wasCSharpSQLite – Rev

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using System.Diagnostics;

namespace Community.CsharpSqlite
  using tcl.lang;
  using Tcl_Interp = tcl.lang.Interp;
  using Tcl_Obj = tcl.lang.TclObject;
  using System.Text;

  public partial class Sqlite3
    ** 2008 June 18
    ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
    ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
    **    May you do good and not evil.
    **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
    **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
    ** This file contains test logic for the sqlite3_mutex interfaces.
    **  Included in SQLite3 port to C#-SQLite;  2008 Noah B Hart
    **  C#-SQLite is an independent reimplementation of the SQLite software library
    **  SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: 2011-01-28 17:03:50 ed759d5a9edb3bba5f48f243df47be29e3fe8cd7

    //#include "tcl.h"
    //#include "sqlite3.h"
    //#include "sqliteInt.h"
    //#include <stdlib.h>
    //#include <assert.h>
    //#include <string.h>

    /* defined in test1.c */
    //string sqlite3TestErrorName(int);

    /* A countable mutex */
    public partial class sqlite3_mutex
      public sqlite3_mutex pReal;
      public int eType;

    static Var.SQLITE3_GETSET disableInit = new Var.SQLITE3_GETSET( "disable_mutex_init" );
    static Var.SQLITE3_GETSET disableTry = new Var.SQLITE3_GETSET( "disable_mutex_try" );    
    /* State variables */
    public class test_mutex_globals
      public bool isInstalled;              /* True if installed */
      public bool disableInit;              /* True to cause sqlite3_initalize() to fail */
      public bool disableTry;               /* True to force sqlite3_mutex_try() to fail */
      public bool isInit;                   /* True if initialized */
      public sqlite3_mutex_methods m = new sqlite3_mutex_methods(); /* Interface to "real" mutex system */
      public int[] aCounter = new int[8];                           /* Number of grabs of each type of mutex */
      public sqlite3_mutex[] aStatic = new sqlite3_mutex[6];        /* The six static mutexes */

      public test_mutex_globals()
        for ( int i = 0; i < aStatic.Length; i++ )
          aStatic[i] = new sqlite3_mutex();

    static test_mutex_globals g = new test_mutex_globals();

    /* Return true if the countable mutex is currently held */
    static bool counterMutexHeld( sqlite3_mutex p )
      return g.m.xMutexHeld( p.pReal );

    /* Return true if the countable mutex is not currently held */
    static bool counterMutexNotheld( sqlite3_mutex p )
      return g.m.xMutexNotheld( p.pReal );

    /* Initialize the countable mutex interface
    ** Or, if g.disableInit is non-zero, then do not initialize but instead
    ** return the value of g.disableInit as the result code.  This can be used
    ** to simulate an initialization failure.
    static int counterMutexInit()
      int rc;
      if ( g.disableInit )
        return g.disableInit ? 1 : 0;
      rc = g.m.xMutexInit();
      g.isInit = true;
      return rc;

    ** Uninitialize the mutex subsystem
    static int counterMutexEnd()
      g.isInit = false;
      return g.m.xMutexEnd();

    ** Allocate a countable mutex
    static sqlite3_mutex counterMutexAlloc( int eType )
      sqlite3_mutex pReal;
      sqlite3_mutex pRet = null;

      Debug.Assert( g.isInit );
      Debug.Assert( eType < 8 && eType >= 0 );

      pReal = g.m.xMutexAlloc( eType );
      if ( null == pReal )
        return null;

      if ( eType == SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST || eType == SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE )
        pRet = new sqlite3_mutex();
        ;//(sqlite3_mutex)malloc( sizeof( sqlite3_mutex ) );
        pRet = g.aStatic[eType - 2];

      pRet.eType = eType;
      pRet.pReal = pReal;
      return pRet;

    ** Free a countable mutex
    static void counterMutexFree( sqlite3_mutex p )
      Debug.Assert( g.isInit );
      g.m.xMutexFree( p.pReal );
      if ( p.eType == SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST || p.eType == SQLITE_MUTEX_RECURSIVE )
        p = null;//free(p);

