OpenWrt – Rev 3

Subversion Repositories:
 * Marvell 88E61xx switch driver
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Claudio Leite <>
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Nikita Nazarenko <>
 * Based on code (c) 2008 Felix Fietkau <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation

#ifndef __MVSW61XX_H
#define __MVSW61XX_H

#define MV_PORTS                        7
#define MV_PORTS_MASK                   ((1 << MV_PORTS) - 1)

#define MV_BASE                         0x10

#define MV_SWITCHPORT_BASE              0x10
#define MV_SWITCHPORT(_n)               (MV_SWITCHPORT_BASE + (_n))
#define MV_SWITCHREGS                   (MV_BASE + 0xb)

#define MV_VLANS                        64

enum {
        MV_PORT_STATUS                  = 0x00,
        MV_PORT_PHYCTL                  = 0x01,
        MV_PORT_JAMCTL                  = 0x02,
        MV_PORT_IDENT                   = 0x03,
        MV_PORT_CONTROL                 = 0x04,
        MV_PORT_CONTROL1                = 0x05,
        MV_PORT_VLANMAP                 = 0x06,
        MV_PORT_VLANID                  = 0x07,
        MV_PORT_CONTROL2                = 0x08,
        MV_PORT_ASSOC                   = 0x0b,
        MV_PORT_RX_DISCARD_LOW          = 0x10,
        MV_PORT_RX_DISCARD_HIGH         = 0x11,
        MV_PORT_IN_FILTERED             = 0x12,
        MV_PORT_OUT_ACCEPTED            = 0x13,
#define MV_PORTREG(_type, _port) MV_SWITCHPORT(_port), MV_PORT_##_type

enum {
        MV_PORT_STATUS_FDX              = (1 << 10),
        MV_PORT_STATUS_LINK             = (1 << 11),

enum {
        MV_PORT_STATUS_CMODE_100BASE_X  = 0x8,
        MV_PORT_STATUS_CMODE_1000BASE_X = 0x9,
        MV_PORT_STATUS_CMODE_SGMII      = 0xa,

#define MV_PORT_STATUS_CMODE_MASK       0xf

enum {
        MV_PORT_STATUS_SPEED_10         = 0x00,
        MV_PORT_STATUS_SPEED_100        = 0x01,
        MV_PORT_STATUS_SPEED_1000       = 0x02,
#define MV_PORT_STATUS_SPEED_MASK       (3 << 8)

enum {
        MV_PORTCTRL_DISABLED            = (0 << 0),
        MV_PORTCTRL_BLOCKING            = (1 << 0),
        MV_PORTCTRL_LEARNING            = (2 << 0),
        MV_PORTCTRL_FORWARDING          = (3 << 0),
        MV_PORTCTRL_VLANTUN             = (1 << 7),
        MV_PORTCTRL_EGRESS              = (1 << 12),

#define MV_PHYCTL_FC_MASK               (3 << 6)

enum {
        MV_PHYCTL_FC_ENABLE             = (3 << 6),
        MV_PHYCTL_FC_DISABLE            = (1 << 6),

enum {
        MV_8021Q_EGRESS_UNMODIFIED      = 0x00,
        MV_8021Q_EGRESS_UNTAGGED        = 0x01,
        MV_8021Q_EGRESS_TAGGED          = 0x02,
        MV_8021Q_EGRESS_ADDTAG          = 0x03,

#define MV_8021Q_MODE_SHIFT             10
#define MV_8021Q_MODE_MASK              (0x3 << MV_8021Q_MODE_SHIFT)

enum {
        MV_8021Q_MODE_DISABLE           = 0x00,
        MV_8021Q_MODE_FALLBACK          = 0x01,
        MV_8021Q_MODE_CHECK             = 0x02,
        MV_8021Q_MODE_SECURE            = 0x03,

enum {
        MV_8021Q_VLAN_ONLY              = (1 << 15),

#define MV_PORTASSOC_MONITOR            (1 << 15)

enum {
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_FID0              = 0x01,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_FID1              = 0x02,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_SID               = 0x03,
        MV_SWITCH_CTRL                  = 0x04,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_CTRL              = 0x0a,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_OP                = 0x0b,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_DATA              = 0x0c,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_MAC0              = 0x0d,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_MAC1              = 0x0e,
        MV_SWITCH_ATU_MAC2              = 0x0f,
        MV_SWITCH_GLOBAL                = 0x1b,
        MV_SWITCH_GLOBAL2               = 0x1c,

enum {
        MV_SWITCHCTL_EEIE               = (1 << 0),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_PHYIE              = (1 << 1),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_ATUDONE            = (1 << 2),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_ATUIE              = (1 << 3),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_CTRMODE            = (1 << 8),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_RELOAD             = (1 << 9),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_MSIZE              = (1 << 10),
        MV_SWITCHCTL_DROP               = (1 << 13),

enum {
#define MV_ATUCTL_AGETIME_MIN           16
#define MV_ATUCTL_AGETIME_MAX           4080
#define MV_ATUCTL_AGETIME(_n)           ((((_n) / 16) & 0xff) << 4)
        MV_ATUCTL_ATU_256               = (0 << 12),
        MV_ATUCTL_ATU_512               = (1 << 12),
        MV_ATUCTL_ATU_1K                = (2 << 12),
        MV_ATUCTL_ATUMASK               = (3 << 12),
        MV_ATUCTL_NO_LEARN              = (1 << 14),
        MV_ATUCTL_RESET                 = (1 << 15),

