scratch – Rev

Subversion Repositories:

namespace GuzzleHttp;

use GuzzleHttp\Event\CompleteEvent;
use GuzzleHttp\Event\ErrorEvent;
use GuzzleHttp\Event\RequestEvents;
use GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\UriTemplate;


    define('GUZZLE_FUNCTIONS_VERSION', ClientInterface::VERSION);

     * Send a custom request
     * @param string $method  HTTP request method
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Options to use with the request.
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function request($method, $url, array $options = [])
        static $client;
        if (!$client) {
            $client = new Client();

        return $client->send($client->createRequest($method, $url, $options));

     * Send a GET request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function get($url, array $options = [])
        return request('GET', $url, $options);

     * Send a HEAD request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function head($url, array $options = [])
        return request('HEAD', $url, $options);

     * Send a DELETE request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function delete($url, array $options = [])
        return request('DELETE', $url, $options);

     * Send a POST request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function post($url, array $options = [])
        return request('POST', $url, $options);

     * Send a PUT request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function put($url, array $options = [])
        return request('PUT', $url, $options);

     * Send a PATCH request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function patch($url, array $options = [])
        return request('PATCH', $url, $options);

     * Send an OPTIONS request
     * @param string $url     URL of the request
     * @param array  $options Array of request options
     * @return ResponseInterface
    function options($url, array $options = [])
        return request('OPTIONS', $url, $options);

     * Convenience method for sending multiple requests in parallel and
     * retrieving a hash map of requests to response objects or
     * RequestException objects.
     * Note: This method keeps every request and response in memory, and as
     * such is NOT recommended when sending a large number or an indeterminable
     * number of requests in parallel.
     * @param ClientInterface $client   Client used to send the requests
     * @param array|\Iterator $requests Requests to send in parallel
     * @param array           $options  Passes through the options available in
     *                                  {@see GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface::sendAll()}
     * @return \SplObjectStorage Requests are the key and each value is a
     *     {@see GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface} if the request succeeded
     *     or a {@see GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException} if it failed.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the event format is incorrect.
    function batch(ClientInterface $client, $requests, array $options = [])
        $hash = new \SplObjectStorage();
        foreach ($requests as $request) {

        // Merge the necessary complete and error events to the event listeners
        // so that as each request succeeds or fails, it is added to the result
        // hash.
        $options = RequestEvents::convertEventArray(
            ['complete', 'error'],
                'priority' => RequestEvents::EARLY,
                'once' => true,
                'fn' => function ($e) use ($hash) {
                    $hash[$e->getRequest()] = $e;

        // Send the requests in parallel and aggregate the results.
        $client->sendAll($requests, $options);

        // Update the received value for any of the intercepted requests.
        foreach ($hash as $request) {
            if ($hash[$request] instanceof CompleteEvent) {
                $hash[$request] = $hash[$request]->getResponse();
            } elseif ($hash[$request] instanceof ErrorEvent) {
                $hash[$request] = $hash[$request]->getException();

        return $hash;

     * Gets a value from an array using a path syntax to retrieve nested data.
     * This method does not allow for keys that contain "/". You must traverse
     * the array manually or using something more advanced like JMESPath to
     * work with keys that contain "/".
     *     // Get the bar key of a set of nested arrays.
     *     // This is equivalent to $collection['foo']['baz']['bar'] but won't
     *     // throw warnings for missing keys.
     *     GuzzleHttp\get_path($data, 'foo/baz/bar');
     * @param array  $data Data to retrieve values from
     * @param string $path Path to traverse and retrieve a value from
     * @return mixed|null
    function get_path($data, $path)
        $path = explode('/', $path);

        while (null !== ($part = array_shift($path))) {
            if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data[$part])) {
                return null;
            $data = $data[$part];

        return $data;

     * Set a value in a nested array key. Keys will be created as needed to set
     * the value.
     * This function does not support keys that contain "/" or "[]" characters
     * because these are special tokens used when traversing the data structure.
     * A value may be prepended to an existing array by using "[]" as the final
     * key of a path.
     *     GuzzleHttp\get_path($data, 'foo/baz'); // null
     *     GuzzleHttp\set_path($data, 'foo/baz/[]', 'a');
     *     GuzzleHttp\set_path($data, 'foo/baz/[]', 'b');
     *     GuzzleHttp\get_path($data, 'foo/baz');
     *     // Returns ['a', 'b']
     * @param array  $data  Data to modify by reference
     * @param string $path  Path to set
     * @param mixed  $value Value to set at the key
     * @throws \RuntimeException when trying to setPath using a nested path
     *     that travels through a scalar value.
    function set_path(&$data, $path, $value)
        $current =& $data;
        $queue = explode('/', $path);
        while (null !== ($key = array_shift($queue))) {
            if (!is_array($current)) {
                throw new \RuntimeException("Trying to setPath {$path}, but "
                    . "{$key} is set and is not an array");
            } elseif (!$queue) {
                if ($key == '[]') {
                    $current[] = $value;
                } else {
                    $current[$key] = $value;
            } elseif (isset($current[$key])) {
                $current =& $current[$key];
            } else {
                $current[$key] = [];
                $current =& $current[$key];

     * Expands a URI template
     * @param string $template  URI template
     * @param array  $variables Template variables
     * @return string
    function uri_template($template, array $variables)
        if (function_exists('\\uri_template')) {
            return \uri_template($template, $variables);

        static $uriTemplate;
        if (!$uriTemplate) {
            $uriTemplate = new UriTemplate();

        return $uriTemplate->expand($template, $variables);

     * Wrapper for JSON decode that implements error detection with helpful
     * error messages.
     * @param string $json    JSON data to parse
     * @param bool $assoc     When true, returned objects will be converted
     *                        into associative arrays.
     * @param int    $depth   User specified recursion depth.
     * @param int    $options Bitmask of JSON decode options.
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the JSON cannot be parsed.
     * @link
    function json_decode($json, $assoc = false, $depth = 512, $options = 0)
        static $jsonErrors = [
            JSON_ERROR_DEPTH => 'JSON_ERROR_DEPTH - Maximum stack depth exceeded',
            JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH => 'JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH - Underflow or the modes mismatch',
            JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR => 'JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR - Unexpected control character found',
            JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX => 'JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX - Syntax error, malformed JSON',
            JSON_ERROR_UTF8 => 'JSON_ERROR_UTF8 - Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'

        $data = \json_decode($json, $assoc, $depth, $options);

        if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
            $last = json_last_error();
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'Unable to parse JSON data: '
                . (isset($jsonErrors[$last])
                    ? $jsonErrors[$last]
                    : 'Unknown error')

        return $data;

     * @internal
    function deprecation_proxy($object, $name, $arguments, $map)
        if (!isset($map[$name])) {
            throw new \BadMethodCallException('Unknown method, ' . $name);

        $message = sprintf('%s is deprecated and will be removed in a future '
            . 'version. Update your code to use the equivalent %s method '
            . 'instead to avoid breaking changes when this shim is removed.',
            get_class($object) . '::' . $name . '()',
            get_class($object) . '::' . $map[$name] . '()'

        trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        return call_user_func_array([$object, $map[$name]], $arguments);