    ** Enter a countable mutex.  Block until entry is safe.
    static void counterMutexEnter( sqlite3_mutex p )
      Debug.Assert( g.isInit );
      g.m.xMutexEnter( p.pReal );

    ** Try to enter a mutex.  Return true on success.
    static int counterMutexTry( sqlite3_mutex p )
      Debug.Assert( g.isInit );
      if ( g.disableTry )
        return SQLITE_BUSY;
      return g.m.xMutexTry( p.pReal );

    /* Leave a mutex
    static void counterMutexLeave( sqlite3_mutex p )
      Debug.Assert( g.isInit );
      g.m.xMutexLeave( p.pReal );

    ** sqlite3_shutdown
    static int test_shutdown(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      int rc;

      if ( objc != 1 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      rc = sqlite3_shutdown();
      TCL.Tcl_SetResult( interp, sqlite3TestErrorName( rc ), TCL.TCL_VOLATILE );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** sqlite3_initialize
    static int test_initialize(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv )
      int rc;

      if ( objc != 1 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      rc = sqlite3_initialize();
      TCL.Tcl_SetResult( interp, sqlite3TestErrorName( rc ), TCL.TCL_VOLATILE );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** install_mutex_counters BOOLEAN
    static int test_install_mutex_counters(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      int rc = SQLITE_OK;
      bool isInstall = false;

      sqlite3_mutex_methods counter_methods = new sqlite3_mutex_methods(

      if ( objc != 2 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "BOOLEAN" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;
      if ( TCL.Tcl_GetBoolean( interp, objv[1], out isInstall ))
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      Debug.Assert( isInstall == false || isInstall == true );
      Debug.Assert( g.isInstalled == false || g.isInstalled == true );
      if ( isInstall == g.isInstalled )
        TCL.Tcl_AppendResult( interp, "mutex counters are " );
        TCL.Tcl_AppendResult( interp, isInstall ? "already installed" : "not installed" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      if ( isInstall )
        Debug.Assert( g.m.xMutexAlloc == null );
        rc = sqlite3_config( SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMUTEX, ref g.m );
        if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
          sqlite3_config( SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX, counter_methods );
        g.disableTry = false;
        Debug.Assert( g.m.xMutexAlloc != null );
        rc = sqlite3_config( SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX, g.m );
        g.m = new sqlite3_mutex_methods();//        memset( &g.m, 0, sizeof( sqlite3_mutex_methods ) );

      if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
        g.isInstalled = isInstall;

      TCL.Tcl_SetResult( interp, sqlite3TestErrorName( rc ), TCL.TCL_VOLATILE );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** read_mutex_counters
    static int test_read_mutex_counters(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      Tcl_Obj pRet;
      int ii;
      string[] aName = new string[] {
        "fast",        "recursive",   "static_master", "static_mem",
        "static_open", "static_prng", "static_lru",    "static_pmem"

      if ( objc != 1 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      pRet = TCL.Tcl_NewObj();
      TCL.Tcl_IncrRefCount( pRet );
      for ( ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++ )
        TCL.Tcl_ListObjAppendElement( interp, pRet, TCL.Tcl_NewStringObj( aName[ii], -1 ) );
        TCL.Tcl_ListObjAppendElement( interp, pRet, TCL.Tcl_NewIntObj( g.aCounter[ii] ) );
      TCL.Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, pRet );
      TCL.Tcl_DecrRefCount( ref pRet );

      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** clear_mutex_counters
    static int test_clear_mutex_counters(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      int ii;

      if ( objc != 1 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      for ( ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++ )
        g.aCounter[ii] = 0;
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** Create and free a mutex.  Return the mutex pointer.  The pointer
    ** will be invalid since the mutex has already been freed.  The
    ** return pointer just checks to see if the mutex really was allocated.
    static int test_alloc_mutex(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv )
      sqlite3_mutex p = sqlite3_mutex_alloc( SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST );
      StringBuilder zBuf = new StringBuilder( 100 );
      sqlite3_mutex_free( p );
      sqlite3_snprintf( 100, zBuf, "->%p", p );
      TCL.Tcl_AppendResult( interp, zBuf );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** sqlite3_config OPTION
    ** OPTION can be either one of the keywords:
    ** Or OPTION can be an raw integer.
    struct ConfigOption
      public string zName;
      public int iValue;
      public ConfigOption( string zName, int iValue )
        this.zName = zName;
        this.iValue = iValue;
    static bool Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct( Interp interp, TclObject to, ConfigOption[] table, int s, string msg, int flags, out int index )
        for ( index = 0; index < table.Length; index++ )
          if ( table[index].zName == msg )
            return false;
        return true;
        index = 0;
        return true;

