OpenWrt – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
menu "Global build settings"

        config ALL_NONSHARED
                bool "Select all target specific packages by default"
                default ALL

        config ALL_KMODS
                bool "Select all kernel module packages by default"
                default ALL

        config ALL
                bool "Select all userspace packages by default"
                default y

        config SIGNED_PACKAGES
                bool "Cryptographically sign package lists"
                default y


menu "Advanced configuration options (for developers)"

        config BROKEN
                bool "Show broken packages"
                default n

        config DOWNLOAD_FOLDER
                string "Download folder"
                default ""
                  Store downloaded source bundles in this directory.
                  If not set then defaults to './dl', which is removed by operations such as
                  'git clean -xdf' or 'make distclean'.
                  This option is useful if you have a low bandwidth Internet connection, and by
                  setting a path outside the OpenWrt tree downloads will be saved.

        config LOCALMIRROR
                string "Local mirror for source packages"
                default ""

        config AUTOREBUILD
                bool "Automatic rebuild of packages"
                default y
                  Automatically rebuild packages when their files change.

        config AUTOREMOVE
                bool "Automatic removal of build directories"
                default y
                  Automatically delete build directories after make target completed.
                  This allows you to symlink build_dir into a scratch location, e.g. a ramdisk,
                  which does not have enough space to keep a complete build_dir.

        config CCACHE
                bool "Use ccache"
                default n
                  Compiler cache; see

        config BUILD_LOG
                bool "Enable log files during build process"
                default n
                  If enabled, log files will be written to the ./log directory.

        config SRC_TREE_OVERRIDE
                bool "Enable package source tree override"
                default n
                  If enabled, you can force a package to use a git tree as source
                  code instead of the normal tarball. Create a symlink 'git-src'
                  in the package directory, pointing to the .git tree that you want
                  to pull the source code from.


config IN_SDK
        default y

config MODULES
        default y
        option modules

source ""
source "tmp/"