OpenWrt – Rev 4

Subversion Repositories:
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/Makefile
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ dtb-$(CONFIG_SOC_AT91SAM9) += \
 dtb-$(CONFIG_SOC_SAM_V7) += \
        at91-kizbox2.dtb \
+       at91-sama5d2_ptc_ek.dtb \
        at91-sama5d27_som1_ek.dtb \
        at91-sama5d2_xplained.dtb \
        at91-sama5d3_xplained.dtb \
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/at91-sama5d2_ptc_ek.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR X11)
+ * at91-sama5d2_ptc_ek.dts - Device Tree file for SAMA5D2 PTC EK board
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2017 Microchip/Atmel,
+ *               2017 Wenyou Yang <>
+ *               2017 Ludovic Desroches <>
+ */
+#include "sama5d2.dtsi"
+#include "sama5d2-pinfunc.h"
+#include <dt-bindings/mfd/atmel-flexcom.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/at91.h>
+/ {
+       model = "Atmel SAMA5D2 PTC EK";
+       compatible = "atmel,sama5d2-ptc_ek", "atmel,sama5d2", "atmel,sama5";
+       aliases {
+               serial0 = &uart0;
+               i2c0    = &i2c0;
+               i2c1    = &i2c1;
+               i2c2    = &i2c2;
+       };
+       chosen {
+               stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8";
+       };
+       memory {
+               reg = <0x20000000 0x80000>;
+       };
+       clocks {
+               slow_xtal {
+                       clock-frequency = <32768>;
+               };
+               main_xtal {
+                       clock-frequency = <24000000>;
+               };
+       };
+       ahb {
+               usb0: gadget@00300000 {
+                       atmel,vbus-gpio = <&pioA PIN_PB11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+                       pinctrl-names = "default";
+                       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usba_vbus>;
+                       status = "okay";
+               };
+               usb1: ohci@00400000 {
+                       num-ports = <3>;
+                       atmel,vbus-gpio = <0
+                                          &pioA PIN_PB12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH
+                                          0
+                                         >;
+                       pinctrl-names = "default";
+                       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_usb_default>;
+                       status = "okay";
+               };
+               usb2: ehci@00500000 {
+                       status = "okay";
+               };
+               nand0: nand@80000000 {
+                       nand-bus-width = <8>;
+                       nand-ecc-mode = "hw";
+                       nand-on-flash-bbt;
+                       atmel,has-pmecc;
+                       pinctrl-names = "default";
+                       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_nand_default>;
+                       status = "okay"; /* conflicts with sdmmc1 and qspi0 */
+                       at91bootstrap@0 {
+                               label = "bootstrap";
+                               reg = <0x0 0x40000>;
+                       };
+                       bootloader@40000 {
+                               label = "bootloader";
+                               reg = <0x40000 0xc0000>;
+                       };
+                       bootloaderenv@0x100000 {
+                               label = "bootloader env";
+                               reg = <0x100000 0x40000>;
+                       };
+                       bootloaderenvred@0x140000 {
+                               label = "bootloader env redundant";
+                               reg = <0x140000 0x40000>;
+                       };
+                       dtb@180000 {
+                               label = "device tree";
+                               reg = <0x180000 0x80000>;
+                       };
+                       kernel@200000 {
+                               label = "kernel";
+                               reg = <0x200000 0x600000>;
+                       };
+                       rootfs@800000 {
+                               label = "rootfs";
+                               reg = <0x800000 0x1f800000>;
+                       };
+               };
+               sdmmc0: sdio-host@a0000000 {
+                       bus-width = <8>;
+                       pinctrl-names = "default";
+                       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_sdmmc0_default>;
+                       status = "okay";
+               };
+               apb {
+                       pmc: pmc@f0014000 {
+                               pmc_fast_restart {
+                                       compatible = "atmel,sama5d2-pmc-fast-startup";
+                                       #address-cells = <1>;
+                                       #size-cells = <0>;
+                                       atmel,wakeup-rtc-timer;
+                                       wkpin: input@0 {
+                                               reg = <0>;
+                                       };
+                                       gmac_wol: input@10 {
+                                               reg = <10>;
+                                               atmel,wakeup-active-high;
+                                       };
+                               };
+                       };
+                       spi0: spi@f8000000 {
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_spi0_default>;
+                               status = "okay";
+                               /*
+                               m25p80@0 {
+                                       compatible = "atmel,at25df321a";
+                                       reg = <0>;
+                                       spi-max-frequency = <50000000>;
