wasCSharpSQLite – Rev

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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;

using i64 = System.Int64;
using u8 = System.Byte;

namespace Community.CsharpSqlite
  using tcl.lang;
  using sqlite3_stmt = Sqlite3.Vdbe;
  using sqlite3_value = Sqlite3.Mem;
  using Tcl_Interp = tcl.lang.Interp;
  using Tcl_Obj = tcl.lang.TclObject;

  public partial class Sqlite3
    ** 2008 March 19
    ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
    ** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
    **    May you do good and not evil.
    **    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
    **    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
    ** Code for testing all sorts of SQLite interfaces.  This code
    ** implements new SQL functions used by the test scripts.
    **  Included in SQLite3 port to C#-SQLite;  2008 Noah B Hart
    **  C#-SQLite is an independent reimplementation of the SQLite software library
    **  SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: 2011-05-19 13:26:54 ed1da510a239ea767a01dc332b667119fa3c908e
    //#include "sqlite3.h"
    //#include "tcl.h"
    //#include <stdlib.h>
    //#include <string.h>
    //#include <assert.h>

    ** Allocate nByte bytes of space using sqlite3Malloc(). If the
    ** allocation fails, call sqlite3_result_error_nomem() to notify
    ** the database handle that malloc() has failed.
    static Object testContextMalloc( sqlite3_context context, int nByte )
      Object z = new Object();// sqlite3Malloc( nByte );
      if ( z == null && nByte > 0 )
        sqlite3_result_error_nomem( context );
      return z;

    ** This function generates a string of random characters.  Used for
    ** generating test data.
    static void randStr( sqlite3_context context, int argc, sqlite3_value[] argv )
      string zSrc =
      "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +
      "0123456789" +
      ".-!,:*^+=_|?/<> ";
      int iMin, iMax, n, i;
      i64 r = 0;

      StringBuilder zBuf = new StringBuilder( 1000 );

      /* It used to be possible to call randstr() with any number of arguments,
      ** but now it is registered with SQLite as requiring exactly 2.
      Debug.Assert( argc == 2 );

      iMin = sqlite3_value_int( argv[0] );
      if ( iMin < 0 )
        iMin = 0;
      if ( iMin >= zBuf.Capacity )
        iMin = zBuf.Capacity - 1;
      iMax = sqlite3_value_int( argv[1] );
      if ( iMax < iMin )
        iMax = iMin;
      if ( iMax >= zBuf.Capacity )
        iMax = zBuf.Capacity - 1;
      n = iMin;
      if ( iMax > iMin )
        sqlite3_randomness( sizeof( i64 ), ref r );
        r &= 0x7fffffff;
        n += (int)( r % ( iMax + 1 - iMin ) );
      Debug.Assert( n < zBuf.Capacity );//sizeof( zBuf ) );
      i64 zRan = 0;
      for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        sqlite3_randomness( 1, ref zRan );
        zBuf.Append( zSrc[(int)( Math.Abs( zRan ) % ( zSrc.Length - 1 ) )] );
      //zBuf[n] = 0;
      sqlite3_result_text( context, zBuf, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );

    ** The following two SQL functions are used to test returning a text
    ** result with a destructor. Function 'test_destructor' takes one argument
    ** and returns the same argument interpreted as TEXT. A destructor is
    ** passed with the sqlite3_result_text() call.
    ** SQL function 'test_destructor_count' returns the number of outstanding
    ** allocations made by 'test_destructor';
    ** WARNING: Not threadsafe.
    static int test_destructor_count_var = 0;
    static void destructor( ref string p )
      string zVal = p;
      Debug.Assert( zVal != null );
      sqlite3DbFree( null, ref zVal );
    static void test_destructor(
    sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
      String zVal;
      int len;

      Debug.Assert( nArg == 1 );
      if ( sqlite3_value_type( argv[0] ) == SQLITE_NULL )
      len = sqlite3_value_bytes( argv[0] );
      zVal = "";//testContextMalloc( pCtx, len + 3 );
      if ( null == zVal )
      //zVal[len+1] = 0;
      //zVal[len+2] = 0;
      zVal = sqlite3_value_text( argv[0] );//memcpy(zVal, sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]), len);

      sqlite3_result_text( pCtx, zVal, -1, destructor );
static void test_destructor16(
//sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
//int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
//sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
string zVal;
int len;

