corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 24

Subversion Repositories:
# Changelog
## v1.6.12

### Description

### Closed Issues
* CSS: Preserve Newlines ([#537](

## v1.6.11

### Description
Reverted #1117 - Preserve newlines broken

### Closed Issues
* On beautify, new line before next CSS selector ([#1142](

## v1.6.10

### Description
Added `preserver_newlines` to css beautifier

### Closed Issues

## v1.6.9

### Description
* Fixed html formatting issue with attribute wrap (Thanks, @HookyQR!)
* Fixed python package publishing

### Closed Issues
* Wrong HTML beautification starting with v1.6.5 ([#1115](
* Ignore linebreak when meet handlebar ([#1104](
* Lines are not un-indented correctly when attributes are wrapped ([#1103](
* force-aligned is not aligned when indenting with tabs ([#1102](
* Python package fails to publish  ([#1101](
* Explaination of 'operator_position' is absent from ([#1047](

## v1.6.8

### Description
* Fixed a batch of comment and semicolon-less code bugs

### Closed Issues
* Incorrect indentation after loop with comment ([#1090](
* Extra newline is inserted after beautifying code with anonymous function ([#1085](
* end brace with next comment line make bad indent ([#1043](
* Javascript comment in last line doesn't beautify well ([#964](
* indent doesn't work with comment (jsdoc) ([#913](
* Wrong indentation, when new line between chained methods ([#892](
* Comments in a non-semicolon style have extra indent ([#815](
* [bug] Incorrect indentation due to commented line(s) following a function call with a function argument. ([#713](
* Wrong indent formatting ([#569](

## v1.6.7

### Description
Added `content_unformatted` option (Thanks @arai-a)

### Closed Issues
* HTML pre code indentation ([#928](
* Beautify script/style tags but ignore their inner JS/CSS content ([#906](

## v1.6.6

### Description
* Added support for editorconfig from stdin
* Added js-beautify to cdnjs
* Fixed CRLF to LF for HTML and CSS on windows
* Added inheritance/overriding to config format (Thanks @DaniGuardiola and @HookyQR)
* Added `force-align` to `wrap-attributes` (Thanks @Lukinos)
* Added `force-expand-multiline` to `wrap-attributes` (Thanks @tobias-zucali)
* Added `preserve-inline` as independent brace setting (Thanks @Coburn37)
* Fixed handlebars with angle-braces (Thanks @mmsqe)

### Closed Issues
* Wrong indentation for comment after nested unbraced control constructs ([#1079](
* Should prefer breaking the line after operator ? instead of before operator < ([#1073](
* New option "force-expand-multiline" for "wrap_attributes" ([#1070](
* Breaks if html file starts with comment ([#1068](
* collapse-preserve-inline restricts users to collapse brace_style ([#1057](
* Parsing failure on numbers with "e" ([#1054](
* Issue with Browser Instructions ([#1053](
* Add preserve inline function for expand style braces ([#1052](
* Update years in LICENSE ([#1038](
* JS. Switch with template literals. Unexpected indentation. ([#1030](
* The object with spread object formatted not correctly ([#1023](
* Bad output generator function in class ([#1013](
* Support editorconfig for stdin ([#1012](
* Publish to cdnjs ([#992](
* breaks if handlebars comments contain handlebars tags ([#930](
* Using jsbeautifyrc is broken ([#929](
* Option to put HTML attributes on their own lines, aligned ([#916](
* Erroneously changes CRLF to LF on Windows in HTML and CSS ([#899](
* Weird space in {get } vs { normal } ([#888](
* Bad for-of formatting with constant Array ([#875](
* Problems with filter property in css and scss ([#755](
* Add "collapse-one-line" option for non-collapse brace styles  ([#487](

## v1.6.4

### Description
* Fixed JSX multi-line root element handling 
* Fixed CSS Combinator spacing (NOTE: use `space_around_combinator` option)
* Fixed (more) CSS pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors (Thanks @Konamiman!)
* Fixed Shorthand generator functions and `yield*` (Thanks @jgeurts!)
* Added EditorConfig support (Thanks @ethanluoyc!)
* Added indent_body_inner_html and indent_head_inner_html (Thanks @spontaliku-softaria!)
* Added js-beautify to (Thanks @zxqfox)

