while DND: ";
        ANS_FRAME_HELP = "/answer frame toggles the frame on and off while AFK/DND\nSyntax: /answer frame ( on | off )";
        ANS_REC_AFK_HELP = "/answer afk toggles recording while AFK\nSyntax: /answer afk ( on | off )";
        ANS_REC_DND_HELP = "/answer dnd toggles recording while DND\nSyntax: /answer dnd ( on | off )";

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