Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
// Copyright 2007 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NDesk.DBus
        //delegate void MessageHandler (Message msg);

        class MatchRule
                public MessageType? MessageType;
                public string Interface;
                public string Member;
                public ObjectPath Path;
                public string Sender;
                public string Destination;
                public readonly SortedDictionary<int,string> Args = new SortedDictionary<int,string> ();

                public MatchRule ()

                void Append (StringBuilder sb, string key, string value)
                        if (sb.Length != 0)
                                sb.Append (",");

                        sb.Append (key + "='");
                        sb.Append (value);
                        sb.Append ("'");

                void AppendArg (StringBuilder sb, int index, string value)
                        Append (sb, "arg" + index, value);

                public override bool Equals (object o)
                        MatchRule r = o as MatchRule;

                        if (r == null)
                                return false;

                        if (r.MessageType != MessageType)
                                return false;

                        if (r.Interface != Interface)
                                return false;

                        if (r.Member != Member)
                                return false;

                        //TODO: see why path comparison doesn't work
                        if (r.Path.Value != Path.Value)
                        //if (r.Path != Path)
                                return false;

                        if (r.Sender != Sender)
                                return false;

                        if (r.Destination != Destination)
                                return false;

                        //FIXME: do args

                        return true;

                public override int GetHashCode ()
                        //FIXME: not at all optimal
                        return ToString ().GetHashCode ();

                public override string ToString ()
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();

                        if (MessageType != null)
                                Append (sb, "type", MessageFilter.MessageTypeToString ((MessageType)MessageType));

                        if (Interface != null)
                                Append (sb, "interface", Interface);

                        if (Member != null)
                                Append (sb, "member", Member);

                        if (Path != null)
                                //Append (sb, "path", Path.ToString ());
                                Append (sb, "path", Path.Value);

                        if (Sender != null)
                                Append (sb, "sender", Sender);

                        if (Destination != null)
                                Append (sb, "destination", Destination);

                        if (Args != null) {
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<int,string> pair in Args)
                                        AppendArg (sb, pair.Key, pair.Value);

                        return sb.ToString ();

                //this is useful as a Predicate<Message> delegate
                public bool Matches (Message msg)
                        if (MessageType != null)
                                if (msg.Header.MessageType != MessageType)
                                        return false;

                        object value;

                        if (Interface != null)
                                if (msg.Header.Fields.TryGetValue (FieldCode.Interface, out value))
                                        if ((string)value != Interface)
                                                return false;

                        if (Member != null)
                                if (msg.Header.Fields.TryGetValue (FieldCode.Member, out value))
                                        if ((string)value != Member)
                                                return false;

                        if (Path != null)
                                if (msg.Header.Fields.TryGetValue (FieldCode.Path, out value))
                                        //if ((ObjectPath)value != Path)
                                        if (((ObjectPath)value).Value != Path.Value)
                                                return false;

                        if (Sender != null)
                                if (msg.Header.Fields.TryGetValue (FieldCode.Sender, out value))
                                        if ((string)value != Sender)
                                                return false;

                        if (Destination != null)
                                if (msg.Header.Fields.TryGetValue (FieldCode.Destination, out value))
                                        if ((string)value != Destination)
                                                return false;

                        //FIXME: do args

                        return true;

                //this could be made more efficient
                public static MatchRule Parse (string text)
                        MatchRule r = new MatchRule ();

                        foreach (string propStr in text.Split (',')) {
                                string[] parts = propStr.Split ('=');

                                if (parts.Length < 2)
                                        throw new Exception ("No equals sign found");
                                if (parts.Length > 2)
                                        throw new Exception ("Too many equals signs found");

                                string key = parts[0].Trim ();
                                string value = parts[1].Trim ();

                                if (!value.StartsWith ("'") || !value.EndsWith ("'"))
                                        throw new Exception ("Too many equals signs found");

                                value = value.Substring (1, value.Length - 2);

                                if (key.StartsWith ("arg")) {
                                        int argnum = Int32.Parse (key.Remove (0, "arg".Length));

                                        if (argnum < 0 || argnum > 63)
                                                throw new Exception ("arg match must be between 0 and 63 inclusive");

                                        if (r.Args.ContainsKey (argnum))
                                                return null;

                                        r.Args[argnum] = value;


                                //TODO: more consistent error handling
                                switch (key) {
                                        case "type":
                                                if (r.MessageType != null)
                                                        return null;
                                                r.MessageType = MessageFilter.StringToMessageType (value);
                                        case "interface":
                                                if (r.Interface != null)
                                                        return null;
                                                r.Interface = value;
                                        case "member":
                                                if (r.Member != null)
                                                        return null;
                                                r.Member = value;
                                        case "path":
                                                if (r.Path != null)
                                                        return null;
                                                r.Path = new ObjectPath (value);
                                        case "sender":
                                                if (r.Sender != null)
                                                        return null;
                                                r.Sender = value;
                                        case "destination":
                                                if (r.Destination != null)
                                                        return null;
                                                r.Destination = value;
                                                if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: Unrecognized match rule key: " + key);

                        return r;