### Closed Issues
* css-beautify sibling combinator space issue ([#1001](
* Bug: Breaks when the source code it found an unclosed multiline comment. ([#996](
* CSS: Preserve white space before pseudo-class and pseudo-element selectors ([#985](
* Spelling error in token definition ([#984](
* collapse-preserve-inline does not preserve simple, single line ("return") statements ([#982](
* Publish the library via cdn ([#971](
* Bug with css calc() function ([#957](
* &:first-of-type:not(:last-child) when prettified insert erroneous white character ([#952](
* Shorthand generator functions are formatting strangely ([#941](
* Add handlebars support on cli for html ([#935](
* Do not put a space within `yield*` generator functions. ([#920](
* Possible to add an indent_inner_inner_html option? (Prevent indenting second-level tags) ([#917](
* Messing up jsx formatting ([#914](
* Bug report: Closing 'body' tag isn't formatted correctly ([#900](
* { throw … } not working with collapse-preserve-inline ([#898](
* ES6 concise method not propely indented ([#889](
* CSS beautify changing symantics ([#883](
* Dojo unsupported script types. ([#874](
* Readme version comment  ([#868](
* Extra space after pseudo-elements within :not() ([#618](
* space in media queries after colon &: selectors ([#565](
* Integrating editor config ([#551](
* Preserve short expressions/statements on single line ([#338](

## v1.6.3

### Description
Bug fixes

### Closed Issues
* CLI broken when output path is not set ([#933](
* huge memory leak ([#909](
* don't print unpacking errors on stdout (python) ([#884](
* Fix incomplete list of non-positionable operators (python lib) ([#878](
* Fix Issue #844 ([#873](
* assignment exponentiation operator ([#864](
* Bug in Less mixins ([#844](
* Can't Nest Conditionals ([#680](
* ternary operations ([#670](
* Support newline before logical or ternary operator ([#605](
* Provide config files for format and linting ([#336](

## v1.6.2

### Description

### Closed Issues
* Add missing 'collapse-preserve-inline' option to js module ([#861](

## v1.6.1

### Description
Fixes for regressions found in 1.6.0

### Closed Issues
* Inconsistent formatting for arrays of objects ([#860](
* Publish v1.6.1 ([#859](
* Space added to "from++" due to ES6 keyword  ([#858](
* Changelog generator doesn't sort versions above 9 right ([#778](
* space-after-anon-function not applied to object properties ([#761](
* Separating 'input' elements adds whitespace ([#580](
* Inline Format ([#572](
* Preserve attributes line break in HTML ([#455](
* Multiline Array ([#406](

## v1.6.0

### Description
* Inline/short object and json preservation (all rejoice!)
* ES6 annotations, module import/export, arrow functions, concise methods, and more
* JSX spread attributes
* HTML wrap attributes, inline element fixes, doctype and php fixes
* Test framework hardening
* Windows build fixed and covered by appveyor continuous integration

### Closed Issues
* Individual tests pollute options object ([#855](
* Object attribute assigned fat arrow function with implicit return of a ternary causes next line to indent ([#854](
* Treat php tags as single in html ([#850](
* Read piped input by default ([#849](
* Replace makefile dependency with bash script ([#848](
* list of HTML inline elements incomplete; wraps inappropriately ([#840](
* Beautifying bracket-less if/elses ([#838](
* <col> elements within a <colgroup> are getting indented incorrectly ([#836](
* single attribute breaks jsx beautification ([#834](
* Improve Python packaging ([#831](
* Erroneously changes CRLF to LF on Windows. ([#829](
* Can't deal with XHTML5 ([#828](
* HTML after PHP is indented ([#826](
* exponentiation operator ([#825](
* Add support for script type "application/ld+json" ([#821](
* package.json: Remove "preferGlobal" option ([#820](
* Don't use array.indexOf() to support legacy browsers ([#816](
* ES6 Object Shortand Indenting Weirdly Sometimes ([#810](
* Implicit Return Function on New Line not Preserved ([#806](
* Misformating "0b" Binary Strings ([#803](
* Beautifier breaks ES6 nested template strings ([#797](
* Misformating "0o" Octal Strings ([#792](
* Do not use hardcoded directory for tests ([#788](
* Handlebars {{else}} tag not given a newline ([#784](
* Wrong indentation for XML header (<?xml version="1.0"?>) ([#783](
* is_whitespace for loop incrementing wrong variable ([#777](
* Newline is inserted after comment with comma_first ([#775](
* Cannot copy more than 1000 characters out of CodeMirror buffer ([#768](
* Missing 'var' in beautify-html.js; breaks strict mode ([#763](
* Fix typo in the example javascript code of index.html ([#753](

