Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
// Copyright 2006 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NDesk.DBus
        struct Header
                public EndianFlag Endianness;
                public MessageType MessageType;
                public HeaderFlag Flags;
                public byte MajorVersion;
                public uint Length;
                public uint Serial;
                //public HeaderField[] Fields;
                public IDictionary<FieldCode,object> Fields;

                public static DType TypeForField (FieldCode f)
                        switch (f) {
                                case FieldCode.Invalid:
                                        return DType.Invalid;
                                case FieldCode.Path:
                                        return DType.ObjectPath;
                                case FieldCode.Interface:
                                        return DType.String;
                                case FieldCode.Member:
                                        return DType.String;
                                case FieldCode.ErrorName:
                                        return DType.String;
                                case FieldCode.ReplySerial:
                                        return DType.UInt32;
                                case FieldCode.Destination:
                                        return DType.String;
                                case FieldCode.Sender:
                                        return DType.String;
                                case FieldCode.Signature:
                                        return DType.Signature;
                                case FieldCode.ReplySignature: //note: not supported in dbus
                                        return DType.Signature;
                                        return DType.Invalid;

        public struct HeaderField
                //public HeaderField (FieldCode code, object value)
                //      this.Code = code;
                //      this.Value = value;

                public static HeaderField Create (FieldCode code, object value)
                        HeaderField hf;

                        hf.Code = code;
                        hf.Value = value;

                        return hf;

                public FieldCode Code;
                public object Value;

        enum MessageType : byte
                //This is an invalid type.
                //Method call.
                //Method reply with returned data.
                //Error reply. If the first argument exists and is a string, it is an error message.
                //Signal emission.

        enum FieldCode : byte
                        ReplySignature, //note: not supported in dbus

        enum EndianFlag : byte
                Little = (byte)'l',
                Big = (byte)'B',

        enum HeaderFlag : byte
                None = 0,
                NoReplyExpected = 0x1,
                NoAutoStart = 0x2,

        public sealed class ObjectPath //: IComparable, IComparable<ObjectPath>, IEquatable<ObjectPath>
                public static readonly ObjectPath Root = new ObjectPath ("/");

                internal readonly string Value;

                public ObjectPath (string value)
                        if (value == null)
                                throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");

                        this.Value = value;

                public override bool Equals (object o)
                        ObjectPath b = o as ObjectPath;

                        if (b == null)
                                return false;

                        return Value.Equals (b.Value);

                public override int GetHashCode ()
                        return Value.GetHashCode ();

                public override string ToString ()
                        return Value;

                //this may or may not prove useful
                internal string[] Decomposed
                        get {
                                return Value.Split (new char[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        } set {
                                Value = String.Join ("/", value);

                internal ObjectPath Parent
                        get {
                                if (Value == Root.Value)
                                        return null;

                                string par = Value.Substring (0, Value.LastIndexOf ('/'));
                                if (par == String.Empty)
                                        par = "/";

                                return new ObjectPath (par);

                public int CompareTo (object value)
                        return 1;

                public int CompareTo (ObjectPath value)
                        return 1;

                public bool Equals (ObjectPath value)
                        return false;

        static class Protocol
                //protocol versions that we support
                public const byte MinVersion = 0;
                public const byte Version = 1;
                public const byte MaxVersion = Version;

                public const uint MaxMessageLength = 134217728; //2 to the 27th power
                public const uint MaxArrayLength = 67108864; //2 to the 26th power
                public const uint MaxSignatureLength = 255;
                public const uint MaxArrayDepth = 32;
                public const uint MaxStructDepth = 32;

                //this is not strictly related to Protocol since names are passed around as strings
                internal const uint MaxNameLength = 255;

                public static int PadNeeded (int pos, int alignment)
                        int pad = pos % alignment;
                        pad = pad == 0 ? 0 : alignment - pad;

                        return pad;

                public static int Padded (int pos, int alignment)
                        int pad = pos % alignment;
                        if (pad != 0)
                                pos += alignment - pad;

                        return pos;

                public static int GetAlignment (DType dtype)
                        switch (dtype) {
                                case DType.Byte:
                                        return 1;
                                case DType.Boolean:
                                        return 4;
                                case DType.Int16:
                                case DType.UInt16:
                                        return 2;
                                case DType.Int32:
                                case DType.UInt32:
                                        return 4;
                                case DType.Int64:
                                case DType.UInt64:
                                        return 8;
                                case DType.Single: //Not yet supported!
                                        return 4;
                                case DType.Double:
                                        return 8;
                                case DType.String:
                                        return 4;
                                case DType.ObjectPath:
                                        return 4;
                                case DType.Signature:
                                        return 1;
                                case DType.Array:
                                        return 4;
                                case DType.Struct:
                                        return 8;
                                case DType.Variant:
                                        return 1;
                                case DType.DictEntry:
                                        return 8;
                                case DType.Invalid:
                                        throw new Exception ("Cannot determine alignment of " + dtype);

                //this class may not be the best place for Verbose
                public readonly static bool Verbose;

                static Protocol ()
                        Verbose = !String.IsNullOrEmpty (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DBUS_VERBOSE"));
