dokuwiki-indexmenu-plugin – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
 * Right Context Menu local configuration -- RENAME THIS FILE TO contextmenu.local.js --
 * How to change:
 *  - Rename this file to contextmenu.local.js
 *  - Make in this file your modifications
 *  - and go to the Configuration Manager and save the config again (this clears the cached javascript)
 * See for information about available variables, menu structure, override and adding menu entries in the scripts/contextmenu.js

 * Right Context Menu configuration for all users:
if (!indexmenu_contextmenu['all']['pg']) indexmenu_contextmenu['all']['pg'] = {'view': [] };
if (!indexmenu_contextmenu['all']['ns']) indexmenu_contextmenu['all']['ns'] = {'view': [] };

// Override title of page menu
//indexmenu_contextmenu['all']['pg']['view'][0] = ['Custom Title'];

// add option to page menu
//indexmenu_contextmenu['all']['pg']['view'].splice(1, 0, ['Input new page', '"javascript: IndexmenuContextmenu.reqpage(\'"+index.config.urlbase+"\',\'"+index.config.sepchar+"\',\'"+node.dokuid+"\');"']);

if (JSINFO && JSINFO.isadmin) {
    if (!indexmenu_contextmenu['pg']) indexmenu_contextmenu['pg'] = {'view': []};
    if (!indexmenu_contextmenu['ns']) indexmenu_contextmenu['ns'] = {'view': []};
     * Right Context Menu configuration for admin users:

    //override or add here the menu entries for admin, see for examples above

} else if (JSINFO && JSINFO.isauth) {
    if (!indexmenu_contextmenu['pg']) indexmenu_contextmenu['pg'] = {'view': []};
    if (!indexmenu_contextmenu['ns']) indexmenu_contextmenu['ns'] = {'view': []};
     * Right Context Menu configuration for authenticated users:

    //override or add here the menu entries for authenticated users, see for examples above


 * Common available functions:
 * Some common functions are added by [indexmenu plugin folder]/scripts/contextmenu.js
 *  - IndexmenuContextmenu.srchpage(u, s, isdir, nid)
 *  - IndexmenuContextmenu.getid(u, id)
 *  - IndexmenuContextmenu.reqpage(b, s, id, n)
 *  - IndexmenuContextmenu.insertTags(lnk, sep)
 * Insert your custom functions (available for all users) at the bottom of this file.

 * Random Example function do something
 * @param {string}   id
 * @param {Boolean}  isdir
 * @return {*} ...
function indexmenu_custom_dosomething(a, isdir) {
   //do something
   return false;

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