dokuwiki-latex-plugin – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
 * LaTeX Rendering Class
 * Copyright (C) 2003  Benjamin Zeiss <>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @author Benjamin Zeiss <>
 * @version v0.8
 * @package latexrender

class LatexRender {

    // ====================================================================================
    // Variable Definitions
    // ====================================================================================
    var $_picture_path = "";
    var $_picture_path_httpd = "";
    // i was too lazy to write mutator functions for every single program used
    // just access it outside the class or change it here if nescessary

    var $_tmp_dir = "";
    var $_keep_tmp = false;   // keep temporary files? (good for debug)
    var $_latex_path = "latex";
    var $_dvips_path = "dvips";
    var $_convert_path = "convert";
    var $_identify_path = "identify";
    var $_xsize_limit = 1000;
    var $_ysize_limit = 500;
    var $_string_length_limit = 2000;
    var $_image_format = "png"; //change to png if you prefer

                var $_font_size = 10;
                var $_latexclass = "article"; //install extarticle class if you wish to have smaller font sizes
    var $_tmp_filename;
    // this most certainly needs to be extended. in the long term it is planned to use
    // a positive list for more security. this is hopefully enough for now. i'd be glad
    // to receive more bad tags !
    var $_latex_tags_blacklist = array(
           "\\read","\\write","csname","\\newhelp","\\uppercase", "\\lowercase","\\relax","\\aftergroup",
    var $_errorcode = 0;
                var $_errorextra = "";
                var $_filename;

    // ====================================================================================
    // constructor
    // ====================================================================================

        * Initializes the class
        * @param string path where the rendered pictures should be stored
        * @param string same path, but from the httpd chroot
    function __construct($picture_path,$picture_path_httpd,$tmp_dir) {
           $this->_picture_path = $picture_path;
           $this->_picture_path_httpd = $picture_path_httpd;
           $this->_tmp_dir = $tmp_dir;

    // ====================================================================================
    // public functions
    // ====================================================================================

        * Picture path Mutator function
        * @param string sets the current picture path to a new location
    function setPicturePath($name) {
           $this->_picture_path = $name;

        * Picture path Mutator function
        * @returns the current picture path
    function getPicturePath() {
           return $this->_picture_path;

        * Picture path HTTPD Mutator function
        * @param string sets the current httpd picture path to a new location
    function setPicturePathHTTPD($name) {
           $this->_picture_path_httpd = $name;

        * Picture path HTTPD Mutator function
        * @returns the current picture path
    function getPicturePathHTTPD() {
           return $this->_picture_path_httpd;

        * Tries to match the LaTeX Formula given as argument against the
        * formula cache. If the picture has not been rendered before, it'll
        * try to render the formula and drop it in the picture cache directory.
        * @param string formula in LaTeX format
        * @returns the webserver based URL to a picture which contains the
        * requested LaTeX formula. If anything fails, the resultvalue is false.
    function getFormulaURL($latex_formula) {
           // circumvent certain security functions of web-software which
           // is pretty pointless right here
           $latex_formula = preg_replace("/&gt;/i", ">", $latex_formula);
           $latex_formula = preg_replace("/&lt;/i", "<", $latex_formula);
                 $this->latex_document = $this->_preamble."\n".trim($latex_formula)."\n".$this->_postamble;

           $formula_hash = md5($latex_formula);

           $filename = "img".$formula_hash.'.'.$this->_image_format;
           $full_path_filename = $this->getPicturePath()."/".$filename;
                 $this->_filename = $full_path_filename;
           if (is_readable($full_path_filename)) {
                  return $this->getPicturePathHTTPD()."/".$filename;
           } else {
                  // security filter: reject too-long formulas
                  if (strlen($latex_formula) > $this->_string_length_limit) {
                        $this->_errorcode = 1;
                                                        $this->_errorextra = ': '.strlen($latex_formula);
                    return false;

                  // security filter: try to match against LaTeX-Tags Blacklist
                  for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($this->_latex_tags_blacklist);$i++) {
                         if (stristr($latex_formula,$this->_latex_tags_blacklist[$i])) {
                                $this->_errorcode = 2;
                           return false;

