Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
// Copyright 2006 Alp Toker <>
// This software is made available under the MIT License
// See COPYING for details

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;

namespace NDesk.DBus
        using Authentication;
        using Transports;

        public partial class Connection
                //TODO: reconsider this field
                Stream ns = null;

                Transport transport;
                internal Transport Transport {
                        get {
                                return transport;
                        } set {
                                transport = value;

                protected Connection () {}

                internal Connection (Transport transport)
                        this.transport = transport;
                        transport.Connection = this;

                        //TODO: clean this bit up
                        ns = transport.Stream;

                //should this be public?
                internal Connection (string address)
                        OpenPrivate (address);
                        Authenticate ();

                bool isConnected = false;
                public bool IsConnected
                        get {
                                return isConnected;

                //should we do connection sharing here?
                public static Connection Open (string address)
                        Connection conn = new Connection ();
                        conn.OpenPrivate (address);
                        conn.Authenticate ();

                        return conn;

                internal void OpenPrivate (string address)
                        if (address == null)
                                throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

                        AddressEntry[] entries = Address.Parse (address);
                        if (entries.Length == 0)
                                throw new Exception ("No addresses were found");

                        //TODO: try alternative addresses if needed
                        AddressEntry entry = entries[0];

                        transport = Transport.Create (entry);

                        //TODO: clean this bit up
                        ns = transport.Stream;

                void Authenticate ()
                        if (transport != null)
                                transport.WriteCred ();

                        SaslClient auth = new SaslClient (this);
                        auth.Run ();
                        isAuthenticated = true;

                bool isAuthenticated = false;
                internal bool IsAuthenticated
                        get {
                                return isAuthenticated;

                //Interlocked.Increment() handles the overflow condition for uint correctly, so it's ok to store the value as an int but cast it to uint
                int serial = 0;
                uint GenerateSerial ()
                        //return ++serial;
                        return (uint)Interlocked.Increment (ref serial);

                internal Message SendWithReplyAndBlock (Message msg)
                        PendingCall pending = SendWithReply (msg);
                        return pending.Reply;

                internal PendingCall SendWithReply (Message msg)
                        msg.ReplyExpected = true;
                        msg.Header.Serial = GenerateSerial ();

                        //TODO: throttle the maximum number of concurrent PendingCalls
                        PendingCall pending = new PendingCall (this);
                        pendingCalls[msg.Header.Serial] = pending;

                        WriteMessage (msg);

                        return pending;

                internal uint Send (Message msg)
                        msg.Header.Serial = GenerateSerial ();

                        WriteMessage (msg);

                        //Outbound.Enqueue (msg);
                        //Flush ();

                        return msg.Header.Serial;

                object writeLock = new object ();
                internal void WriteMessage (Message msg)
                        byte[] HeaderData = msg.GetHeaderData ();

                        long msgLength = HeaderData.Length + (msg.Body != null ? msg.Body.Length : 0);
                        if (msgLength > Protocol.MaxMessageLength)
                                throw new Exception ("Message length " + msgLength + " exceeds maximum allowed " + Protocol.MaxMessageLength + " bytes");

                        lock (writeLock) {
                                ns.Write (HeaderData, 0, HeaderData.Length);
                                if (msg.Body != null && msg.Body.Length != 0)
                                        ns.Write (msg.Body, 0, msg.Body.Length);

                Queue<Message> Inbound = new Queue<Message> ();
                Queue<Message> Outbound = new Queue<Message> ();

                public void Flush ()
                        //should just iterate the enumerator here
                        while (Outbound.Count != 0) {
                                Message msg = Outbound.Dequeue ();
                                WriteMessage (msg);

                public bool ReadWrite (int timeout_milliseconds)

                        return true;

                public bool ReadWrite ()
                        return ReadWrite (-1);

                public bool Dispatch ()
                        Message msg = Inbound.Dequeue ();
                        //HandleMessage (msg);