    static int test_config(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      ConfigOption[] aOpt = new ConfigOption[] {
new ConfigOption("singlethread", SQLITE_CONFIG_SINGLETHREAD),
new ConfigOption("multithread",  SQLITE_CONFIG_MULTITHREAD),
new ConfigOption("serialized",   SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED),
new ConfigOption(null,0)
      int s = aOpt.Length;//sizeof(struct ConfigOption);
      int i = 0;
      int rc;

      if ( objc != 2 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      if ( Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct( interp, objv[1], aOpt, s, "flag", 0, out i ) )
        if ( TCL.TCL_OK != TCL.Tcl_GetIntFromObj( interp, objv[1], out i ) )
          return TCL.TCL_ERROR;
        i = aOpt[i].iValue;

      rc = sqlite3_config( i );
      TCL.Tcl_SetResult( interp, sqlite3TestErrorName( rc ), TCL.TCL_VOLATILE );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    //static sqlite3 *getDbPointer(Tcl_Interp *pInterp, TCL.TCL_Obj *pObj){
    //sqlite3 db;
    //Tcl_CmdInfo info;
    //string zCmd = TCL.Tcl_GetString(pObj);
    //if( TCL.Tcl_GetCommandInfo(pInterp, zCmd, &info) ){
    //  db = *((sqlite3 *)info.objClientData);
    //  db = (sqlite3)sqlite3TestTextToPtr(zCmd);
    //Debug.Assert( db );
    //return db;

    static int test_enter_db_mutex(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      sqlite3 db = null;
      if ( objc != 2 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "DB" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;
      getDbPointer( interp, TCL.Tcl_GetString( objv[1] ), out db );
      if ( null == db )
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;
      sqlite3_mutex_enter( sqlite3_db_mutex( db ) );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    static int test_leave_db_mutex(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      sqlite3 db = null;
      if ( objc != 2 )
        TCL.Tcl_WrongNumArgs( interp, 1, objv, "DB" );
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;
      getDbPointer( interp, TCL.Tcl_GetString( objv[1] ), out db );
      if ( null == db )
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;
      sqlite3_mutex_leave( sqlite3_db_mutex( db ) );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    static public int Sqlitetest_mutex_Init( Tcl_Interp interp )
      //static struct {
      //  string zName;
      //  Tcl_ObjCmdProc *xProc;
      _aObjCmd[] aCmd = new _aObjCmd[]{
new _aObjCmd( "sqlite3_shutdown", test_shutdown ), 
new _aObjCmd( "sqlite3_initialize", test_initialize ), 
new _aObjCmd( "sqlite3_config", test_config ), 

new _aObjCmd("enter_db_mutex", test_enter_db_mutex ), 
new _aObjCmd( "leave_db_mutex", test_leave_db_mutex ), 

new _aObjCmd( "alloc_dealloc_mutex", test_alloc_mutex ), 
new _aObjCmd( "install_mutex_counters", test_install_mutex_counters ), 
new _aObjCmd( "read_mutex_counters", test_read_mutex_counters ), 
new _aObjCmd( "clear_mutex_counters", test_clear_mutex_counters ), 
      int i;
      for ( i = 0; i < aCmd.Length; i++ )
      {//sizeof(aCmd)/sizeof(aCmd[0]); i++){
        TCL.Tcl_CreateObjCommand( interp, aCmd[i].zName, aCmd[i].xProc, null, null );

      TCL.Tcl_LinkVar(interp, "disable_mutex_init",disableInit, VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT );
                   //g.disableInit, VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT );
      TCL.Tcl_LinkVar( interp, "disable_mutex_try",disableTry, VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT );
                  //g.disableTry, VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT );
      return SQLITE_OK;