enum {
#define MV_ATUOP_DBNUM(_n)              ((_n) & 0x0f)
        MV_ATUOP_NOOP                   = (0 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_FLUSH_ALL              = (1 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_FLUSH_U                = (2 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_LOAD_DB                = (3 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_GET_NEXT               = (4 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_FLUSH_DB               = (5 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_FLUSH_DB_UU            = (6 << 12),
        MV_ATUOP_INPROGRESS             = (1 << 15),

enum {
        MV_GLOBAL_STATUS                = 0x00,
        MV_GLOBAL_ATU_FID               = 0x01,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_FID               = 0x02,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_SID               = 0x03,
        MV_GLOBAL_CONTROL               = 0x04,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_OP                = 0x05,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_VID               = 0x06,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_DATA1             = 0x07,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_DATA2             = 0x08,
        MV_GLOBAL_VTU_DATA3             = 0x09,
        MV_GLOBAL_CONTROL2              = 0x1c,

enum {
        MV_GLOBAL2_SMI_OP               = 0x18,
        MV_GLOBAL2_SMI_DATA             = 0x19,
        MV_GLOBAL2_SDET_POLARITY        = 0x1d,
#define MV_GLOBAL2REG(_type) MV_SWITCH_GLOBAL2, MV_GLOBAL2_##_type

enum {
        MV_VTU_VID_VALID                = (1 << 12),

enum {
        MV_VTUOP_PURGE                  = (1 << 12),
        MV_VTUOP_LOAD                   = (3 << 12),
        MV_VTUOP_INPROGRESS             = (1 << 15),
        MV_VTUOP_STULOAD                = (5 << 12),
        MV_VTUOP_VTU_GET_NEXT           = (4 << 12),
        MV_VTUOP_STU_GET_NEXT           = (6 << 12),
        MV_VTUOP_GET_VIOLATION          = (7 << 12),

enum {
        MV_CONTROL_RESET                = (1 << 15),
        MV_CONTROL_PPU_ENABLE           = (1 << 14),

enum {
        MV_VTUCTL_EGRESS_UNMODIFIED     = (0 << 0),
        MV_VTUCTL_EGRESS_UNTAGGED       = (1 << 0),
        MV_VTUCTL_EGRESS_TAGGED         = (2 << 0),
        MV_VTUCTL_DISCARD               = (3 << 0),

enum {
        MV_STUCTL_STATE_DISABLED        = (0 << 0),
        MV_STUCTL_STATE_BLOCKING        = (1 << 0),
        MV_STUCTL_STATE_LEARNING        = (2 << 0),
        MV_STUCTL_STATE_FORWARDING      = (3 << 0),

enum {
        MV_INDIRECT_REG_CMD             = 0,
        MV_INDIRECT_REG_DATA            = 1,

enum {
        MV_INDIRECT_INPROGRESS          = 0x8000,
        MV_INDIRECT_WRITE               = 0x9400,
        MV_INDIRECT_READ                = 0x9800,
#define MV_INDIRECT_ADDR_S              5

#define MV_IDENT_MASK                   0xfff0

#define MV_IDENT_VALUE_6171             0x1710
#define MV_IDENT_STR_6171               "MV88E6171"

#define MV_IDENT_VALUE_6172             0x1720
#define MV_IDENT_STR_6172               "MV88E6172"

#define MV_IDENT_VALUE_6176             0x1760
#define MV_IDENT_STR_6176               "MV88E6176"

#define MV_IDENT_VALUE_6352             0x3520
#define MV_IDENT_STR_6352               "MV88E6352"

#define MV_PVID_MASK                    0x0fff

#define MV_FDB_HI_MASK                  0x00ff
#define MV_FDB_LO_MASK                  0xf000
#define MV_FDB_HI_SHIFT                 4
#define MV_FDB_LO_SHIFT                 12

/* Marvell Specific PHY register */
#define MII_MV_SPEC_CTRL                16
enum {
        MV_SPEC_MDI_CROSS_AUTO          = (0x6 << 4),
        MV_SPEC_ENERGY_DETECT           = (0x3 << 8),
        MV_SPEC_DOWNSHIFT_COUNTER       = (0x3 << 12),

#define MII_MV_PAGE                     22

#define MV_REG_FIBER_SERDES             0xf
#define MV_PAGE_FIBER_SERDES            0x1

struct mvsw61xx_state {
        struct switch_dev dev;
        struct mii_bus *bus;
        int base_addr;
        u16 model;

        bool registered;
        bool is_indirect;

        int cpu_port0;
        int cpu_port1;

        int vlan_enabled;
        struct port_state {
                u16 fdb;
                u16 pvid;
                u16 mask;
                u8 qmode;
        } ports[MV_PORTS];

        struct vlan_state {
                bool port_based;

                u16 mask;
                u16 vid;
                u32 port_mode;
                u32 port_sstate;
        } vlans[MV_VLANS];

        char buf[128];

#define get_state(_dev) container_of((_dev), struct mvsw61xx_state, dev)