                        return true;

                public bool ReadWriteDispatch (int timeout_milliseconds)
                        return Dispatch ();

                public bool ReadWriteDispatch ()
                        return ReadWriteDispatch (-1);

                internal Message ReadMessage ()
                        byte[] header;
                        byte[] body = null;

                        int read;

                        //16 bytes is the size of the fixed part of the header
                        byte[] hbuf = new byte[16];
                        read = ns.Read (hbuf, 0, 16);

                        if (read == 0)
                                return null;

                        if (read != 16)
                                throw new Exception ("Header read length mismatch: " + read + " of expected " + "16");

                        EndianFlag endianness = (EndianFlag)hbuf[0];
                        MessageReader reader = new MessageReader (endianness, hbuf);

                        //discard the endian byte as we've already read it
                        reader.ReadByte ();

                        //discard message type and flags, which we don't care about here
                        reader.ReadByte ();
                        reader.ReadByte ();

                        byte version = reader.ReadByte ();

                        if (version < Protocol.MinVersion || version > Protocol.MaxVersion)
                                throw new NotSupportedException ("Protocol version '" + version.ToString () + "' is not supported");

                        if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                if (version != Protocol.Version)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: Protocol version '" + version.ToString () + "' is not explicitly supported but may be compatible");

                        uint bodyLength = reader.ReadUInt32 ();
                        //discard serial
                        reader.ReadUInt32 ();
                        uint headerLength = reader.ReadUInt32 ();

                        //this check may become relevant if a future version of the protocol allows larger messages
                        if (bodyLength > Int32.MaxValue || headerLength > Int32.MaxValue)
                                throw new NotImplementedException ("Long messages are not yet supported");

                        int bodyLen = (int)bodyLength;
                        int toRead = (int)headerLength;

                        //we fixup to include the padding following the header
                        toRead = Protocol.Padded (toRead, 8);

                        long msgLength = toRead + bodyLen;
                        if (msgLength > Protocol.MaxMessageLength)
                                throw new Exception ("Message length " + msgLength + " exceeds maximum allowed " + Protocol.MaxMessageLength + " bytes");

                        header = new byte[16 + toRead];
                        Array.Copy (hbuf, header, 16);

                        read = ns.Read (header, 16, toRead);

                        if (read != toRead)
                                throw new Exception ("Message header length mismatch: " + read + " of expected " + toRead);

                        //read the body
                        if (bodyLen != 0) {
                                body = new byte[bodyLen];
                                read = ns.Read (body, 0, bodyLen);

                                if (read != bodyLen)
                                        throw new Exception ("Message body length mismatch: " + read + " of expected " + bodyLen);

                        Message msg = new Message ();
                        msg.Connection = this;
                        msg.Body = body;
                        msg.SetHeaderData (header);

                        return msg;

                //temporary hack
                internal void DispatchSignals ()
                        lock (delayed_signals)
                        lock (delayed_signals_recycle) {
                                if (trap_signals_flush) {
                                        delayed_signals.Clear ();
                                        delayed_signals_recycle.Clear ();
                                        trap_signals_flush = false;
                                } else {
                                        while (delayed_signals.Count != 0) {
                                                Message msg = delayed_signals.Dequeue ();
                                                HandleSignal (msg);
                                        while (delayed_signals_recycle.Count != 0) {
                                                delayed_signals.Enqueue (delayed_signals_recycle.Dequeue ());

                        lock (Inbound) {
                                while (Inbound.Count != 0) {
                                        Message msg = Inbound.Dequeue ();
                                        HandleSignal (msg);

                internal Thread mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

                //temporary hack
                public void Iterate ()
                        mainThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

                        //Message msg = Inbound.Dequeue ();
                        Message msg = ReadMessage ();
                        HandleMessage (msg);
                        DispatchSignals ();

                internal void HandleMessage (Message msg)
                        //TODO: support disconnection situations properly and move this check elsewhere
                        if (msg == null)
                                throw new ArgumentNullException ("msg", "Cannot handle a null message; maybe the bus was disconnected");