## v1.5.10

### Description
Hotfix for directives
Version jump due to release script tweaks

### Closed Issues
* Preserve directive doesn't work as intended ([#723](

## v1.5.7

### Description
* Beautifier does not break PHP and Underscore.js templates
* Fix for SCSS pseudo classes and intperpolation/mixins
* Alternative Newline Characters in CSS and HTML
* Preserve formatting or completely ignore section of javascript using comments

### Closed Issues
* Support for legacy JavaScript versions (e.g. WSH+JScript & Co) ([#720](
* Is \\n hard coded into CSS Beautifier logic? ([#715](
* Spaces and linebreaks after # and around { } messing up interpolation/mixins (SASS/SCSS) ([#689](
* Calls to functions get completely messed up in Sass (*.scss) ([#675](
* No new line after selector in scss files ([#666](
* using html-beautify on handlebars template deletes unclosed tag if on second line ([#623](
* more Extra space after scss pseudo classes ([#557](
* Unnecessary spaces in PHP code ([#490](
* Some underscore.js template tags are broken ([#417](
* Selective ignore using comments (feature request) ([#384](

## v1.5.6

### Description
* JSX support!
* Alternative Newline Characters
* CSS and JS comment formatting fixes 
* General bug fixing

### Closed Issues
* Fix tokenizer's bracket pairs' open stack ([#693](
* Indentation is incorrect for HTML5 void tag <source> ([#692](
* Line wrapping breaks at the wrong place when the line is indented. ([#691](
* Publish v1.5.6 ([#687](
* Replace existing file fails using python beautifier ([#686](
* Pseudo-classes formatted incorrectly and inconsistently with @page ([#661](
* doc: add end_with_newline option ([#650](
* Improve support for xml parts of jsx (React) => spaces, spread attributes and nested objects break the process ([#646](
* html-beautify formats handlebars comments but does not format html comments ([#635](
* Support for ES7 async ([#630](
* css beautify adding an extra newline after a comment line in a css block ([#609](
* No option to "Indent with tabs" for HTML files ([#587](
* Function body is indented when followed by a comment ([#583](
* JSX support ([#425](
* Alternative Newline Characters ([#260](

## v1.5.5

### Description
* Initial implementation of comma-first formatting - Diff-friendly literals!
* CSS: Add newline between rules
* LESS: improved function parameter formatting
* HTML: options for wrapping attributes
* General bug fixing

### Closed Issues
* Add GUI support for `--indent-inner-html`. ([#633](
* Publish v1.5.5 ([#629](
* CSS: Updating the documentation for the 'newline_between_rules' ([#615](
* Equal Sign Removed from Filter Properties Alpha Opacity Assignment ([#599](
* Keep trailing spaces on comments ([#598](
* only print the file names of changed files ([#597](
*  CSS: support add newline between rules ([#574](
* elem[array]++ changes to elem[array] ++ inserting unnecessary gap ([#570](
* add support to less functions paramters braces ([#568](
* selector_separator_newline: true for Sass doesn't work ([#563](
* yield statements are being beautified to their own newlines since 1.5.2 ([#560](
* HTML beautifier inserts extra newline into `<li>`s ending with `<code>` ([#524](
* Add wrap_attributes option ([#476](
* Add or preserve empty line between CSS rules ([#467](
* Support comma first style of variable declaration ([#245](