+                               };
+                               */
+                       };
+                       macb0: ethernet@f8008000 {
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_macb0_default &pinctrl_macb0_phy_irq>;
+                               phy-mode = "rmii";
+                               status = "okay";
+                               ethernet-phy@1 {
+                                       reg = <0x1>;
+                                       interrupt-parent = <&pioA>;
+                                       interrupts = <56 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+                               };
+                       };
+                       uart0: serial@f801c000 {
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart0_default>;
+                               atmel,use-dma-rx;
+                               atmel,use-dma-tx;
+                               status = "okay";
+                       };
+                       uart2: serial@f8024000 {
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_uart2_default>;
+                               atmel,use-dma-rx;
+                               atmel,use-dma-tx;
+                               status = "okay";
+                       };
+                       i2c0: i2c@f8028000 {
+                               dmas = <0>, <0>;
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c0_default>;
+                               i2c-sda-hold-time-ns = <350>;
+                               status = "okay";
+                       };
+                       flx0: flexcom@f8034000 {
+                               atmel,flexcom-mode = <ATMEL_FLEXCOM_MODE_TWI>;
+                               status = "okay";
+                               i2c2: i2c@600 {
+                                       compatible = "atmel,sama5d2-i2c";
+                                       reg = <0x600 0x200>;
+                                       interrupts = <19 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH 7>;
+                                       dmas = <0>, <0>;
+                                       dma-names = "tx", "rx";
+                                       #address-cells = <1>;
+                                       #size-cells = <0>;
+                                       clocks = <&flx0_clk>;
+                                       pinctrl-names = "default";
+                                       pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_flx0_default>;
+                                       atmel,fifo-size = <16>;
+                                       status = "okay";
+                               };
+                       };
+                       shdwc@f8048010 {
+                               atmel,shdwc-debouncer = <976>;
+                               input@0 {
+                                       reg = <0>;
+                                       atmel,wakeup-type = "low";
+                               };
+                       };
+                       watchdog@f8048040 {
+                               status = "okay";
+                       };
+                       spi1: spi@fc000000 {
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_spi1_default>;
+                               status = "okay";
+                       };
+                       i2c1: i2c@fc028000 {
+                               dmas = <0>, <0>;
+                               pinctrl-names = "default";
+                               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c1_default>;
+                               status = "okay";
+                               at24@50 {
+                                       compatible = "24c02";
+                                       reg = <0x50>;
+                                       pagesize = <8>;
+                               };
+                       };
+                       pinctrl@fc038000 {
+                               pinctrl_flx0_default: flx0_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB28__FLEXCOM0_IO0>,
+                                                <PIN_PB29__FLEXCOM0_IO1>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_i2c0_default: i2c0_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PD21__TWD0>,
+                                                <PIN_PD22__TWCK0>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_i2c1_default: i2c1_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PC6__TWD1>,
+                                                <PIN_PC7__TWCK1>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_key_gpio_default: key_gpio_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PA10__GPIO>;
+                                       bias-pull-up;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_led_gpio_default: led_gpio_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB6__GPIO>,
+                                                <PIN_PB8__GPIO>,
+                                                <PIN_PB10__GPIO>;
+                                       bias-pull-up;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_macb0_default: macb0_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB14__GTXCK>,
+                                                <PIN_PB15__GTXEN>,
+                                                <PIN_PB16__GRXDV>,
+                                                <PIN_PB17__GRXER>,
+                                                <PIN_PB18__GRX0>,
+                                                <PIN_PB19__GRX1>,
+                                                <PIN_PB20__GTX0>,
+                                                <PIN_PB21__GTX1>,
+                                                <PIN_PB22__GMDC>,
