MantisBT-Discord – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
 * Slack Integration
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Karim Ratib (
 * Slack Integration is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Slack Integration is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Slack Integration; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
 * or see

$s_plugin_Discord_ = '';
$s_plugin_Discord_title = 'Discord Integration';
$s_plugin_Discord_description = 'Adds Discord integration to Mantis.';
$s_plugin_Discord_config = 'Configuration';
$s_plugin_Discord_url_webhook = 'Default Discord Webhook URL';
$s_plugin_Discord_url_webhooks = 'Additional Discord Webhook URLs';
$s_plugin_Discord_bot_name = 'Discord Bot Name';
$s_plugin_Discord_bot_icon = 'Discord Bot Icon';
$s_plugin_Discord_skip_bulk = 'Skip notification on bulk actions';
$s_plugin_Discord_link_names = 'Turn user names into Discord links (may cause excess Discord notifications)';
$s_plugin_Discord_default_channel = 'Default Discord Channel';
$s_plugin_Discord_channels = 'Discord Channels';
$s_plugin_Discord_usernames = 'Discord Usernames';
$s_plugin_Discord_columns = 'Discord Columns';
$s_plugin_Discord_bug_created = '[%s] %s created <%s|%s>. (%s)';
$s_plugin_Discord_bug_updated = '[%s] %s updated <%s|%s>. (%s)';
$s_plugin_Discord_bug_deleted = '[%s] %s deleted %s.';
$s_plugin_Discord_bugnote_created = "[%s] %s commented on <%s|%s> saying:";
$s_plugin_Discord_bugnote_updated = "[%s] %s edited a comment on <%s|%s> saying:";
$s_plugin_Discord_bugnote_deleted = "[%s] %s deleted a comment on <%s|%s>.";
$s_plugin_Discord_no_user = '(no one)';
$s_plugin_Discord_unknown_field = '(don\'t know how to render field "%s")';
$s_plugin_Discord_skip = 'Skip Discord notification';
$s_plugin_Discord_action_update = 'Update';
$s_plugin_Discord_actions = 'Hook actions';
$s_plugin_Discord_enabled = 'Enabled';
$s_plugin_Discord_action = 'Action';

$s_plugin_Discord_hook_bug_report = 'Report bug';
$s_plugin_Discord_hook_bug_update = 'Update bug';
$s_plugin_Discord_hook_bug_deleted = 'Delete bug';
$s_plugin_Discord_hook_bugnote_add = 'Add comment';
$s_plugin_Discord_hook_bugnote_edit = 'Edit comment';
$s_plugin_Discord_hook_bugnote_deleted = 'Delete comment';

$MANTIS_ERROR['plugin_Discord_ERROR_NO_CURL'] = 'The Discord plugin requires the cURL PHP extension (';
$MANTIS_ERROR['plugin_Discord_ERROR_PHP_VERSION'] = 'The Discord plugin requires PHP 5.3.0 or higher';
$MANTIS_ERROR['plugin_Discord_ERROR_CURL'] = 'The request to Discord didn\'t go through.  Check your webhook URL.  Also make sure there are no unusual characters in your bot name or bot icon settings.  Further details may be printed below this box.';