Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

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// Copyright 2006 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

using System;

namespace NDesk.DBus
        class MessageFilter
                //this should probably be made to use HeaderField or similar
                //this class is not generalized yet

                public static string MessageTypeToString (MessageType mtype)
                        switch (mtype)
                                case MessageType.MethodCall:
                                        return "method_call";
                                case MessageType.MethodReturn:
                                        return "method_return";
                                case MessageType.Error:
                                        return "error";
                                case MessageType.Signal:
                                        return "signal";
                                case MessageType.Invalid:
                                        return "invalid";
                                        throw new Exception ("Bad MessageType: " + mtype);

                public static MessageType StringToMessageType (string text)
                        switch (text)
                                case "method_call":
                                        return MessageType.MethodCall;
                                case "method_return":
                                        return MessageType.MethodReturn;
                                case "error":
                                        return MessageType.Error;
                                case "signal":
                                        return MessageType.Signal;
                                case "invalid":
                                        return MessageType.Invalid;
                                        throw new Exception ("Bad MessageType: " + text);

                //TODO: remove this -- left here for the benefit of the monitor tool for now
                public static string CreateMatchRule (MessageType mtype)
                        return "type='" + MessageTypeToString (mtype) + "'";