Debug.Assert(nArg==1 );
if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
len = sqlite3_value_bytes16(argv[0]);
zVal = testContextMalloc(pCtx, len+3);
if( null==zVal ){
zVal[len+1] = 0;
zVal[len+2] = 0;
memcpy(zVal, sqlite3_value_text16(argv[0]), len);
sqlite3_result_text16(pCtx, zVal, -1, destructor);

    static void test_destructor_count(
    sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
      sqlite3_result_int( pCtx, test_destructor_count_var );

    ** The following aggregate function, test_agg_errmsg16(), takes zero
    ** arguments. It returns the text value returned by the sqlite3_errmsg16()
    ** API function.
//void sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc(void);
//void sqlite3EndBenignMalloc(void);
  //#define sqlite3BeginBenignMalloc()
  //#define sqlite3EndBenignMalloc()
    static void test_agg_errmsg16_step( sqlite3_context a, int b, sqlite3_value[] c )
    static void test_agg_errmsg16_final( sqlite3_context ctx )
      string z;
      sqlite3 db = sqlite3_context_db_handle( ctx );
      sqlite3_aggregate_context( ctx, 2048 );
      z = sqlite3_errmsg16( db );
      sqlite3_result_text16( ctx, z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT );

    ** Routines for testing the sqlite3_get_auxdata() and sqlite3_set_auxdata()
    ** interface.
    ** The test_auxdata() SQL function attempts to register each of its arguments
    ** as auxiliary data.  If there are no prior registrations of aux data for
    ** that argument (meaning the argument is not a constant or this is its first
    ** call) then the result for that argument is 0.  If there is a prior
    ** registration, the result for that argument is 1.  The overall result
    ** is the individual argument results separated by spaces.
    static void free_test_auxdata( ref string p )
      p = null;
      sqlite3DbFree( null, ref p );
    static void test_auxdata(
    sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
      int i;
      StringBuilder zRet = new StringBuilder( nArg * 2 );//testContextMalloc( pCtx, nArg * 2 );
      if ( null == zRet )
      //memset(zRet, 0, nArg*2);
      for ( i = 0; i < nArg; i++ )
        string z = sqlite3_value_text( argv[i] );
        if ( z != null )
          int n;
          string zAux = (string)sqlite3_get_auxdata( pCtx, i );
          if ( zAux != null )
            zRet.Append( '1' );//[i * 2] = '1';
            Debug.Assert( zAux == z );//strcmp( zAux, z ) == 0 );
            zRet.Append( '0' );//[i * 2] = '0';
          n = z.Length;// strlen( z ) + 1;
          zAux = "";//testContextMalloc( pCtx, n );
          if ( zAux != null )
            zAux = z.Substring( 0, n );// memcpy( zAux, z, n );
            sqlite3_set_auxdata( pCtx, i, zAux );
          zRet.Append( ' ' );// zRet[i * 2 + 1] = ' ';
      sqlite3_result_text( pCtx, zRet, 2 * nArg - 1, free_test_auxdata );

    ** A function to test error reporting from user functions. This function
    ** returns a copy of its first argument as the error message.  If the
    ** second argument exists, it becomes the error code.
    static void test_error(
    sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
      sqlite3_result_error( pCtx, sqlite3_value_text( argv[0] ), -1 );
      if ( nArg == 2 )
        sqlite3_result_error_code( pCtx, sqlite3_value_int( argv[1] ) );

    ** Implementation of the counter(X) function.  If X is an integer
    ** constant, then the first invocation will return X.  The second X+1.
    ** and so forth.  Can be used (for example) to provide a sequence number
    ** in a result set.
    //static void counterFunc(
    //sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    //int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    //sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
    //  int *pCounter = (int)sqlite3_get_auxdata(pCtx, 0);
    //  if( pCounter==0 ){
    //    pCounter = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pCounter) );
    //    if( pCounter==0 ){
    //      sqlite3_result_error_nomem(pCtx);
    //      return;
    //    }
    //    *pCounter = sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]);
    //    sqlite3_set_auxdata(pCtx, 0, pCounter, //sqlite3_free);
    //  }else{
    //    ++*pCounter;
    //  }
    //  sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, *pCounter);

    ** This function takes two arguments.  It performance UTF-8/16 type
    ** conversions on the first argument then returns a copy of the second
    ** argument.
    ** This function is used in cases such as the following:
    **      SELECT test_isolation(x,x) FROM t1;
    ** We want to verify that the type conversions that occur on the
    ** first argument do not invalidate the second argument.
    static void test_isolation(
    sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
      sqlite3_result_value( pCtx, argv[1] );

