corrade-lsl-templates – Rev 43

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########################## START CONFIGURATION ############################

# The "corrade", "group" and "password" settings must correspond to your
# Corrade settings otherwise the script will not work at all.

# Set this to the UUID of the Corrade bot.
# Ecto Resident
corrade = "ced1d317-a32c-443d-a47f-cab329e77948"

# The name of the group - it can also be the UUID of the group.
group = "My Group"

# The password for the group.
password = "mypassword"

# A short nickname for the bot - something you would call it for short.
nickname = "ecto"

# The notification tag - any string you can come up with except the empty string.
notification tag = "119cb10d-3416-4d44-8f42-27c223bba0f3"

# The version that this template is compatible with (no need to change).
version = 11.0

# The character to use for commands.
command = @

# The range for the dice rolling command (inclusive).
roll range = 3,64

# The roles that are eligible for administrative group functions such as "eject".
admin roles = Owners,Officers,Moderators

# Wiki database table.
wiki table = "corrade-eggdrop-wiki"

# The number of records to be retrieved from a namespace.
# This limit works around LSL HTTP limitations not being able to receive more than 2KiB. 
wiki results limit = 15

# How many paths in total should be returned when looking up data.
wiki search limit = 5

# MOTD database table.
motd table = "corrade-eggdrop-motd"

# Database table for jokes.
joke table = "corrade-eggdrop-joke"

# Activity database table.
activity table = "corrade-eggdrop-activity"

# Reminders table
reminders table = "corrade-eggdrop-reminders"

# If the group has a subscription fee, should it be paid back after the new member joined?
pay back = true

# The name of the help notecard in this primitive's inventory.
help card = "Help"

# The name of the home region.
home region = "Puguet Sound"

# This template also processes Discord messages, please see:
# on how to set up the Corrade Group to Discord synchronization.
# The following is a list of Discord user IDs that will be allowed to execute administrative commands.
discord admin = "was#5255"

## Jenkins CI integration
# Jenkins HTTP user and password
jenkins user = jenkins
jenkins password = mainpassword
jenkins host =

########################### END CONFIGURATION #############################