Mono.Zeroconf – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
2009-05-05: 0.9.0 Release

        * Major bug fix in Avahi provider where service registration would not
          work most of the time due to the interface being set to 0 instead of
          unspecified (-1) by default

        * Added the an ushort UPort property to IRegisterService for users who
          need to pass a port value greater than Int16.MaxValue without having
          to do an unchecked cast of the ushort port to short

2008-09-11: 0.8.0 Release

        * New Avahi provider using DBus instead of libavahi

        * Improved IPv6 support (AddressProtocol/A6 query support)

        * Garbage Collection bug fixed in the Bonjour backend, regarding delegates
          passed to native code being GCed prematurely; thanks to Josh Coole

        * New MZClient features: support for setting interface, domain, and
          address type restrictions on browse/resolve operations; new general
          verbosity options

2008-03-20: 0.7.6 Release

        * Added a NetworkInterface property to the IService object

        * Support IPv6 host address resolutions and set the IPv6 zone 
          automatically to the network interface index

2008-01-25: 0.7.5 Release

        * Fixed major packaging/install bug - 0.7.4 lacked GAC version policy
          assembly support, so applications could break when Mono.Zeroconf
          were upgraded

        * Visual Studio solution/projects now work with Visual Studio 2005

2008-01-23: 0.7.4 Release

    * Fixed a big IP address resolution bug in the Bonjour provider 
      that manifested only under .NET on Windows XP SP2

    * Minor bug fix in MZClient

    * Make it easy to build and use on Windows
      - Added Visual Studio 2008 solution
      - Publish the source code as a Zip archive (along with tar gz and bzip2)
      - Publish a file for Windows containing pre-built assemblies

2007-12-19: 0.7.3 Release

    * First release that works on Linux, Mac, and Windows