corrade-http-templates – Rev 62

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define( [
], function( QUnit, $, testHelper ) {

QUnit.module( "resizable: events" );

QUnit.test( "start", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 5 );

        var count = 0,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-se";

        $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                start: function( event, ui ) {
                        assert.equal( ui.size.width, 100, "compare width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.size.height, 100, "compare height" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
        } );

        testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 );

        assert.equal( count, 1, "start callback should happen exactly once" );

} );

QUnit.test( "resize", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 9 );

        var count = 0,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-se";

        $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                resize: function( event, ui ) {
                        if ( count === 0 ) {
                                assert.equal( ui.size.width, 125, "compare width" );
                                assert.equal( ui.size.height, 125, "compare height" );
                                assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                                assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
                        } else {
                                assert.equal( ui.size.width, 150, "compare width" );
                                assert.equal( ui.size.height, 150, "compare height" );
                                assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                                assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
        } );

        testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 );

        assert.equal( count, 2, "resize callback should happen exactly once per size adjustment" );

} );

QUnit.test( "resize (min/max dimensions)", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 5 );

        var count = 0,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-se";

        $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                minWidth: 60,
                minHeight: 60,
                maxWidth: 100,
                maxHeight: 100,
                resize: function( event, ui ) {
                        assert.equal( ui.size.width, 60, "compare width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.size.height, 60, "compare height" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
        } );

        testHelper.drag( handle, -200, -200 );

        assert.equal( count, 1, "resize callback should happen exactly once per size adjustment" );

} );

QUnit.test( "resize (containment)", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 5 );

        var count = 0,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-se",
                container = $( "#resizable1" ).wrap( "<div>" ).parent().css( {
                        height: "100px",
                        width: "100px"
                } );

        $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                containment: container,
                resize: function( event, ui ) {
                        assert.equal( ui.size.width, 10, "compare width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.size.height, 10, "compare height" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
        } );

        // Prove you can't resize outside containment by dragging southeast corner southeast
        testHelper.drag( handle, 100, 100 );

        // Prove you can't resize outside containment by dragging southeast corner northwest
        testHelper.drag( handle, -200, -200 );

        assert.equal( count, 1, "resize callback should happen exactly once per size adjustment" );

} );

QUnit.test( "resize (grid)", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 5 );

        var count = 0,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-se";

        $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                grid: 50,
                resize: function( event, ui ) {
                        assert.equal( ui.size.width, 150, "compare width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.size.height, 150, "compare height" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
        } );

        testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 );

        assert.equal( count, 1, "resize callback should happen exactly once per grid-unit size adjustment" );

} );

QUnit.test( "resize, custom adjustment", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 4 );

        var handle = ".ui-resizable-se",
                element = $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                        resize: function( event, ui ) {
                                ui.size.width = 100;
                                ui.size.height = 200;
                                ui.position.left = 300;
                       = 400;
                } );

        testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 );

        assert.equal( element.width(), 100, "resize event can control width" );
        assert.equal( element.height(), 200, "resize event can control height" );
        assert.equal( element.position().left, 300, "resize event can control left" );
        assert.equal( element.position().top, 400, "resize event can control top" );
} );

QUnit.test( "stop", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 5 );

        var count = 0,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-se";

        $( "#resizable1" ).resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                stop: function( event, ui ) {
                        assert.equal( ui.size.width, 150, "compare width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.size.height, 150, "compare height" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.width, 100, "compare original width" );
                        assert.equal( ui.originalSize.height, 100, "compare original height" );
        } );

        testHelper.drag( handle, 50, 50 );

        assert.equal( count, 1, "stop callback should happen exactly once" );

} );

QUnit.test( "resize (containment) works with parent with negative offset", function( assert ) {

        assert.expect( 1 );

        var widthBefore, widthAfter,
                handle = ".ui-resizable-e",
                target = $( "#resizable1" ),
                absoluteContainer = target.wrap( "<div />" ).parent(),
                fixedContainer = absoluteContainer.wrap( "<div />" ).parent(),
                increaseWidthBy = 50;

        // Position fixed container in window top left
        fixedContainer.css( {
                width: 400,
                height: 100,
                position: "fixed",
                top: 0,
                left: 0
        } );

        // Position absolute container within fixed on slightly outside window
        absoluteContainer.css( {
                width: 400,
                height: 100,
                position: "absolute",
                top: 0,
                left: -50
        } );

        // Set up resizable to be contained within absolute container
        target.resizable( {
                handles: "all",
                containment: "parent"
        } ).css( {
                width: 300
        } );

        widthBefore = target.width();

        testHelper.drag( handle, increaseWidthBy, 0 );

        widthAfter = target.width();

        assert.equal( widthAfter, ( widthBefore + increaseWidthBy ), "resizable width should be increased by the value dragged" );

} );

} );