    ** Invoke an SQL statement recursively.  The function result is the
    ** first column of the first row of the result set.
    static void test_eval(
    sqlite3_context pCtx,     /* Function context */
    int nArg,                 /* Number of function arguments */
    sqlite3_value[] argv      /* Values for all function arguments */
      sqlite3_stmt pStmt = new sqlite3_stmt();
      int rc;
      sqlite3 db = sqlite3_context_db_handle( pCtx );
      string zSql;

      zSql = sqlite3_value_text( argv[0] );
      rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, zSql, -1, ref pStmt, 0 );
      if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
        rc = sqlite3_step( pStmt );
        if ( rc == SQLITE_ROW )
          sqlite3_result_value( pCtx, sqlite3_column_value( pStmt, 0 ) );
        rc = sqlite3_finalize( pStmt );
      if ( rc != 0 )
        string zErr;
        Debug.Assert( pStmt == null );
        zErr = sqlite3_mprintf( "sqlite3_prepare_v2() error: %s", sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );
        sqlite3_result_text( pCtx, zErr, -1, null );//sqlite3_free );
        sqlite3_result_error_code( pCtx, rc );

    class _aFuncs
      public string zName;
      public int nArg;
      public u8 eTextRep; /* 1: UTF-16.  0: UTF-8 */
      public dxFunc xFunc;
      public _aFuncs( string zName, int nArg, u8 eTextRep, dxFunc xFunc )
        this.zName = zName;
        this.nArg = nArg;
        this.eTextRep = eTextRep;
        this.xFunc = xFunc;

    ** convert one character from hex to binary
    static int testHexChar( char c )
      if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
        return c - '0';
      else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
        return c - 'a' + 10;
      else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
        return c - 'A' + 10;
      return 0;

    ** Convert hex to binary.
    static void testHexToBin( string zIn, ref string zOut )
      for ( int zIx = 0; zIx < zIn.Length - 1; zIx += 2 )// zIn[0] && zIn[1] )
        //*(zOut++) = (testHexChar(zIn[0])<<4) + testHexChar(zIn[1]);
        zOut += ( testHexChar( zIn[zIx] ) << 4 ) + testHexChar( zIn[zIx + 1] );
        //zIn += 2;

**      hex_to_utf16be(HEX)
** Convert the input string from HEX into binary.  Then return the
** result using sqlite3_result_text16le().
static void testHexToUtf16be(
  sqlite3_context *pCtx, 
  int nArg,
  sqlite3_value **argv
  int n;
  string zIn;
  string zOut;
  Debug.Assert( nArg==1 );
  n = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
  zIn = (const char)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
  zOut = sqlite3_malloc( n/2 );
  if( zOut==0 ){
    testHexToBin(zIn, zOut);
    sqlite3_result_text16be(pCtx, zOut, n/2, sqlite3_free);

**      hex_to_utf8(HEX)
** Convert the input string from HEX into binary.  Then return the
** result using sqlite3_result_text16le().
    static void testHexToUtf8(
      sqlite3_context pCtx,
      int nArg,
      sqlite3_value[] argv
      int n;
      string zIn;
      string zOut = "";
      Debug.Assert( nArg == 1 );
      n = sqlite3_value_bytes( argv[0] );
      zIn = sqlite3_value_text( argv[0] );
      //zOut = sqlite3_malloc( n/2 );
      //if( zOut==0 ){
      //  sqlite3_result_error_nomem(pCtx);
      testHexToBin( zIn, ref zOut );
      sqlite3_result_text( pCtx, zOut, n / 2, null );//sqlite3_free );

**      hex_to_utf16le(HEX)
** Convert the input string from HEX into binary.  Then return the
** result using sqlite3_result_text16le().
static void testHexToUtf16le(
  sqlite3_context *pCtx, 
  int nArg,
  sqlite3_value **argv
  int n;
  string zIn;
  string zOut;
  Debug.Assert( nArg==1 );
  n = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
  zIn = (const char)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
  zOut = sqlite3_malloc( n/2 );
  if( zOut==0 ){
    testHexToBin(zIn, zOut);
    sqlite3_result_text16le(pCtx, zOut, n/2, sqlite3_free);

