scratch – Rev 117

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namespace Doctrine\Tests\Common\Cache;

use Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache;

 * @group DCOM-101
class FileCacheTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\DoctrineTestCase
     * @var \Doctrine\Common\Cache\FileCache
    private $driver;

    protected function setUp()
        $this->driver = $this->getMock(
            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),
            array(), '', false

    public function testFilenameShouldCreateThePathWithOneSubDirectory()
        $cache          = $this->driver;
        $method         = new \ReflectionMethod($cache, 'getFilename');
        $key            = 'item-key';
        $expectedDir    = array(
        $expectedDir    = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $expectedDir);


        $path       = $method->invoke($cache, $key);
        $dirname    = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);

        $this->assertEquals(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $expectedDir, $dirname);

    public function testFileExtensionCorrectlyEscaped()
        $driver1 = $this->getMock(
            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),
            array(__DIR__, '.*')
        $driver2 = $this->getMock(
            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),
            array(__DIR__, '.php')

        $doGetStats = new \ReflectionMethod($driver1, 'doGetStats');


        $stats1 = $doGetStats->invoke($driver1);
        $stats2 = $doGetStats->invoke($driver2);

        $this->assertSame(0, $stats1[Cache::STATS_MEMORY_USAGE]);
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $stats2[Cache::STATS_MEMORY_USAGE]);

     * @group DCOM-266
    public function testFileExtensionSlashCorrectlyEscaped()
        $driver = $this->getMock(
            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),
            array(__DIR__ . '/../', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(__FILE__))

        $doGetStats = new \ReflectionMethod($driver, 'doGetStats');


        $stats = $doGetStats->invoke($driver);

        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $stats[Cache::STATS_MEMORY_USAGE]);

    public function testNonIntUmaskThrowsInvalidArgumentException()

            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),
            array('', '', 'invalid')

    public function testGetDirectoryReturnsRealpathDirectoryString()
        $directory = __DIR__ . '/../';
        $driver = $this->getMock(
            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),

        $doGetDirectory = new \ReflectionMethod($driver, 'getDirectory');

        $actualDirectory = $doGetDirectory->invoke($driver);
        $expectedDirectory = realpath($directory);

        $this->assertEquals($expectedDirectory, $actualDirectory);

    public function testGetExtensionReturnsExtensionString()
        $directory = __DIR__ . '/../';
        $extension = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename(__FILE__);
        $driver = $this->getMock(
            array('doFetch', 'doContains', 'doSave'),
            array($directory, $extension)

        $doGetExtension = new \ReflectionMethod($driver, 'getExtension');

        $actualExtension = $doGetExtension->invoke($driver);

        $this->assertEquals($extension, $actualExtension);

    const WIN_MAX_PATH_LEN = 258;

    public static function getBasePathForWindowsPathLengthTests($pathLength)
        // Not using __DIR__ because it can get screwed up when xdebug debugger is attached.
        $basePath = realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()) . '/' . uniqid('doctrine-cache', true);

        /** @noinspection MkdirRaceConditionInspection */

        $basePath = realpath($basePath);

        // Test whether the desired path length is odd or even.
        $desiredPathLengthIsOdd = ($pathLength % 2) == 1;

        // If the cache key is not too long, the filecache codepath will add
        // a slash and bin2hex($key). The length of the added portion will be an odd number.
        // len(desired) = len(base path) + len(slash . bin2hex($key))
        //          odd = even           + odd
        //         even = odd            + odd
        $basePathLengthShouldBeOdd = !$desiredPathLengthIsOdd;

        $basePathLengthIsOdd = (strlen($basePath) % 2) == 1;

        // If the base path needs to be odd or even where it is not, we add an odd number of
        // characters as a pad. In this case, we're adding '\aa' (or '/aa' depending on platform)
        // This is all to make it so that the key we're testing would result in
        // a path that is exactly the length we want to test IF the path length limit
        // were not in place in FileCache.
        if ($basePathLengthIsOdd != $basePathLengthShouldBeOdd) {
            $basePath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "aa";

        return $basePath;

     * @param int    $length
     * @param string $basePath
     * @return array
    public static function getKeyAndPathFittingLength($length, $basePath)
        $baseDirLength = strlen($basePath);
        $extensionLength = strlen('.doctrine.cache');
        $directoryLength = strlen(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'aa' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        $keyLength = $length - ($baseDirLength + $extensionLength + $directoryLength); // - 1 because of slash

        $key = str_repeat('a', floor($keyLength / 2));

        $keyHash = hash('sha256', $key);

        $keyPath = $basePath
            . substr($keyHash, 0, 2)
            . bin2hex($key)
            . '.doctrine.cache';

        $hashedKeyPath = $basePath
            . substr($keyHash, 0, 2)
            . '_' . $keyHash
            . '.doctrine.cache';

        return array($key, $keyPath, $hashedKeyPath);

    public function getPathLengthsToTest()
        // Windows officially supports 260 bytes including null terminator
        // 259 characters is too large due to PHP bug (
        // 260 characters is too large - null terminator is included in allowable length
        return array(
            array(257, false),
            array(258, false),
            array(259, true),
            array(260, true)

     * @runInSeparateProcess
     * @dataProvider getPathLengthsToTest
     * @covers \Doctrine\Common\Cache\FileCache::getFilename
     * @param int  $length
     * @param bool $pathShouldBeHashed
    public function testWindowsPathLengthLimitationsAreCorrectlyRespected($length, $pathShouldBeHashed)
        if (! defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD')) {
            define('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD', 'Yes, this is the "usual suspect", with the usual limitations');

        $basePath = self::getBasePathForWindowsPathLengthTests($length);

        $fileCache = $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
            array($basePath, '.doctrine.cache')

        list($key, $keyPath, $hashedKeyPath) = self::getKeyAndPathFittingLength($length, $basePath);

        $getFileName = new \ReflectionMethod($fileCache, 'getFilename');


            sprintf('Path expected to be %d characters long is %d characters long', $length, strlen($keyPath))

        if ($pathShouldBeHashed) {
            $keyPath = $hashedKeyPath;

        if ($pathShouldBeHashed) {
                $getFileName->invoke($fileCache, $key),
                'Keys should be hashed correctly if they are over the limit.'
        } else {
                $getFileName->invoke($fileCache, $key),
                'Keys below limit of the allowed length are used directly, unhashed'