HuntnGather – Rev 21

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 * getopt():    Return the next user option on each iteration. 
 *              This is a clone of the usual UNIX getopt() function.
 *              If you have never used a getopt() before, you'll have to
 *               read about it on any UNIX machine or other C system that
 *               documents it.
 * Author:      Daniel J. Barrett,
 * License:     This code is placed in the Public Domain.
 *              Give it away to anybody for free!
 *              Use it for any purpose you like!
 *              If you use this code in a program, please give me credit
 *              for my work.  Thanks!
 * Why I wrote it:
 *              Because every other getopt() function I have ever seen
 *               had source code that was difficult to understand.
 *              I wrote this code to be very modular and readable.
 *              I hope you find it instructive and/or helpful.
 *              "--JUNK" is treated as "--", the "end of options" flag.
 *      Version:        1.3
 *      Date:           January 21, 1993
 *      Comments:       Bugfix.  Option "-:" was accepted as OK.  Not anymore.
 *      Version:        1.2a
 *      Date:           January 21, 1993
 *      Comments:       Improved the TESTME main program.  More useful output.
 *                      Rewrote Error() to eliminate redundancy.
 *      Version:        1.2
 *      Date:           January 21, 1993
 *      Comments:       If a legal option is not followed by a required
 *                      argument, getopt() previously returned the option's
 *                      character.  It should have returned UNKNOWN_OPT.
 *                      This has been fixed.  Note that HandleArgument()
 *                      now returns an int value rather than void.
 *      Version:        1.1b
 *      Date:           December 17, 1991.
 *      Comments:       Minor change of NULL to '\0' in 1 spot.
 *      Version:        1.1
 *      Date:           February 20, 1991.
 *      Comments:       Bug fix in Pass().  Forgot to check that the
 *                      current argument is non-empty and starts with
 *                      a DASH.
 *                      Got rid of the unnecessary "g_" at the beginning
 *                      of each function name.  Since they're static, we
 *                      don't have to worry about duplication of names
 *                      by the calling program.
 *      Version:        1.0
 *      Date:           April 12, 1990.
 *      Comments:       First released version.

#ifndef __STDIO_H       /* If we haven't already included stdio.h, do it. */
# include <stdio.h>     /* Maybe someday I'll eliminate this. */

#ifndef __STRING_H
# include <string.h>    /* For index() */

* Some constants.

#define DASH            '-'     /* This preceeds an option. */
#define ARG_COMING      ':'     /* In the option string, this indicates that
                                 * that the option requires an argument. */
#define UNKNOWN_OPT     '?'     /* The char returned for unknown option. */

* Internal error codes.

#define ERROR_BAD_OPTION        1

* ANSI function prototypes.

int             getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char *optString);
static int      NextOption(char *argv[], char *optString);
static int      RealOption(char *argv[], char *str, int *skip, int *ind,
                             int opt);
static int      HandleArgument(char *argv[], int *optind, int *skip);
static void     Error(int err, int c);
static void     Pass(char *argv[], int *optind, int *optsSkipped);

* Global variables.  You must declare these externs in your program
* if you want to see their values!
char    *optarg = NULL; /* This will point to a required argument, if any. */
int     optind  = 1;    /* The index of the next argument in argv. */
int     opterr  = 1;    /* 1 == print internal error messages.  0 else. */
int     optopt;         /* The actual option letter that was found. */

int getopt(int argc, char *argv[], char *optString)
        optarg = NULL;
        if (optind < argc)              /* More arguments to check. */
                return(NextOption(argv, optString));
        else                            /* We're done. */

/* If the current argument does not begin with DASH, it is not an option.
 * Return EOF.
 * If we have ONLY a DASH, and nothing after it... return EOF as well.
 * If we have a DASH followed immediately by another DASH, this is the
 * special "--" option that means "no more options follow."  Return EOF.
 * Otherwise, we have an actual option or list of options.  Process it. */
static int NextOption(char *argv[], char *optString)
        static int optsSkipped = 0;     /* In a single argv[i]. */
        if ((argv[optind][0] == DASH)
        &&  ((optopt = argv[optind][1+optsSkipped]) != '\0'))
                if (optopt == DASH)
                        return(RealOption(argv, optString, &optsSkipped,
                                            &optind, optopt));

/* At this point, we know that argv[optind] is an option or list of
 * options.  If this is a list of options, *optsSkipped tells us how
 * many of those options have ALREADY been parsed on previous calls
 * to getopt().
 * If the option is not legal (not in optString), complain and return
 * If the option requires no argument, just return the option letter.
 * If the option requires an argument, call HandleArgument and return
 * the option letter. */
static int RealOption(char *argv[], char *optString, int *optsSkipped,
                        int *optind, int optopt)
        char *where;    /* Pointer to the letter in optString. */
        int argWasOK;   /* An indication that a required arg was found. */


        if (optopt == ARG_COMING)       /* Special case of "-:" */
                Error(ERROR_BAD_OPTION, optopt);
                Pass(argv, optind, optsSkipped);

        else if (where = index(optString, optopt))
                argWasOK = 1;   /* Assume any argument will be found. */

                if (*(where+1) == ARG_COMING)
                        argWasOK = HandleArgument(argv, optind, optsSkipped);

                Pass(argv, optind, optsSkipped);

                return(argWasOK ? optopt : UNKNOWN_OPT);

                Error(ERROR_BAD_OPTION, optopt);
                Pass(argv, optind, optsSkipped);

/* We have an option in argv[optind] that requires an argument.  If there
 * is no whitespace after the option letter itself, take the rest of
 * argv[optind] to be the argument.
 * If there IS whitespace after the option letter, take argv[optind+1] to
 * be the argument.
 * Otherwise, if there is NO argument, complain!
 * Return 1 on success, 0 on error.

static int HandleArgument(char *argv[], int *optind, int *optsSkipped)
        int OK;

        if (argv[*optind][1+(*optsSkipped)])
                optarg = argv[*optind] + 1 + (*optsSkipped);
                OK = 1;
        else if (argv[(*optind)+1])
                optarg = argv[(*optind)+1];
                OK = 1;
                Error(ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENT, optopt);
                OK = 0;

        (*optsSkipped) = 0;

/* Print an appropriate error message. */

static void Error(int err, int c)
        if (opterr)
                fprintf(stderr, "-%c: ", c);
                switch (err)
                        case ERROR_BAD_OPTION:
                                fprintf(stderr, "Illegal option.\n");
                        case ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENT:
                                  "An argument is required, but missing.\n");
                                  "An unknown error occurred.\n");

/* We have reached the end of argv[optind]... there are no more options
 * in it to parse.  Skip to the next item in argv. */

static void Pass(char *argv[], int *optind, int *optsSkipped)
        if (argv[*optind]
        &&  (argv[*optind][0] == DASH)
        &&  (argv[*optind][1+(*optsSkipped)] == '\0'))
                (*optsSkipped) = 0;

* A test program.  Compile this file with -DTESTME as an option.

#ifdef TESTME
main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char c;
        int i;

        while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:cde")) != EOF)
                printf("OPTION %c", c);
                if ((c == 'a') || (c == 'b'))
                        printf(", arg=\"%s\"\n", optarg);

        for (i=optind; i<argc; i++)
                printf("Arg %d (argv[%d]): \"%s\"\n",
                        i - optind + 1,