## v1.5.4

### Description
* Fix for LESS/CSS pseudo/classes
* Fix for HTML img tag spaces

### Closed Issues
* TypeScript oddly formatted with 1.5.3 ([#552](
* HTML beautifier inserts double spaces between adjacent tags ([#525](
* Keep space in font rule ([#491](
* [Brackets plug in] Space after </a> disappears ([#454](
* Support nested pseudo-classes and parent reference (LESS) ([#427](
* Alternate approach: preserve single spacing and treat img as inline element ([#415](

## v1.5.3

### Description
* High priority bug fixes
* Major fixes to css-beautifier to not blow up LESS/SCSS
* Lower priority bug fixes that were very ugly

### Closed Issues
* [TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined] ([#548](
* Bug with RegExp ([#547](
* Odd behaviour on less ([#520](
* css beauitify ([#506](
* Extra space after scss pseudo classes. ([#500](
* Generates invalid scss when formatting ampersand selectors ([#498](
* bad formatting of .less files using @variable or &:hover syntax ([#489](
* Incorrect beautifying of CSS comment including an url. ([#466](
* Handle SASS parent reference &: ([#414](
* Js-beautify breaking selectors in less code.  ([#410](
* Problem with "content" ([#364](
* Space gets inserted between function and paren for function in Define  ([#313](
* beautify-html returns null on broken html ([#301](
* Indentation of functions inside conditionals not passing jslint ([#298](

## v1.5.2

### Description
* Improved indenting for statements, array, variable declaration, "Starless" block-comments
* Support for bitwise-not, yield, get, set, let, const, generator functions
* Reserved words can be used as object property names
* Added options: space_after_anon_function, end-with-newline
* Properly tokenize Numbers (including decimals and exponents)
* Do not break "x++ + y"
* function declaration inside array behaves the same as in expression
* Close String literals at newline
* Support handlebar syntax 
* Check `<script>` "type"-attribute
* Allow `<style>` and `<script>` tags to be unformatted
* Port css nesting fix to python
* Fix python six dependency
* Initial very cursory support for ES6 module, export, and import

### Closed Issues
* Allow custom elements to be unformatted ([#540](
* Need option to ignore brace style ([#538](
* Refactor to Output and OutputLine classes ([#536](
* Recognize ObjectLiteral on open brace ([#535](
* Refactor to fully tokenize before formatting ([#530](
* Cleanup checked in file ([#527](
* ([#526](
* New line added between each css declaration ([#523](
* Kendo Template scripts get messed up! ([#516](
* SyntaxError: Unexpected token ++ ([#514](
* space appears before open square bracket when the object name is "set" ([#508](
* Unclosed string problem ([#505](
* "--n" and "++n" are not indented like "n--" and "n++" are... ([#495](
* Allow `<style>` and `<script>` tags to be unformatted ([#494](
* Preserve new line at end of file ([#492](
* Line wraps breaking numbers (causes syntax error) ([#488](
* jsBeautify acts differently when handling different kinds of function expressions ([#485](
* AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups' ([#479](
* installation doco for python need update -- pip install six? ([#478](
* Move einars/js-beautify to beautify-web/js-beautify ([#475](
* Bring back space_after_anon_function ([#474](
* fix for #453, Incompatible handlebar syntax ([#468](
* Python: missing explicit dependency on "six" package ([#465](
* function declaration inside array, adds extra line.  ([#464](
* [es6] yield a array ([#458](
* Publish v1.5.2 ([#452](
* Port css colon character fix to python  ([#446](
* Cannot declare object literal properties with unquoted reserved words ([#440](
* Do not put a space within `function*` generator functions. ([#428](
* beautification of "nth-child" css fails csslint ([#418](

## v1.5.1

### Description
* Fixes var declaration of objects and arrays to indent correctly (#256, #430)
* Support keywords as IdentifierNames such as foo.catch() (#309, #351,#368, #378)
* Improved indenting for statements (#289)
* Improved ES6 support - let, const, template strings, and "fat arrow"
* Support for non-ASCII characters in variable names (#305)
* Multiple fixes to requirejs support and added tests to protect in future
* Improved LESS support (still plenty of room for improvement in this area)
* Do not add space after !!

