OpenWrt – Rev 4

Subversion Repositories:
 * lib/genl/genl.c              Generic Netlink
 *      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *      modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *      License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
 *      of the License.
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Thomas Graf <>

 * @defgroup genl Generic Netlink
 * @par Message Format
 * @code
 *  <------- NLMSG_ALIGN(hlen) ------> <---- NLMSG_ALIGN(len) --->
 * +----------------------------+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+
 * |           Header           | Pad |       Payload       | Pad |
 * |      struct nlmsghdr       |     |                     |     |
 * +----------------------------+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+
 * @endcode
 * @code
 *  <-------- GENL_HDRLEN -------> <--- hdrlen -->
 *                                 <------- genlmsg_len(ghdr) ------>
 * +------------------------+- - -+---------------+- - -+------------+
 * | Generic Netlink Header | Pad | Family Header | Pad | Attributes |
 * |    struct genlmsghdr   |     |               |     |            |
 * +------------------------+- - -+---------------+- - -+------------+
 * genlmsg_data(ghdr)--------------^                     ^
 * genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, hdrlen)-------------------------
 * @endcode
 * @par Example
 * @code
 * #include <netlink/netlink.h>
 * #include <netlink/genl/genl.h>
 * #include <netlink/genl/ctrl.h>
 * struct nl_sock *sock;
 * struct nl_msg *msg;
 * int family;
 * // Allocate a new netlink socket
 * sock = nl_socket_alloc();
 * // Connect to generic netlink socket on kernel side
 * genl_connect(sock);
 * // Ask kernel to resolve family name to family id
 * family = genl_ctrl_resolve(sock, "generic_netlink_family_name");
 * // Construct a generic netlink by allocating a new message, fill in
 * // the header and append a simple integer attribute.
 * msg = nlmsg_alloc();
 * genlmsg_put(msg, NL_AUTO_PID, NL_AUTO_SEQ, family, 0, NLM_F_ECHO,
 *             CMD_FOO_GET, FOO_VERSION);
 * nla_put_u32(msg, ATTR_FOO, 123);
 * // Send message over netlink socket
 * nl_send_auto_complete(sock, msg);
 * // Free message
 * nlmsg_free(msg);
 * // Prepare socket to receive the answer by specifying the callback
 * // function to be called for valid messages.
 * nl_socket_modify_cb(sock, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, parse_cb, NULL);
 * // Wait for the answer and receive it
 * nl_recvmsgs_default(sock);
 * static int parse_cb(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg)
 * {
 *     struct nlmsghdr *nlh = nlmsg_hdr(msg);
 *     struct nlattr *attrs[ATTR_MAX+1];
 *     // Validate message and parse attributes
 *     genlmsg_parse(nlh, 0, attrs, ATTR_MAX, policy);
 *     if (attrs[ATTR_FOO]) {
 *         uint32_t value = nla_get_u32(attrs[ATTR_FOO]);
 *         ...
 *     }
 *     return 0;
 * }
 * @endcode
 * @{

#include <netlink-generic.h>
#include <netlink/netlink.h>
#include <netlink/genl/genl.h>
#include <netlink/utils.h>

 * @name Socket Creating
 * @{

int genl_connect(struct nl_sock *sk)
        return nl_connect(sk, NETLINK_GENERIC);

/** @} */

 * @name Sending
 * @{

 * Send trivial generic netlink message
 * @arg sk              Netlink socket.
 * @arg family          Generic netlink family
 * @arg cmd             Command
 * @arg version         Version
 * @arg flags           Additional netlink message flags.
 * Fills out a routing netlink request message and sends it out
 * using nl_send_simple().
 * @return 0 on success or a negative error code.
int genl_send_simple(struct nl_sock *sk, int family, int cmd,
                     int version, int flags)
        struct genlmsghdr hdr = {
                .cmd = cmd,
                .version = version,

        return nl_send_simple(sk, family, flags, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));

/** @} */

 * @name Message Parsing
 * @{

int genlmsg_valid_hdr(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int hdrlen)
        struct genlmsghdr *ghdr;

        if (!nlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, GENL_HDRLEN))
                return 0;

        ghdr = nlmsg_data(nlh);
        if (genlmsg_len(ghdr) < NLMSG_ALIGN(hdrlen))
                return 0;

        return 1;

int genlmsg_validate(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int hdrlen, int maxtype,
                   struct nla_policy *policy)
        struct genlmsghdr *ghdr;

        if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, hdrlen))
                return -NLE_MSG_TOOSHORT;

        ghdr = nlmsg_data(nlh);
        return nla_validate(genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, hdrlen),
                            genlmsg_attrlen(ghdr, hdrlen), maxtype, policy);

int genlmsg_parse(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int hdrlen, struct nlattr *tb[],
                  int maxtype, struct nla_policy *policy)
        struct genlmsghdr *ghdr;

        if (!genlmsg_valid_hdr(nlh, hdrlen))
                return -NLE_MSG_TOOSHORT;

        ghdr = nlmsg_data(nlh);
        return nla_parse(tb, maxtype, genlmsg_attrdata(ghdr, hdrlen),
                         genlmsg_attrlen(ghdr, hdrlen), policy);

 * Get head of message payload
 * @arg gnlh    genetlink messsage header
void *genlmsg_data(const struct genlmsghdr *gnlh)
        return ((unsigned char *) gnlh + GENL_HDRLEN);

 * Get lenght of message payload
 * @arg gnlh    genetlink message header
int genlmsg_len(const struct genlmsghdr *gnlh)
        struct nlmsghdr *nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)((unsigned char *)gnlh -
        return (nlh->nlmsg_len - GENL_HDRLEN - NLMSG_HDRLEN);

 * Get head of attribute data
 * @arg gnlh    generic netlink message header
 * @arg hdrlen  length of family specific header
struct nlattr *genlmsg_attrdata(const struct genlmsghdr *gnlh, int hdrlen)
        return genlmsg_data(gnlh) + NLMSG_ALIGN(hdrlen);

 * Get length of attribute data
 * @arg gnlh    generic netlink message header
 * @arg hdrlen  length of family specific header
int genlmsg_attrlen(const struct genlmsghdr *gnlh, int hdrlen)
        return genlmsg_len(gnlh) - NLMSG_ALIGN(hdrlen);

/** @} */

 * @name Message Building
 * @{

 * Add generic netlink header to netlink message
 * @arg msg             netlink message
 * @arg pid             netlink process id or NL_AUTO_PID
 * @arg seq             sequence number of message or NL_AUTO_SEQ
 * @arg family          generic netlink family
 * @arg hdrlen          length of user specific header
 * @arg flags           message flags
 * @arg cmd             generic netlink command
 * @arg version         protocol version
 * Returns pointer to user specific header.
void *genlmsg_put(struct nl_msg *msg, uint32_t pid, uint32_t seq, int family,
                  int hdrlen, int flags, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t version)
        struct nlmsghdr *nlh;
        struct genlmsghdr hdr = {
                .cmd = cmd,
                .version = version,

        nlh = nlmsg_put(msg, pid, seq, family, GENL_HDRLEN + hdrlen, flags);
        if (nlh == NULL)
                return NULL;

        memcpy(nlmsg_data(nlh), &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
        NL_DBG(2, "msg %p: Added generic netlink header cmd=%d version=%d\n",
               msg, cmd, version);

        return nlmsg_data(nlh) + GENL_HDRLEN;

/** @} */

/** @} */