vanilla-wow-addons – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
-- Version : English - Ramble
-- FR Translation by : Rincevent 
-- Merged with AIOI - Norbet.
BINDING_NAME_AIOBICON           = "AIOB Frame Toggle";
BINDING_NAME_AIOBCONFIG         = "AIOB Config Frame Toggle";

if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
        -- é: C3 A9  - \195\169
        -- ê: C3 AA  - \195\170
        -- à: C3 A0  - \195\160
        -- î: C3 AE  - \195\174
        -- è: C3 A8  - \195\168
        -- ë: C3 AB  - \195\171
        -- ô: C3 B4  - \195\180
        -- û: C3 BB  - \195\187
        -- â: C3 A2  - \195\162
        -- ç: C3 A7  - \185\167
        -- ': E2 80 99  - \226\128\153
        AIOB_MYADDON_DESCRIPTION = "Une fen\195\170tre de banque simple et compacte";

                [1]="Usage: /AIOB [init reset show toggle replacebags cols column freeze unfreeze]",
                [3]="show - affiche la fen\195\170tre AIOB",
                [4]="replacebank - Remplacer la banque normale",
                [5]="cols - Nombre de colonnes par ligne.",
                [6]="reset or init, Recr\195\169er votre profil avec les param\195\168tres par d\195\169faut.",
                [7]="freeze/unfreeze Bloquer/d\195\169bloquer le d\195\169placement de la fen\195\170tre AIOB."

        AIOB_CHAT_PROFILE_CREATED = "AIOB: Nouveau profil cr\195\169e pour %s"; 
        AIOB_CHAT_OLDVERSION = "Ancienne Version detect\195\169e. Effacement des anciens profils";

        AIOB_CHAT_COLUMNS_FORMAT = "AIOB Nombre de colonnes mis \195\160 %d";
        AIOB_CHAT_FREEZEON = "AIOB position fixe";
        AIOB_CHAT_FREEZEOFF = "AIOB position libre";
        AIOB_CHAT_REPLACEBANKON = "AIOB remplace la banque";
        AIOB_CHAT_REPLACEBANKOFF = "AIOB ne remplace pas la banque";

        AIOB_PURCHASE_CONFIRM_S = "Etes vous s\195\187r de vouloir acheter un emplacement de sac pour %d argent?";
        AIOB_PURCHASE_CONFIRM_G = "Etes vous s\195\187r de vouloir acheter un emplacement de sac pour %d or?";

        AIOB_ATBANK = "A la Banque";

        AIOB_CONFIG_REPLACE = "Remplacer la banque";
        AIOB_CONFIG_FREEZE = "Bloquer la fen\195\170tre AIOB en place";
        AIOB_CONFIG_HIGHLIGHTITEMS = "Surligner les objets du sac";
        AIOB_CONFIG_HIGHLIGHTBAGS = "Surligner le sac des objets";
        AIOB_CONFIG_HIGHLIGHTCOLOR = "Couleur surlignage";

        AIOB_FROZEN_ERROR = "AIOB est bloqu\195\169e et ne peux pas \195\170tre d\195\169plac\195\169e...";

        AIOB_LOADED = "AIOB (par Ramble) charg\195\169e.";

        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTBAGSON = "AIOB surlignera le sac des objets";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTBAGSOFF = "AIOB ne surlignera pas le sac des objets";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTITEMSON = "AIOB surlignera les objets du sac";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTITEMSOFF = "AIOB ne surlignera pas les objets du sac";

        AIOB_FRAME_PLAYERANDREGION = "Banque de %s de %s";
        AIOB_FRAME_PLAYERONLY = "Banque de %s";
        AIOB_FRAME_SLOTS = "%d/%d emplacements";
        AIOB_FRAME_ALLREALMS = "Tous les Royaumes";
        AIOB_FRAME_SELECTPLAYER = "Afficher la banque de :";
        AIOB_FRAME_TOTAL = "(t)";
        AIOB_FRAME_BUY = "Acheter";
        AIOB_MYADDON_NAME       = "AllInOneBank";
        AIOB_MYADDON_DESCRIPTION = "A simple, compact bank frame window.";

        AIOB_CHAT_COMMAND_USAGE         = {
                [1]="Usage: /AIOB [init reset show toggle replacebags cols column freeze unfreeze]",
                [3]="show - toggles the AIOB window",
                [4]="replacebank - if it should replace the bank or not",
                [5]="cols - how many columns there should be in each row.",
                [6]="reset or init, will recreate your profile with default settings.",
                [7]="freeze/unfreeze will lock/unlock the window for dragging."

        AIOB_CHAT_PROFILE_CREATED   = "AIOB: New profile for %s was created";
        AIOB_CHAT_OLDVERSION        = "Old Version detected. Clearing old profiles.";
        AIOB_CHAT_COLUMNS_FORMAT                         = "AIOB number of columns set to %d.";
        AIOB_CHAT_FREEZEON                = "AIOB frozen.";
        AIOB_CHAT_FREEZEOFF               = "AIOB unfrozen.";
        AIOB_CHAT_REPLACEBANKON           = "AIOB replacing bank.";
        AIOB_CHAT_REPLACEBANKOFF          = "AIOB not replacing bank.";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTBAGSON                   = "AIOB will highlight item's bag.";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTBAGSOFF                  = "AIOB not highlighting item's bag.";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTITEMSON                  = "AIOB will highlight bag's items.";
        AIOB_CHAT_HIGHLIGHTITEMSOFF              = "AIOB not highlighting bag's items.";

        AIOB_PURCHASE_CONFIRM_S = "Are you sure you wish to purchase a bag slot for %d silver?";
        AIOB_PURCHASE_CONFIRM_G = "Are you sure you wish to purchase a bag slot for %d gold?";
        AIOB_ATBANK = "At Bank";
        AIOB_CONFIG_REPLACE = "Replace Bank";
        AIOB_CONFIG_FREEZE  = "Freeze AIOB";
        AIOB_CONFIG_HIGHLIGHTITEMS = "Highlight Bag's Items";
        AIOB_CONFIG_HIGHLIGHTBAGS  = "Highlight Item's Bag";
        AIOB_CONFIG_HIGHLIGHTCOLOR = "Highlight Color";
        AIOB_FROZEN_ERROR = "AIOB is frozen and can not move...";
        AIOB_LOADED = "AIOB AddOn loaded.";
        AIOB_FRAME_PLAYERANDREGION = "%s of %s's Bank";
        AIOB_FRAME_PLAYERONLY      = "%s's Bank";
        AIOB_FRAME_SLOTS           = "%d/%d Slots.";
        AIOB_FRAME_ALLREALMS       = "All Realms";
        AIOB_FRAME_SELECTPLAYER    = "Select Player's Bank to Show";
        AIOB_FRAME_TOTAL           = "(total)";
        AIOB_FRAME_BUY             = "Buy";