vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- Version : English - sarf
-- Translation by : None

BINDING_HEADER_ALLINONEINVENTORYHEADER                          = "All In One Inventory";
BINDING_NAME_ALLINONEINVENTORY                                          = "All In One Inventory Toggle";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_BAG_TITLE_SHORT                                       = "AIOI";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_BAG_TITLE_LONG                                        = "All in One Inventory";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CONFIG_HEADER                                         = "All In One Inventory";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CONFIG_HEADER_INFO                            = "Contains settings for the All In One Inventory,\nan AddOn which allows you to ignore bags, to a certain extent.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CONFIG_HEADER_SHORT_INFO                      = "Easy inventory";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CONFIG_HEADER_TEXTURE                         = "Interface\\Buttons\\Button-Backpack-Up";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_ENABLED                                          = "All In One Inventory enabled.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_DISABLED                                         = "All In One Inventory disabled.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_ALPHA_FORMAT                                     = "All In One Inventory alpha set to %f (0 is use parents)";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_SCALE_FORMAT                                     = "All In One Inventory scale set to %f (0 is use parents)";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_SWAP_BAG_ORDER_ENABLED           = "All In One Inventory bag order swapping enabled.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_SWAP_BAG_ORDER_DISABLED          = "All In One Inventory bag order swapping disabled.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_LOCKED_ENABLED                           = "All In One Inventory locked in place.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_LOCKED_DISABLED                          = "All In One Inventory unlocked.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_INFO                                     = "Controls All In One Inventory by the command line - /aioi for usage.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE                            = {};
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, "Usage: /allinoneinventory [toggle/includeshotbags/replacebags/reset/columns]");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, "toggle - toggles the AllInOneInventory window");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " includeshotbags - if it should include shot bags or not");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " reset - resets the position of the window");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " replacebags - if it should replace the bags or not");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " columns - how many columns there should be in each row");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " togglebags - toggle bag number or the backpack");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " toggleslot - toggle bag, slot number (makes it disappear)");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " swapbagorder - swaps bag order (from backpack and forward to the reverse)");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " alpha - set the alpha of AIOI (0 = off)");
table.insert(ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE, " scale - set the size of AIOI (0 = normal/off, 1 = normal, 2 = twice the width&height)");

ALLINONEINVENTORY_TOGGLE_SLOT_FAIL                                      = "All In One Inventory - failed to toggled bag/slot - incorrect specification.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_TOGGLE_SLOT                                           = "All In One Inventory - toggled bag/slot %d/%d %s.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_TOGGLE_SLOT_ON                                        = "on";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_TOGGLE_SLOT_OFF                                       = "off";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_COLUMNS_FORMAT                           = "All In One Inventory number of columns set to %d.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_REPLACEBAGS_ENABLED                      = "All In One Inventory will replace bags.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_REPLACEBAGS_DISABLED                     = "All In One Inventory will not replace bags.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_RESETPOSITION                            = "All In One Inventory position reset.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_SHOTBAGS_ENABLED         = "All In One Inventory will include shot bags.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_SHOTBAGS_DISABLED        = "All In One Inventory will not include shot bags.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGZERO_ENABLED          = "All In One Inventory will include the backpack.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGZERO_DISABLED         = "All In One Inventory will not include the backpack.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGONE_ENABLED           = "All In One Inventory will include the first bag.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGONE_DISABLED          = "All In One Inventory will not include the first bag.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGTWO_ENABLED           = "All In One Inventory will include the second bag.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGTWO_DISABLED          = "All In One Inventory will not include the second bag.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGTHREE_ENABLED         = "All In One Inventory will include the third bag.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGTHREE_DISABLED        = "All In One Inventory will not include the third bag.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGFOUR_ENABLED          = "All In One Inventory will include the fourth bag.";
ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_INCLUDE_BAGFOUR_DISABLED         = "All In One Inventory will not include the fourth bag.";

ALLINONEINVENTORY_CHAT_NO_SUCH_BAGNUMBER                        = "All In One Inventory does not recognize the bag number - 0 is backpack, 1-4 is the corresponding bag.";