corrade-vassal – Rev 1

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* CVS Identifier:
* $Id:,v 1.10 2000/09/05 09:24:36 grosbois Exp $
* Interface:           EndianType
* Description:         Defines the two types of endianess (i.e. byte
*                      ordering).
* This software module was originally developed by Raphaël Grosbois and
* Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel
* Askelöf (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David
* Bouchard, Félix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research
* Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000
* standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This
* software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000
* Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio
* Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000
* Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG
* 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not
* including other intellectual property rights, for this software module
* with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module
* or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products
* claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use
* this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
* their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of
* this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability
* for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license
* or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard
* conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this
* software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this
* software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from
* using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming
* products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
* derivative works of this software module.
* Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners.
using System;
        /// <summary> This interface defines constants for the two types of byte
        /// ordering: little- and big-endian.
        /// <P>Little-endian is least significant byte first.
        /// <P>Big-endian is most significant byte first.
        /// <P>This interface defines the constants only. In order to use the
        /// constants in any other class you can either use the fully qualified 
        /// name (e.g., <tt>EndianType.LITTLE_ENDIAN</tt>) or declare this
        /// interface in the implements clause of the class and then access the 
        /// identifier directly.
        /// </summary>
        public struct EndianType_Fields{
                /// <summary>Identifier for big-endian byte ordering (i.e. most significant 
                /// byte first) 
                /// </summary>
                public const int BIG_ENDIAN = 0;
                /// <summary>Identifier for little-endian byte ordering (i.e. least
                /// significant byte first) 
                /// </summary>
                public const int LITTLE_ENDIAN = 1;
        public interface EndianType
                //UPGRADE_NOTE: Members of interface 'EndianType' were extracted into structure 'EndianType_Fields'. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1045'"

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