    static int registerTestFunctions( sqlite3 db, ref string dummy1, sqlite3_api_routines dummy2 )
      _aFuncs[] aFuncs = new _aFuncs[]  {
new _aFuncs( "randstr",               2, SQLITE_UTF8, randStr    ),
new _aFuncs( "test_destructor",       1, SQLITE_UTF8, test_destructor),
    { "test_destructor16",     1, SQLITE_UTF8, test_destructor16},
    { "hex_to_utf16be",        1, SQLITE_UTF8, testHexToUtf16be},
    { "hex_to_utf16le",        1, SQLITE_UTF8, testHexToUtf16le},
    new _aFuncs(   "hex_to_utf8",           1, SQLITE_UTF8, testHexToUtf8),
new _aFuncs(  "test_destructor_count", 0, SQLITE_UTF8, test_destructor_count),
new _aFuncs(  "test_auxdata",         -1, SQLITE_UTF8, test_auxdata),
new _aFuncs( "test_error",            1, SQLITE_UTF8, test_error),
new _aFuncs( "test_error",            2, SQLITE_UTF8, test_error),
new _aFuncs(  "test_eval",             1, SQLITE_UTF8, test_eval),
new _aFuncs(  "test_isolation",        2, SQLITE_UTF8, test_isolation),
//{ "test_counter",        2, SQLITE_UTF8, counterFunc},
      int i;

      for ( i = 0; i < aFuncs.Length; i++ )
      {//sizeof(aFuncs)/sizeof(aFuncs[0]); i++){
        sqlite3_create_function( db, aFuncs[i].zName, aFuncs[i].nArg,
        aFuncs[i].eTextRep, 0, aFuncs[i].xFunc, null, null );

      sqlite3_create_function( db, "test_agg_errmsg16", 0, SQLITE_ANY, 0, null,
      test_agg_errmsg16_step, test_agg_errmsg16_final );

      return SQLITE_OK;

    ** TCLCMD:  autoinstall_test_functions
    ** Invoke this TCL command to use sqlite3_auto_extension() to cause
    ** the standard set of test functions to be loaded into each new
    ** database connection.
    static int autoinstall_test_funcs(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      //extern int Md5_Register(sqlite3);
      int rc = sqlite3_auto_extension( (dxInit)registerTestFunctions );
      if ( rc == SQLITE_OK )
        rc = sqlite3_auto_extension( (dxInit)Md5_Register );
      TCL.Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, TCL.Tcl_NewIntObj( rc ) );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;

    ** A bogus step function and finalizer function.
    static void tStep( sqlite3_context a, int b, sqlite3_value[] c )
    static void tFinal( sqlite3_context a )

    ** tclcmd:  abuse_create_function
    ** Make various calls to sqlite3_create_function that do not have valid
    ** parameters.  Verify that the error condition is detected and reported.
    static int abuse_create_function(
    object clientdata,
    Tcl_Interp interp,
    int objc,
    Tcl_Obj[] objv
      //extern int getDbPointer(Tcl_Interp*, const char*, sqlite3*);
      sqlite3 db = null;
      int rc;
      int mxArg;

      if ( getDbPointer( interp, TCL.Tcl_GetString( objv[1] ), out db ) != 0 )
        return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, tStep, tFinal );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, tStep, null );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, null, tFinal );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, null, null, tFinal );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, null, tStep, null );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", -2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, null, null );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "tx", 128, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, null, null );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "funcxx" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, null, null );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_MISUSE )
        goto abuse_err;

      /* This last function registration should actually work.  Generate
      ** a no-op function (that always returns NULL) and which has the
      ** maximum-length function name and the maximum number of parameters.
      sqlite3_limit( db, SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG, 10000 );
      mxArg = sqlite3_limit( db, SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG, -1 );
      rc = sqlite3_create_function( db, "nullx" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      "_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789" +
      mxArg, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, tStep, null, null );
      if ( rc != SQLITE_OK )
        goto abuse_err;

      return TCL.TCL_OK;

      TCL.Tcl_AppendResult( interp, "sqlite3_create_function abused test failed"
      return TCL.TCL_ERROR;

    ** Register commands with the TCL interpreter.
    public static int Sqlitetest_func_Init( Tcl_Interp interp )
      //static struct {
      //   string zName;
      //   Tcl_ObjCmdProc *xProc;
      _aObjCmd[] aObjCmd = new _aObjCmd[]  {
new _aObjCmd( "autoinstall_test_functions",    autoinstall_test_funcs ),
new _aObjCmd( "abuse_create_function",         abuse_create_function  ),
      int i;
      //extern int Md5_Register(sqlite3);

      for ( i = 0; i < aObjCmd.Length; i++ )
      {//sizeof(aObjCmd)/sizeof(aObjCmd[0]); i++){
        TCL.Tcl_CreateObjCommand( interp, aObjCmd[i].zName, aObjCmd[i].xProc, null, null );
      sqlite3_auto_extension( (dxInit)registerTestFunctions );
      sqlite3_auto_extension( (dxInit)Md5_Register );
      return TCL.TCL_OK;