                                object field_value;
                                if (msg.Header.Fields.TryGetValue (FieldCode.ReplySerial, out field_value)) {
                                        uint reply_serial = (uint)field_value;
                                        PendingCall pending;

                                        if (pendingCalls.TryGetValue (reply_serial, out pending)) {
                                                if (pendingCalls.Remove (reply_serial))
                                                        pending.Reply = msg;


                                        //we discard reply messages with no corresponding PendingCall
                                        if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                                Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unexpected reply message received: MessageType='" + msg.Header.MessageType + "', ReplySerial=" + reply_serial);


                        switch (msg.Header.MessageType) {
                                case MessageType.MethodCall:
                                        MethodCall method_call = new MethodCall (msg);
                                        HandleMethodCall (method_call);
                                case MessageType.Signal:
                                        //HandleSignal (msg);
                                        lock (Inbound)
                                                Inbound.Enqueue (msg);
                                case MessageType.Error:
                                        //TODO: better exception handling
                                        Error error = new Error (msg);
                                        string errMsg = String.Empty;
                                        if (msg.Signature.Value.StartsWith ("s")) {
                                                MessageReader reader = new MessageReader (msg);
                                                errMsg = reader.ReadString ();
                                        //throw new Exception ("Remote Error: Signature='" + msg.Signature.Value + "' " + error.ErrorName + ": " + errMsg);
                                        //if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Remote Error: Signature='" + msg.Signature.Value + "' " + error.ErrorName + ": " + errMsg);
                                case MessageType.Invalid:
                                        throw new Exception ("Invalid message received: MessageType='" + msg.Header.MessageType + "'");

                Dictionary<uint,PendingCall> pendingCalls = new Dictionary<uint,PendingCall> ();

                private Queue<Message> delayed_signals = new Queue<Message> ();
                private Queue<Message> delayed_signals_recycle = new Queue<Message> ();
                private int trap_signals_ref;
                private bool trap_signals_flush;

                public void TrapSignals ()
                        Interlocked.Increment (ref trap_signals_ref);

                public void UntrapSignals ()
                        if (Interlocked.Decrement (ref trap_signals_ref) == 0) {
                                trap_signals_flush = true;

                //this might need reworking with MulticastDelegate
                internal void HandleSignal (Message msg)
                        Signal signal = new Signal (msg);

                        //TODO: this is a hack, not necessary when MatchRule is complete
                        MatchRule rule = new MatchRule ();
                        rule.MessageType = MessageType.Signal;
                        rule.Interface = signal.Interface;
                        rule.Member = signal.Member;
                        rule.Path = signal.Path;

                        Delegate dlg;
                        if (Handlers.TryGetValue (rule, out dlg)) {
                                //dlg.DynamicInvoke (GetDynamicValues (msg));

                                MethodInfo mi = dlg.Method;
                                //signals have no return value
                                dlg.DynamicInvoke (MessageHelper.GetDynamicValues (msg, mi.GetParameters ()));

                        } else {
                                //TODO: how should we handle this condition? sending an Error may not be appropriate in this case
                                if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: No signal handler for " + signal.Member);
                                if (trap_signals_ref > 0) {
                                        lock (delayed_signals_recycle) {
                                                delayed_signals_recycle.Enqueue (msg);

                internal Dictionary<MatchRule,Delegate> Handlers = new Dictionary<MatchRule,Delegate> ();

                //very messy
                internal void MaybeSendUnknownMethodError (MethodCall method_call)
                        Message msg = MessageHelper.CreateUnknownMethodError (method_call);
                        if (msg != null)
                                Send (msg);

                //not particularly efficient and needs to be generalized
                internal void HandleMethodCall (MethodCall method_call)
                        //TODO: Ping and Introspect need to be abstracted and moved somewhere more appropriate once message filter infrastructure is complete

