Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

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// Copyright 2007 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace NDesk.DBus
        using Introspection;

        //FIXME: debug hack
        public delegate void VoidHandler ();

        public partial class Connection
                //dynamically defines a Type for the proxy object using D-Bus introspection
                public object GetObject (string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
                        org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable intros = GetObject<org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable> (bus_name, path);
                        string data = intros.Introspect ();

                        StringReader sr = new StringReader (data);
                        XmlSerializer sz = new XmlSerializer (typeof (Node));
                        Node node = (Node)sz.Deserialize (sr);

                        Type type = TypeDefiner.Define (node.Interfaces);

                        return GetObject (type, bus_name, path);

                //FIXME: debug hack
                ~Connection ()
                        if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                TypeDefiner.Save ();

        static class TypeDefiner
                static AssemblyBuilder asmBdef;
                static ModuleBuilder modBdef;

                static void InitHack ()
                        if (asmBdef != null)

                        asmBdef = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Defs"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
                        //asmBdef = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain ().DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("DefAssembly"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
                        modBdef = asmBdef.DefineDynamicModule ("Defs.dll", "Defs.dll");

                static uint ifaceId = 0;
                public static Type Define (Interface[] ifaces)
                        InitHack ();

                        //Provide a unique interface name
                        //This is a bit ugly
                        string ifaceName = "Aggregate" + (ifaceId++);

                        TypeBuilder typeB = modBdef.DefineType (ifaceName, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Interface);
                        foreach (Interface iface in ifaces)
                                typeB.AddInterfaceImplementation (Define (iface));

                        return typeB.CreateType ();

                static Type Define (Interface iface)
                        InitHack ();

                        int lastDotPos = iface.Name.LastIndexOf ('.');
                        string nsName = iface.Name.Substring (0, lastDotPos);
                        string ifaceName = iface.Name.Substring (lastDotPos+1);

                        nsName = nsName.Replace ('.', Type.Delimiter);

                        //using the full interface name is ok, but makes consuming the type from C# difficult since namespaces/Type names may overlap
                        TypeBuilder typeB = modBdef.DefineType (nsName + Type.Delimiter + "I" + ifaceName, TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Interface);
                        Define (typeB, iface);

                        return typeB.CreateType ();

                public static void Save ()
                        asmBdef.Save ("Defs.dll");

                const MethodAttributes ifaceMethAttr = MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Abstract | MethodAttributes.Virtual;

                public static void Define (TypeBuilder typeB, Interface iface)
                        foreach (Method declMethod in iface.Methods) {

                                //MethodBuilder method_builder = typeB.DefineMethod (declMethod.Name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, declMethod.ReturnType, Mapper.GetTypes (ArgDirection.In, declMethod.GetParameters ()));

                                List<Type> parms = new List<Type> ();

                                if (declMethod.Arguments != null)
                                        foreach (Argument arg in declMethod.Arguments) {
                                                if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@in)
                                                        parms.Add (new Signature (arg.Type).ToType ());
                                                //if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@out)
                                                //      parms.Add (new Signature (arg.Type).ToType ().MakeByRefType ());

                                Signature outSig = Signature.Empty;
                                //this just takes the last out arg and uses is as the return type
                                if (declMethod.Arguments != null)
                                        foreach (Argument arg in declMethod.Arguments)
                                                if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@out)
                                                        outSig = new Signature (arg.Type);

                                Type retType = outSig == Signature.Empty ? typeof (void) : outSig.ToType ();

                                MethodBuilder method_builder = typeB.DefineMethod (declMethod.Name, ifaceMethAttr, retType, parms.ToArray ());

                                //define the parameter attributes and names
                                if (declMethod.Arguments != null) {
                                        int argNum = 0;

                                        foreach (Argument arg in declMethod.Arguments) {
                                                if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@in)
                                                        method_builder.DefineParameter (++argNum, ParameterAttributes.In, arg.Name);
                                                //if (arg.Direction == Introspection.ArgDirection.@out)
                                                //      method_builder.DefineParameter (++argNum, ParameterAttributes.Out, arg.Name);

                        if (iface.Properties != null)
                        foreach (NDesk.DBus.Introspection.Property prop in iface.Properties) {
                                Type propType = new Signature (prop.Type).ToType ();

                                PropertyBuilder prop_builder = typeB.DefineProperty (prop.Name, PropertyAttributes.None, propType, Type.EmptyTypes);

                                if (prop.Access == || prop.Access == propertyAccess.readwrite)
                                        prop_builder.SetGetMethod (typeB.DefineMethod ("get_" + prop.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, propType, Type.EmptyTypes));

                                if (prop.Access == propertyAccess.write || prop.Access == propertyAccess.readwrite)
                                        prop_builder.SetSetMethod (typeB.DefineMethod ("set_" + prop.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, null, new Type[] {propType}));

                        if (iface.Signals != null)
                        foreach (NDesk.DBus.Introspection.Signal signal in iface.Signals) {
                                //Type eventType = typeof (EventHandler);
                                Type eventType = typeof (VoidHandler);

                                EventBuilder event_builder = typeB.DefineEvent (signal.Name, EventAttributes.None, eventType);

                                event_builder.SetAddOnMethod (typeB.DefineMethod ("add_" + signal.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, null, new Type[] {eventType}));

                                event_builder.SetRemoveOnMethod (typeB.DefineMethod ("remove_" + signal.Name, ifaceMethAttr | MethodAttributes.SpecialName, null, new Type[] {eventType}));

                        //apply InterfaceAttribute
                        ConstructorInfo interfaceAttributeCtor = typeof (InterfaceAttribute).GetConstructor(new Type[] {typeof (string)});

                        CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder (interfaceAttributeCtor, new object[] {iface.Name});

                        typeB.SetCustomAttribute (cab);