Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

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// Copyright 2006 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

//We send BSD-style credentials on all platforms
//Doesn't seem to break Linux (but is redundant there)
//This may turn out to be a bad idea

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using Mono.Unix;
using Mono.Unix.Native;

namespace NDesk.DBus.Transports
        class UnixSocket
                public const short AF_UNIX = 1;
                //TODO: SOCK_STREAM is 2 on Solaris
                public const short SOCK_STREAM = 1;

                //TODO: some of these are provided by libsocket instead of libc on Solaris

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int socket (int domain, int type, int protocol);

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int connect (int sockfd, byte[] serv_addr, uint addrlen);

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int bind (int sockfd, byte[] my_addr, uint addrlen);

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int listen (int sockfd, int backlog);

                //TODO: this prototype is probably wrong, fix it
                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int accept (int sockfd, byte[] addr, ref uint addrlen);

                //TODO: confirm and make use of these functions
                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int getsockopt (int s, int optname, IntPtr optval, ref uint optlen);

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        protected static extern int setsockopt (int s, int optname, IntPtr optval, uint optlen);

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        public static extern int recvmsg (int s, IntPtr msg, int flags);

                [DllImport ("libc", SetLastError=true)]
                        public static extern int sendmsg (int s, IntPtr msg, int flags);

                public int Handle;

                public UnixSocket (int handle)
                        this.Handle = handle;

                public UnixSocket ()
                        //TODO: don't hard-code PF_UNIX and SOCK_STREAM or SocketType.Stream
                        //AddressFamily family, SocketType type, ProtocolType proto

                        int r = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
                        //we should get the Exception from UnixMarshal and throw it here for a better stack trace, but the relevant API seems to be private
                        UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (r);
                        Handle = r;

                protected bool connected = false;

                //TODO: consider memory management
                public void Connect (byte[] remote_end)
                        int r = connect (Handle, remote_end, (uint)remote_end.Length);
                        //we should get the Exception from UnixMarshal and throw it here for a better stack trace, but the relevant API seems to be private
                        UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (r);
                        connected = true;

                //assigns a name to the socket
                public void Bind (byte[] local_end)
                        int r = bind (Handle, local_end, (uint)local_end.Length);
                        UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (r);

                public void Listen (int backlog)
                        int r = listen (Handle, backlog);
                        UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (r);

                public UnixSocket Accept ()
                        byte[] addr = new byte[110];
                        uint addrlen = (uint)addr.Length;

                        int r = accept (Handle, addr, ref addrlen);
                        UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (r);
                        //TODO: use the returned addr
                        //TODO: fix probable memory leak here
                        //string str = Encoding.Default.GetString (addr, 0, (int)addrlen);
                        return new UnixSocket (r);

        struct IOVector
                public IntPtr Base;
                public int Length;

        class UnixNativeTransport : UnixTransport
                protected UnixSocket socket;

                public override void Open (string path, bool @abstract)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (path))
                                throw new ArgumentException ("path");

                        if (@abstract)
                                socket = OpenAbstractUnix (path);
                                socket = OpenUnix (path);

                        //socket.Blocking = true;
                        SocketHandle = (long)socket.Handle;
                        Stream = new UnixStream ((int)socket.Handle);

                //send peer credentials null byte
                //different platforms do this in different ways
                unsafe void WriteBsdCred ()
                        //null credentials byte
                        byte buf = 0;

                        IOVector iov = new IOVector ();
                        iov.Base = (IntPtr)(&buf);
                        iov.Length = 1;

                        msghdr msg = new msghdr ();
                        msg.msg_iov = &iov;
                        msg.msg_iovlen = 1;

                        cmsg cm = new cmsg ();
                        msg.msg_control = (IntPtr)(&cm);
                        msg.msg_controllen = (uint)sizeof (cmsg);
                        cm.hdr.cmsg_len = (uint)sizeof (cmsg);
                        cm.hdr.cmsg_level = 0xffff; //SOL_SOCKET
                        cm.hdr.cmsg_type = 0x03; //SCM_CREDS

                        int written = UnixSocket.sendmsg (socket.Handle, (IntPtr)(&msg), 0);
                        UnixMarshal.ThrowExceptionForLastErrorIf (written);
                        if (written != 1)
                                throw new Exception ("Failed to write credentials");

                public override void WriteCred ()
                        try {
                                WriteBsdCred ();
                        } catch {
                                if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: WriteBsdCred() failed; falling back to ordinary WriteCred()");
                                //null credentials byte
                                byte buf = 0;
                                Stream.WriteByte (buf);
                        //null credentials byte
                        byte buf = 0;
                        Stream.WriteByte (buf);

                protected UnixSocket OpenAbstractUnix (string path)
                        byte[] p = Encoding.Default.GetBytes (path);

                        byte[] sa = new byte[2 + 1 + p.Length];

                        //we use BitConverter to stay endian-safe
                        byte[] afData = BitConverter.GetBytes (UnixSocket.AF_UNIX);
                        sa[0] = afData[0];
                        sa[1] = afData[1];

                        sa[2] = 0; //null prefix for abstract domain socket addresses, see unix(7)
                        for (int i = 0 ; i != p.Length ; i++)
                                sa[3 + i] = p[i];

                        UnixSocket client = new UnixSocket ();
                        client.Connect (sa);

                        return client;

                public UnixSocket OpenUnix (string path)
                        byte[] p = Encoding.Default.GetBytes (path);

                        byte[] sa = new byte[2 + p.Length + 1];

                        //we use BitConverter to stay endian-safe
                        byte[] afData = BitConverter.GetBytes (UnixSocket.AF_UNIX);
                        sa[0] = afData[0];
                        sa[1] = afData[1];

                        for (int i = 0 ; i != p.Length ; i++)
                                sa[2 + i] = p[i];
                        sa[2 + p.Length] = 0; //null suffix for domain socket addresses, see unix(7)

                        UnixSocket client = new UnixSocket ();
                        client.Connect (sa);

                        return client;

        public struct msg
                public IntPtr msg_next;
                public long msg_type;
                public ushort msg_ts;
                short msg_spot;
                IntPtr label;

        unsafe struct msghdr
                public IntPtr msg_name; //optional address
                public uint msg_namelen; //size of address
                public IOVector *msg_iov; //scatter/gather array
                public int msg_iovlen; //# elements in msg_iov
                public IntPtr msg_control; //ancillary data, see below
                public uint msg_controllen; //ancillary data buffer len
                public int msg_flags; //flags on received message

        struct cmsghdr
                public uint cmsg_len; //data byte count, including header
                public int cmsg_level; //originating protocol
                public int cmsg_type; //protocol-specific type

        unsafe struct cmsgcred
                public int cmcred_pid; //PID of sending process
                public uint cmcred_uid; //real UID of sending process
                public uint cmcred_euid; //effective UID of sending process
                public uint cmcred_gid; //real GID of sending process
                public short cmcred_ngroups; //number or groups
                public fixed uint cmcred_groups[16]; //groups, CMGROUP_MAX

        struct cmsg
                public cmsghdr hdr;
                public cmsgcred cred;