pikeyd165 – Rev 2

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-=:[ About ]:=-

This is a fork of pikeyd[1] in order to get pi2jamma to work inside 
an arcade machine. The bcm2835 and the original source code for
pikeyd165 is provided and ready to be compiled or cross-compiled to
match the target architecture. The sources have been modified to
create a static binary such that the result has no dependencies.

-=:[ Contents ]:=-
  * bcm2835 library v1.71 @ https://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/
  * pikeyd165 @ https://github.com/xovox/regamebox_pikeyd165

-=:[ Usage ]:=-

1. Compile the bcm2835 library:

cd bcm2835
make clean
./configure --target=aarch64-linux-gnu --host=aarch64-linux-gnu

where "aarch64-linux-gnu" is the cross-compiler of choice.

2. Edit the pikeyd165 "Makefile" to change the compiler to the
desired cross-compiler:

CC := aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc

and then compile pikeyd165:

cd pikeyd165
make clean

3. Copy pikeyd165 from the pikeyd165 directory to your pi2jamma
arcade machine.

-=:[ Credits ]:=-

All content is copyright to their corresponding authors.

Wizardry and Steamworks assmebled the various parts needed to get
pikeyd165 working on a modern build system and made a few 
modifications to the build system such as creating a static binary.

-=:[ References ]:=-

1. https://github.com/mmoller2k/pikeyd