                  // security checks assume correct formula, let's render it
                  if ($this->renderLatex($this->latex_document,$full_path_filename)) {
                         return $this->getPicturePathHTTPD().$filename;
                  } else {
                         // uncomment if required
                         // $this->_errorcode = 3;
                         return false;

    // ====================================================================================
    // private functions
    // ====================================================================================

        * returns the dimensions of a picture file using 'identify' of the
        * imagemagick tools. The resulting array can be adressed with either
        * $dim[0] / $dim[1] or $dim["x"] / $dim["y"]
        * @param string path to a picture
        * @returns array containing the picture dimensions
    function getDimensions($filename) {
           $output=$this->myexec($this->_identify_path." ".$filename, $status);
           $result=explode(" ",$output);
           $dim["x"] = $dim[0];
           $dim["y"] = $dim[1];

           return $dim;

        * Renders a LaTeX formula by the using the following method:
        *  - write the formula into a wrapped tex-file in a temporary directory
        *    and change to it
        *  - Create a DVI file using latex (tetex)
        *  - Convert DVI file to Postscript (PS) using dvips (tetex)
        *  - convert, trim and add transparancy by using 'convert' from the
        *    imagemagick package.
        *  - Save the resulting image to the picture cache directory using an
        *    md5 hash as filename. Already rendered formulas can be found directly
        *    this way.
        * @param string LaTeX formula
        * @returns true if the picture has been successfully saved to the picture
        *               cache directory
    function renderLatex($latex_document,$destination) {

           $current_dir = getcwd();

           $this->_tmp_filename = md5(rand().$destination);

                 $this->_cmdout = " >> ".$this->_tmp_filename.".cmd 2>&1";
           // create temporary latex file
           $fp = fopen($this->_tmp_dir."/".$this->_tmp_filename.".tex","w");

           // create temporary dvi file
           $command = $this->_latex_path." --interaction=nonstopmode ".$this->_tmp_filename.".tex";

                // LaTeXing only fails if DVI doesn't exist. - let's ignore some minor errors.
          if (!file_exists($this->_tmp_filename.".dvi"))
                        if( ! $this->_keep_tmp)
                        $this->_errorcode = 4; /// Error 4: latexing failed
                        return false;

           // convert dvi file to postscript using dvips
           // -E removed from dvips
           $command = $this->_dvips_path." ".$this->_tmp_filename.".dvi"." -o ".$this->_tmp_filename.".ps";

           // imagemagick convert ps to image and trim picture
           $command = $this->_convert_path." ".$this->_tmp_filename.".ps ".

                 if ($status_dvips || $status_convert) {
                        if( ! $this->_keep_tmp)
                        $this->_errorcode = 6;
                        return false;

           // test picture for correct dimensions
           $dim = $this->getDimensions($this->_tmp_filename.".".$this->_image_format);

           if ( ($dim["x"] > $this->_xsize_limit) or ($dim["y"] > $this->_ysize_limit)) {
                  if( ! $this->_keep_tmp)
                  $this->_errorcode = 5; // image too big.
                  $this->_errorextra = ": " . $dim["x"] . "x" . $dim["y"];
                  return false;

           // copy temporary formula file to cahed formula directory
           $status_code = copy($this->_tmp_filename.".".$this->_image_format,$destination);
           if( ! $this->_keep_tmp)
           if (!$status_code) { $this->_errorcode = 7; return false; }

           return true;
                //// Run command and append it to _cmdoutput if that variable exists. (for debug).
                function myexec($cmd,&$status) {
                        $cmd = "$cmd 2>&1";
                        $lastline = exec($cmd,$output,$status);
//                      //strip trailing empty lines from output
//                      for($i = count($output)-1 ; $i > 0 ; $i -= 1) 
//                              if($output[$i]) break;
//                      $lastline = $output[$i];
                                $this->_cmdoutput .= "\n>>>>> $cmd\n".trim(implode(PHP_EOL,$output)).PHP_EOL."  --- exit status ".$status;
                        return $lastline;

                * Cleans the temporary directory
    function cleanTemporaryDirectory() {
//         $current_dir = getcwd();
//         chdir($this->_tmp_dir);


//         chdir($current_dir);