### Closed Issues
* Nested if statements not displayed correctly ([#450](
* preserve_newlines always true ([#449](
* line wrapping breaks in weird places ([#438](
* Update dependencies to current versions ([#437](
* Add support for ES6 template strings ([#434](
* Fix #402: support ES6 fat arrow ([#433](
* Ending brace missaligned when part of first definition in var line ([#430](
* fixing disabled line wrapping for HTML ([#429](
* Missing semi colon ([#420](
* Fixed require.js support ([#416](
* should not split the es6 operator '=>' ([#402](
* fixed relative paths for require.js ([#387](
* Support reserved words as property names ([#378](
* Make the AMD API match the rest of the APIs ([#376](
* Preserve newlines in html related to issue #307 ([#375](
* Multi-line statements ([#374](
* Reserved words used as property/function/variable identifiers are formatted incorrectly ([#368](
* fixed problems with colon character ([#363](
* require.JS paths are hardcoded in beautify-html.js  ([#359](
* Regression in p.a.c.ked file detection ([#357](
* Fix Issue #339 ([#354](
* Added single line comment support in less/sass for javascript parser ([#353](
* Function named 'in' not formatting correctly ([#351](
* CSS Pseudo element ([#346](
* array closing brace error for return statements with keep_array_indentation ([#340](
* CSS Beautifier: breaks :before and :after (regression) ([#339](
* Publish v1.5.0  ([#335](
* "keep array indentation" not working ([#333](
* CSS Beautifier: support LESS/SASS line comments ([#326](
* Incorrect formating with semicolon-less code ([#323](

## v1.4.2

### Description
Release quick fix for python errno error that has started being more heavily reported
Initial release of css beautifier ported to python
Additional minor fixes and enhancements

### Closed Issues
* global name 'errno' is not defined ([#352](
* import errno for errno.EEXIST ([#349](
* Added bower.json ([#343](
* HTML wrap-line-length: 0 doesn't work ([#342](
* Make beautify.js, beautify-html.js, beautify-css.js available in bower ([#341](
* Making .jsbeautifyrc resolve work (in general and for Windows re home dir) ([#334](
* windows 8 error: path.js:204         throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.join must be strings'); ([#300](
* Port beautify-css to python ([#204](

## v1.4.1

### Description
Incremental fixes and improvements 

### Closed Issues
* Tests borked when running from web ([#332](
* wrap_line_length isn't enforced for property values ([#331](
* Have no empty line between comment and function ([#329](
* Add new line at the end of the file (html-beautify) ([#325](
* Space in empty parentheses ([#322](
* Handlebars ([#321](
* Space in empty parentheses ([#320](
* The indent_with_tabs option did not work when required in node, only CLI. ([#319](
* add option to indent "inner HTML"... ([#312](
* Wrong format of HTML textnode containing multipe words ([#306](
* Repair to work in windows ([#304](
* make export object the same with common and amd methods ([#303](
* jshint cleanup and make require.js optimizable ([#302](
* E4X xml-literal allowed xml-characters ([#294](
* Publish 1.4.1 ([#292](
* Blank line inserted between function and preceding comment ([#291](
* Add tests for beautify-html.js ([#211](

## v1.4.0

### Description
Given the breadth of the changes in the code and api, bump to 1.4.0 for the next release.

### Closed Issues
* Fix major performance degradation from minimal indenting ([#288](
* Minimal indenting ([#286](
* Empty lines are removed in HTML and CSS, and also adds trailing spaces ([#285](
* npmjs cli options incomplete ([#283](
* Publish 1.4.0 ([#282](
* Blocks, arrays, and expressions over indented ([#281](
* Keeping New lines inside markup ([#280](
* E4X xml-literal small fixes ([#279](
* Add support for Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API ([#274](
* fixed broken run tests script ([#255](
* Ending parenthesis in function call ([#239](
* Preventing line breaks around Unformatted tags ([#105](
* IE conditional HTML comments don't play well with the rest of the document ([#91](