+                                                <PIN_PB23__GMDIO>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_macb0_phy_irq: macb0_phy_irq {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB24__GPIO>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_nand_default: nand_default {
+                                       re_we_data {
+                                               pinmux = <PIN_PA22__D0>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA23__D1>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA24__D2>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA25__D3>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA26__D4>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA27__D5>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA28__D6>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA29__D7>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA30__NWE_NANDWE>,
+                                                        <PIN_PB2__NRD_NANDOE>;
+                                               bias-pull-up;
+                                               drive-strength = <ATMEL_PIO_DRVSTR_ME>;
+                                       };
+                                       ale_cle_rdy_cs {
+                                               pinmux = <PIN_PB0__A21_NANDALE>,
+                                                        <PIN_PB1__A22_NANDCLE>,
+                                                        <PIN_PC8__NANDRDY>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA31__NCS3>;
+                                               bias-pull-up;
+                                       };
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_sdmmc0_default: sdmmc0_default {
+                                       cmd_data {
+                                               pinmux = <PIN_PA1__SDMMC0_CMD>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA2__SDMMC0_DAT0>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA3__SDMMC0_DAT1>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA4__SDMMC0_DAT2>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA5__SDMMC0_DAT3>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA6__SDMMC0_DAT4>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA7__SDMMC0_DAT5>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA8__SDMMC0_DAT6>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA9__SDMMC0_DAT7>;
+                                               bias-pull-up;
+                                       };
+                                       ck_cd_vddsel {
+                                               pinmux = <PIN_PA0__SDMMC0_CK>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA11__SDMMC0_VDDSEL>,
+                                                        <PIN_PA13__SDMMC0_CD>;
+                                               bias-disable;
+                                       };
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_spi0_default: spi0_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PA14__SPI0_SPCK>,
+                                                <PIN_PA15__SPI0_MOSI>,
+                                                <PIN_PA16__SPI0_MISO>,
+                                                <PIN_PA17__SPI0_NPCS0>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_spi1_default: spi1_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PC1__SPI1_SPCK>,
+                                                <PIN_PC2__SPI1_MOSI>,
+                                                <PIN_PC3__SPI1_MISO>,
+                                                <PIN_PC4__SPI1_NPCS0>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_uart0_default: uart0_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB26__URXD0>,
+                                                <PIN_PB27__UTXD0>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_uart2_default: uart2_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PD23__URXD2>,
+                                                <PIN_PD24__UTXD2>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_usb_default: usb_default {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB12__GPIO>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                               pinctrl_usba_vbus: usba_vbus {
+                                       pinmux = <PIN_PB11__GPIO>;
+                                       bias-disable;
+                               };
+                       };
+                       ptc@fc060000 {
+                               status = "okay";
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       gpio_keys {
+               compatible = "gpio-keys";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_key_gpio_default>;
+               bp1 {
+                       label = "PB_USER";
+                       gpios = <&pioA PIN_PA10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+                       linux,code = <0x104>;
+                       wakeup-source;
+               };
+       };
+       leds {
+               compatible = "gpio-leds";
+               pinctrl-names = "default";
+               pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_led_gpio_default>;
+               status = "okay";
+               red {
+                       label = "red";
+                       gpios = <&pioA PIN_PB10 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               };
+               green {
+                       label = "green";
+                       gpios = <&pioA PIN_PB8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+               };
+               blue {
+                       label = "blue";
+                       gpios = <&pioA PIN_PB6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+                       linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat";
+               };
+       };

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