Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
// Copyright 2006 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NDesk.DBus;

namespace org.freedesktop.DBus
        public enum NameFlag : uint
                None = 0,
                AllowReplacement = 0x1,
                ReplaceExisting = 0x2,
                DoNotQueue = 0x4,

        public enum RequestNameReply : uint
                PrimaryOwner = 1,

        public enum ReleaseNameReply : uint
                Released = 1,

        public enum StartReply : uint
                //The service was successfully started.
                Success = 1,
                //A connection already owns the given name.

        public delegate void NameOwnerChangedHandler (string name, string old_owner, string new_owner);
        public delegate void NameAcquiredHandler (string name);
        public delegate void NameLostHandler (string name);

        [Interface ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer")]
        public interface Peer
                void Ping ();
                [return: Argument ("machine_uuid")]
                string GetMachineId ();

        [Interface ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable")]
        public interface Introspectable
                [return: Argument ("data")]
                string Introspect ();

        [Interface ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")]
        public interface Properties
                [return: Argument ("value")]
                object Get (string @interface, string propname);
                void Set (string @interface, string propname, object value);
                [return: Argument ("props")]
                IDictionary<string,object> GetAll(string @interface);

        [Interface ("org.freedesktop.DBus")]
        public interface IBus : Introspectable
                RequestNameReply RequestName (string name, NameFlag flags);
                ReleaseNameReply ReleaseName (string name);
                string Hello ();
                string[] ListNames ();
                string[] ListActivatableNames ();
                bool NameHasOwner (string name);
                event NameOwnerChangedHandler NameOwnerChanged;
                event NameLostHandler NameLost;
                event NameAcquiredHandler NameAcquired;
                StartReply StartServiceByName (string name, uint flags);
                string GetNameOwner (string name);
                uint GetConnectionUnixUser (string connection_name);
                void AddMatch (string rule);
                void RemoveMatch (string rule);

                //undocumented in spec
                string[] ListQueuedOwners (string name);
                uint GetConnectionUnixProcessID (string connection_name);
                byte[] GetConnectionSELinuxSecurityContext (string connection_name);
                void ReloadConfig ();