corrade-vassal – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenMetaverse.Packets;
using System.Text;

namespace OpenMetaverse.TestClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Changes Avatars currently active group
    /// </summary>
    public class ActivateGroupCommand : Command
        private ManualResetEvent GroupsEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        string activeGroup;

        public ActivateGroupCommand(TestClient testClient)
            Name = "activategroup";
            Description = "Set a group as active. Usage: activategroup GroupName";
            Category = CommandCategory.Groups;
        public override string Execute(string[] args, UUID fromAgentID)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                return Description;

            activeGroup = string.Empty;

            string groupName = String.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                groupName += args[i] + " ";
            groupName = groupName.Trim();

            UUID groupUUID = Client.GroupName2UUID(groupName);
            if (UUID.Zero != groupUUID) {
                EventHandler<PacketReceivedEventArgs> pcallback = AgentDataUpdateHandler;
                Client.Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.AgentDataUpdate, pcallback);

                Console.WriteLine("setting " + groupName + " as active group");
                GroupsEvent.WaitOne(30000, false);

                Client.Network.UnregisterCallback(PacketType.AgentDataUpdate, pcallback);

                /* A.Biondi 
                 * TODO: Handle titles choosing.

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(activeGroup))
                    return Client.ToString() + " failed to activate the group " + groupName;

                return "Active group is now " + activeGroup;
            return Client.ToString() + " doesn't seem to be member of the group " + groupName;

        private void AgentDataUpdateHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
            AgentDataUpdatePacket p = (AgentDataUpdatePacket)e.Packet;
            if (p.AgentData.AgentID == Client.Self.AgentID)
                activeGroup = Utils.BytesToString(p.AgentData.GroupName) + " ( " + Utils.BytesToString(p.AgentData.GroupTitle) + " )";