                        //FIXME: these special cases are slightly broken for the case where the member but not the interface is specified in the message
                        if (method_call.Interface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer" && method_call.Member == "Ping") {
                                Message reply = MessageHelper.ConstructReply (method_call);
                                Send (reply);

                        if (method_call.Interface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" && method_call.Member == "Introspect") {
                                Introspector intro = new Introspector ();
                                intro.root_path = method_call.Path;
                                intro.WriteStart ();

                                //FIXME: do this properly
                                //this is messy and inefficient
                                List<string> linkNodes = new List<string> ();
                                int depth = method_call.Path.Decomposed.Length;
                                foreach (ObjectPath pth in RegisteredObjects.Keys) {
                                        if (pth.Value == (method_call.Path.Value)) {
                                                ExportObject exo = (ExportObject)RegisteredObjects[pth];
                                                intro.WriteType (exo.obj.GetType ());
                                        } else {
                                                for (ObjectPath cur = pth ; cur != null ; cur = cur.Parent) {
                                                        if (cur.Value == method_call.Path.Value) {
                                                                string linkNode = pth.Decomposed[depth];
                                                                if (!linkNodes.Contains (linkNode)) {
                                                                        intro.WriteNode (linkNode);
                                                                        linkNodes.Add (linkNode);

                                intro.WriteEnd ();

                                Message reply = MessageHelper.ConstructReply (method_call, intro.xml);
                                Send (reply);

                        BusObject bo;
                        if (RegisteredObjects.TryGetValue (method_call.Path, out bo)) {
                                ExportObject eo = (ExportObject)bo;
                                eo.HandleMethodCall (method_call);
                        } else {
                                MaybeSendUnknownMethodError (method_call);

                Dictionary<ObjectPath,BusObject> RegisteredObjects = new Dictionary<ObjectPath,BusObject> ();

                //FIXME: this shouldn't be part of the core API
                //that also applies to much of the other object mapping code

                public object GetObject (Type type, string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
                        //if (type == null)
                        //      return GetObject (bus_name, path);

                        //if the requested type is an interface, we can implement it efficiently
                        //otherwise we fall back to using a transparent proxy
                        if (type.IsInterface) {
                                return BusObject.GetObject (this, bus_name, path, type);
                        } else {
                                if (Protocol.Verbose)
                                        Console.Error.WriteLine ("Warning: Note that MarshalByRefObject use is not recommended; for best performance, define interfaces");

                                BusObject busObject = new BusObject (this, bus_name, path);
                                DProxy prox = new DProxy (busObject, type);
                                return prox.GetTransparentProxy ();

                public T GetObject<T> (string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
                        return (T)GetObject (typeof (T), bus_name, path);

                [Obsolete ("Use the overload of Register() which does not take a bus_name parameter")]
                public void Register (string bus_name, ObjectPath path, object obj)
                        Register (path, obj);

                [Obsolete ("Use the overload of Unregister() which does not take a bus_name parameter")]
                public object Unregister (string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
                        return Unregister (path);

                public void Register (ObjectPath path, object obj)
                        ExportObject eo = new ExportObject (this, path, obj);
                        eo.Registered = true;

                        //TODO: implement some kind of tree data structure or internal object hierarchy. right now we are ignoring the name and putting all object paths in one namespace, which is bad
                        RegisteredObjects[path] = eo;

                public object Unregister (ObjectPath path)
                        BusObject bo;

                        if (!RegisteredObjects.TryGetValue (path, out bo))
                                throw new Exception ("Cannot unregister " + path + " as it isn't registered");

                        RegisteredObjects.Remove (path);

                        ExportObject eo = (ExportObject)bo;
                        eo.Registered = false;

                        return eo.obj;

                //these look out of place, but are useful
                internal protected virtual void AddMatch (string rule)

                internal protected virtual void RemoveMatch (string rule)

                static Connection ()
                        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                                NativeEndianness = EndianFlag.Little;
                                NativeEndianness = EndianFlag.Big;

                internal static readonly EndianFlag NativeEndianness;